Original Seeker

Chapter 239

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“Are you sure you want to put the battle power evaluation center here?” Chen Bo stopped Bai Mo when he was about to leave after the test.

“Tianqing is too crowded. As a capital, it has assumed too many functions and carried an excessive number of people. I think it would be better to place it as a satellite city.”

“Didn’t expect you still have some ideas about city planning, but such small things are up to you, and the military simulation system is also left to you to handle.”

“My four Clones have arrived at the headquarters of each of the four War Zones and are responsible for the installation of each War Zone simulation combat system.”

“With this, you can start preparing for the counter-attack First Step.”

“I can write a simulation program for underwater combat soon. Now that the hardware is installed, the reality of the simulation depends on the level of your artistry. After all, I’m not good at this.”

“We never lack talent.”

2 people quickly completed the exchange of information and left in different directions.

After the acceptance of the Spirit Energy Network project in Tianzhong City, Huaya Federation started network construction in 2 other cities as the second phase of the project at the same time.

If not for financial pressure, they even plan to launch Spirit Energy Network projects in more than 20 key cities across the country at the same time.

However, at the current growth rate of Bai Mo ’s Original Substance, he can barely support the consumption of 3 cities at the same time. He is actually making a big bet that his Original Substance can be supplied to several cities.

Because the core component of the entire network is actually a rune drawn with a spiritual liquid infiltrated with Original Substance, without the control of Original Substance, Spirit Energy will not flow in the network at all.

Of course, from the control center’s point of view, it is the computer in front of them, or more precisely, these people, who would have thought that the wires would have their own consciousness.

Bai Mo uses his own power to restore a state similar to the flow of electrons in a conductor, supporting the operation of the entire network behind the scenes.

“Ten times the ability?” He tested it by consuming the lowest divine sense, and quickly came to the conclusion that in Tianzhong City he could roughly use the ten times strength of his original ability.

This is a very terrifying range, meaning that Bai Mo can kill anyone in Tianzhong City, even those of Mysterious Flower Realm, in the face of him who has ten times the ability, it is not easy to insist on one minute .

But killing them is meaningless. His bonus can only take effect within the coverage of the network, and there is also the most fatal weakness-nuclear power plants.

Energy cannot come out of thin air. To achieve this output that exceeds the limits of the body, there must be support from a nuclear power plant outside the city.

Once it is destroyed, everything goes back to its original shape.

Bai Mo did not make much use of the ability, so as not to let them see the clues, he planned to wait for the control of the energy storage monitor, and then to learn the ability of this skyrocketing tenfold.

“50000 people fell into a coma because they had read a sutra in Suzhe City ?! Wang Qiong! What did you do!” Chen Bo immediately summoned Wang Qiong, the processor at the time, into the office after receiving the report from his subordinates.

“Representative Chen, I … die!”

I saw Wang Qiong originally wanted to explain, but suddenly his pupils were shining brightly, and he launched a suicide attack on Chen Bo, and various huge might spirit techniques threw them at each other desperately.

Because the two people are only a few meters apart, Chen Bo’s protection of mysterious flower is not fully turned on, so he was slightly injured in front of Wang Qiong who was assassinated by the riot.

“Bang!” He stepped back, blocking the wall of the office with his back, and finally pulled away enough distance.

“Is this controlled?”

“Who has this ability user who can control a Fusion Stage?”


A bunch of questions quickly flashed through Chen Bo’s head.

Seeing that the other party has completed preparations, the possibility of assassination is slim, and the controlled Wang Qiong has launched Self-destruction outrageously!

The Self-destruction of a Fusion Stage ability user can at least keep the surrounding 100 meters without a live mouth, but how can Chen Bo let the other party launch this explosion in the center of Tianqing.

He used a lot of mysterious flowers to wrap up the exploding Wang Qiong one after another, and used his own mysterious flowers to offset the formidable power of the explosion, so that the government building would not collapse.

“Peng!” Mysterious flower wrapped in Wang Qiong came a muffled sound, and was reborn in an instant.

Although the speed of destruction is much faster than the speed of regeneration, the explosion is only a matter of in a spurt of energy, and it is soon overwhelmed by the endless mysterious flower, and all the formidable power is also controlled. Any additional damage is caused outside.

“Check this matter thoroughly! Also, let Wen Jian come over.” Chen Bo, who had packed the endgame, was very angry, and the secretary next to him was also trembling with fear.

Wang Qiong is his own son’s expert. Now that such a thing has happened, he is in a good mood.

Since the text of Suzhe City has been made public, 1000000 people have come here to talk about it, driving the local accommodation and consumption level up.

Before and after, there are 10000 people who feel that they have either acquired the ability or the existing ability has been strengthened. It is these good news that keeps coming, letting more people enter this big pit.

This time, those who fell into a coma are precisely these 10000 people who have benefited.

After this happened, Suzhe City immediately launched a severe crackdown, prohibiting anyone from continuing to read this incantation anywhere, and began martial law throughout the city, waiting for a thorough investigation by the superior investigation team.

“Despite falling into a coma, the brain waves are still very active, as if thinking at high speed every moment.” A brain specialist in a Suzhe City hospital is discussing this strange phenomenon.

In order to treat the 10000 unconscious people, more than 100 hospitals in more than a dozen nearby cities have all dispatched them and received them in their respective wards.

The huge amount of money needed to maintain the daily survival of these 10000 people will be paid by family members from all over the place. As for a small number of people who have no family claim, they will be temporarily paid by the government.

Since being able to interface with supercomputers, Bai Mo ’s true body has rarely left the conduction compartment. With the help of the horror computing and simulation capabilities of Star One, his work efficiency has been greatly improved again.

So even though he was very interested in this matter, he just sent a lively Clone to Suzhe City.

He had seen something like an incantation a few months ago, but Bai Mo, who had never believed in the pie in the sky, was just left behind with a smile.

“There is still such a fun incantation. Continuously nagging alone can make 10000 people fall into a coma. Is it possible that is alien black technology?”

After being in contact with two Aliens in a row, Bai Mo encountered this obviously illogical thing. The first reaction was the ghost of Alien.

It’s just that there is no evidence yet, and he hasn’t started the investigation yet, so it’s hard to draw any conclusions.

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