Original Seeker

Chapter 244

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Several people who knew the real situation of Zhang Xu were quite excited at this time.

They also didn’t expect. They have been immersed in cultivation. This guy who rarely communicates with other people will become the first person to break through the Martial Way.

After the death of Hua Taishan, several people from Hua Changjiang invested more of the resources they controlled in the Miwu seminar in order to continue to carry on with the other 7 factions in the 2-member council.

They also once again secretly contacted Bai Mo, but in the end did not persuade success, but only got a guarantee from him, if the final struggle is invalid, he will let them leave Huaya safely.

It gathers a part of the Martial Way elites selected from more than 100000000 million people in the Huaaya Federation, and a part of powerhouses from abroad. The Miwu seminar was originally hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

The headquarters in Tianqing is an abyss that cannot be seen in the end.

There are very few people who open the Martial Way Nine Acupoints cultivation base, partly because they are used by Spirit Pivot and other system power threshold cards like Bai Mo, and the other is the cultivation of painstaking cultivation like Zhang Xu, and rarely disclose their things to the outside world. .

Originally alone in the association, Zhang Xu, who had only a few friends, walked out of the clean room, but found that there were already a large number of people around the door, waiting quietly for himself.

“Are you successful?” Zhang Xu, who looked at the golden light all over his body, was asking this question, wanting to confirm his conjecture.

After the rumors just spread, a large number of people on the scene already knew that the person in front of them was likely to reach the new peak of Martial Way.

“En!” He was nodded, but because he couldn’t grasp the power of inflation, he accidentally stepped on the floor tile.

The news of Zhang Xu breakthrough’s success immediately spread through the entire world through various channels, so that all the people of the cultivation Martial Way were cheered up and strengthened their confidence in cultivation.

At the same time, it also made many people rethink Huaya’s political situation and study the impact of this new disturbance on the Seven Members Conference in the future.

Powerhouse politics has begun to penetrate into everyone’s thinking. The birth of every Mysterious Flower Realm powerhouse will almost always change the pattern of a region.

Because of the protection of mysterious flowers, they are no longer afraid of conventional equivalent nuclear weapon attacks.

To kill them wrapped in a thick turtle shell, if only relying on the Fusion Stage’s ability user, at least 30 to 50 people are required to participate in the siege, and then pay heavy casualties before they have the opportunity to kill by virtue of their strength.

With the passage of time, the volume of mysterious flower will continue to increase slowly, making them each and everyone more difficult to kill. Eventually, it may become the same as Sakazuki, able to count 100 enemies without falling down.

Unlike the mysterious flower, which can only be briefly separated from the body, the physical Dharma Idol can be away from the body for as long as Clone and perform some dangerous tasks.

Or it can be deformed to zoom in and out, blessed to commonly used weapons, and temporarily increase its strength. But as a price, the physical protection of Dharma Idol is lower than mysterious flower.

“Did someone break through?” Bai Mo in Tianqing heard the news immediately, but then he didn’t pay attention.

Clone, with a halo of twisted cognitive spirit technique, walked alone on the street of Suzhe City, walking in the direction of the appointment.

From the perspective of the ordinary person, Clone walking on the road is a humble passer-by, and he will never deal with him.

Although this small spirit technique is not effective for cultivators, the number of Huaya cultivators does not exceed 3% of the total population, which is completely sufficient for him who just wants to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After all, the ability user like a ghost is the focus of the ordinary person.

“Long time no see.” Bai Mo dragged a tentacle and went straight into a room, saying hello to the little girl inside.

In Clone’s spiritual vision, the little girl wearing Goethe-Lolly in front of her eyes is just a shell. A divine tree with countless rhizomes protruding into the void grows out of the back of the head. It should be its true body.

“Why did you become the same energy body as us?”

“You can use the human body, why can’t I have a few energy Clone?” He responded with a smile.

“The thing is returned to you first, and he won’t sell the other one.” Bai Mo threw his tentacle to the little girl.

“That Swordsman! After I deal with this matter, it will definitely make him look good!” After the tentacles reached the girl’s hand, they immediately merged into the invisible giant tree behind them again.

“If you are going to Tianqing to find him, there are a few of them, 80% of you will become experimental material.” Bai Mo teased the fact that he extinguished his revenge.

“What should I call you now?” He then asked.

“It will be Yu Xi soon.” Little girl adjusted the skirt.

“What the hell are you doing?” Bai Mo asked his question directly, “Use these people’s brains to expand their computing capabilities? But you, the aggregate of will, don’t need to worry about this problem.

Bai Mo quickly overthrew his guess after the understood was met by Ghost King in Tianhai.

It is itself a creature composed of several million pieces of will. If it is not the crazy infighting caused by schizophrenia, the thinking ability can definitely be comparable to the level above Ten Thousand Thoughts in Bai Mo’s vision.

“Anyway, there is no way to stop it. It’s okay to chat.” Little girl said as a villain.

“Originally, my will has dominated the competition in the past few years, forcing all the others to deal with me. Later, I felt that the constant internal friction was meaningless except for the strength of the true body, so I decided Such a plan. “

“With the talent ability of our aggregate of will, we use incantation to attract a group of people’s Spiritual Fluctuation into our spiritual resonance circle.”

“Then according to the plan, let these will not be along with me resonate with each other and enter into one’s body for Seize Body For Rebirth.”

“Of course, this kind of seizure is a life and death arrogance, but a gamble is always better than the ending that I ate.”

“Your plan is good, but I still have 2 questions to ask.”

“First, can you teach me how to build a resonant network; second, why would Wen Jian cut off your tentacles before dozens of comatose people suddenly burst their brains?”

“The first thing is hard, just like you have no way to teach me to breathe. For me, an aggregate of will, it is an instinct to resonate with other wills.”

“Before they succeeded in winning the house, they still shared the body with me. The bastard used a soul-slaying sword! Even the part that was taking them away was killed.”

“Why are you okay?”

“The ones who died under his sword were all weak spirits. I’m the strongest, how could something happen.” Said the little girl, cheering.

“Let’s sell this set, I can see the big tree behind your head.”

“You don’t care about these 10000 lives?” It suddenly asked such a question.

“The people I have personally cut have almost this number. When you are alive, you are also an individual. All memories are also human memories. Should n’t I ask you this question?” Bai Mo asked back. .

“Ah … people have different paths.” The little girl started to play silly.

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