Original Seeker

Chapter 257

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The psychology of the onlookers will naturally not believe this confusion, but no matter whether they believe or not, they have to show a belief. The 2 people are really doing “friendly” communication.

The original idea of 鈥嬧€婦iving Soul Scripture by Hua Gai was that Hua Taishan thought that there were too few people who could act as his own whetstone, so he planned to split the impurities in his own will into a split soul, and within the body he continuously combated with the main soul to make himself himself. Whetstone.

But there is a big problem with this method, that is, he still knows too little about illusory’s soul, and the rash can cause irreparable damage.

So until the end, he still didn’t try his guess, but handed it to Bai Mo.

Bai Mo also felt that he was relatively unfamiliar with this field. He didn’t plan to cultivate himself before the method was mature. So he combined his things on Thousand Souls Scripture and improved it slightly, and then communicated with some people in the seminar.

In the end, only Zhang Xu, who is most confident in himself, is willing to give a try based on his understanding and modification of this method, and then succeeds in one fell swoop, stepping out of this step.

“Even after this modification, Dividing Soul Scripture still needs a large amount of spirit material to supplement when cultivating, otherwise the consumption of souls will hollow out the soul of people.” Zhang Xu looked after 2 people discussing The revised Canva Dividing Soul Scripture said.

“At least the safety is improved. It is a water mill effort to reduce consumption. It takes a long time to gradually improve.” Bai Mo does not care about the consumption of resources, safety and effectiveness are the first.

“People who can afford acupoint cultivation should not have too much pressure, but for more ordinary people who are educated with a martial heart, the consumption of 1000000 million per year is still too high.”

“Take your time, don’t forget, we have time, and it is not extravagant to achieve a small goal in 30-50 years.”

“The martial artist struggles all his life. I ca n鈥檛 learn your mentality. I also have no way to understand the source of your Martial Way accumulation. It can be no worse than me.”

After the trial missed, Zhang Xu calmly analyzed the strength comparison between the two sides and knew that he still had to beat Bai Mo, but there was a problem. This was just a clone of the other side …

While the two were communicating, Bai Mo’s other thoughts were dealing with whimsy from countless people, and some of them were selected for practical experiments.

The immense wealth he has mastered has made it possible for many people to imagine plans that can only be imagined. In order to carry more experiments, testing grounds has begun to expand again.

Everyone who participates in the battle power assessment will be impressed by the generosity of Mental Power and Perception, although it is really difficult to decrypt the contents.

The stronger Mental Power, the more insights and imprints you can get in Mirror World, but this World is like an endless treasure trove of knowledge, at least with their ability, it will never reach the end.

Every day, the knowledge stored in this mirror world increases, as Bai Mo continuously sorts out the insights that they have gained from the crowd, and then puts some of them into it.

This quickly formed a cycle of positive feedback. Originally, it only depended on the accumulation of his own. The above insights will be hollowed out after a lot of people’s efforts because it is impossible for him to take in information by himself. Compared to the sum of countless ability users.

But now it 鈥檚 actually Bai Mo who used the ideas and insights he provided as an introduction, and became the first thrust to drive the cycle. In fact, most of them were the drift bottle communication between the people who participated in the test, instead of him alone and all Tester’s wrestling.

He dwells in the cloud, and quickly expands his strength by constantly absorbing the thinking of many ability users.

At the same time, with the advent of the VR network, sharpen yourself with endless battles.

It is not only Bai Mo that has similar plans, but many people have the idea of 鈥嬧€媌orrowing chickens to lay eggs.

In order to find volunteers willing to test, Bai Mo shared the Huagai Dividing Soul Scripture to many people at the time, and Shi Huachong, who was also at the Miwu seminar, was one of them.

He also made significant changes to the Dividing Soul Scripture, and then completely changed its direction and turned it into a method that can split multiple thoughts, similar to the Thousand Souls Scripture.

But the biggest difference is that his thoughts can be attached to people who are weaker than him, and at the same time sharpen his will through their battles.

For low-level ability users who are not in the Spiritual Movement Stage and have no Life Field, such attachment cannot be perceived at all. The technique he created was named “Moving Spirit Technique” by him.

Many powerhouses have started various actions in order to further strengthen. Of course, the fundamental problem is this World not at all inheritance. The road is confused, so that everyone must make a surprise.

As a cloth person, naturally you do not want to be a chess piece, but want to jump out of the chessboard, the best way is naturally to become stronger continuously!

“Refer to” Inextinguishable Body “, design it twice, and then cultivate a special food for yourself?” Bai Mo, who had just fought a round in VR, saw such an idea.

The idea comes from a Level 4 mid-level capability user, who is only one step away from Fusion Perfection and has started to consciously touch Mysterious Flower Realm.

After learning that breaking through Mysterious Flower Realm requires an unusually large accumulation, he came up with the idea, but the result leaked to Bai Mo during the battle power test.

“Like the previous Vampire, the feasibility of farming a batch of food specially designed for yourself is still very high. Vampire itself is a stocked food designed for Sakazuki.”

“But the time period seems to be too long. From now on, it will take at least two or three years to get the first harvest. It is also a question of whether there will be corresponding value at that time.”

However, in the end Bai Mo decided to invest some effort in studying this cultivation technique of “Inextinguishable Body” in detail, trying to design a most suitable food cultivation method for himself.

Although it is only a precautionary plan, maybe one day if you really need to make a comeback, you can accumulate huge strength as quickly as Sakazuki, and it can be regarded as a secret hand.

Chivalry is banned by martial arts, and ambition is naturally nurtured with strength. The emergence of spiritual energy not at all gives peace to this planet, where war has almost ceased for thousands of years, but has intensified the intensity of the struggle.

Except for the Huaya Federation and the United States, which are under the control of the powerful government, most places have become more unstable, ambitious stirs up the flames everywhere, and those with power are motivated to think and communicate.

The battle between Holy Light Religion and One Wheel Religion has never stopped. The two sects are monotheistic, and they are destined not to live together peacefully.

And the loss of power interference and the complete chaos of Africa is even more chaotic … Except in South Africa, the ideal country test field established by Hou Zi, he maintained order with absolute power and implemented his justice.

Frequent wars in the new era have also revived an ancient profession鈥攕lave merchants. Some people will disappear on the ground with frequent wars.

There is always a large number of unknown and dangerous experiments in the research of spiritual energy by various organizations. Very few people are willing to sacrifice for the research cause. At this time, it is necessary to obtain experimental subjects through some disgraceful means.

Located in Tianqing Northern Section, after the expansion, the area is close to the size of a city, and Bai Mo’s personal testing grounds are one of the world’s largest experimental input points.

It is naturally impossible to hide the people who are in charge of the entire country, but in their view, using foreign slaves and domestic death row to explore the way for Huaya 鈥檚 cultivation is not a problem, at least it does not harm the good people in their country.

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