Original Seeker

Chapter 261

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Half a day later, the exercises just got a glance, and Bai Mo had to study some of the details of the implementation of the Fengshen plan.

Without his assistance, the probability of success is almost zero. To divert the huge Power of Faith to the right place as much as possible, a person with extremely high Mental Power strength is required to guide it. Live this tsunami of faith.

In the final analysis, Power of Faith is also a type of mental energy that can be used in various ways.

The reason why he left the testing grounds this time is mainly to test whether he has really controlled the invisible assimilation ability of white light.

Confer God Ceremony On that day, he needed to be physically present, and then accidentally assimilated a few 1000000 ordinary people, and things were in trouble.

Using the continuously laid Spirit Energy Network to support the proliferation of its Original Substance, Bai Mo can feel his power growing every minute and every second.

However, he also found a problem: As he quickly became stronger, although the absolute value of the increase in the Spirit Energy Network System did not decrease, the rate of increase was continuously decreasing.

When he originally planned, he expected that the network covering the entire Huaya Federation would give him a power increase of several thousand times at that time, becoming a real “God above the Earth”.

But today, after stepping into Mysterious Flower Realm, the accumulation of endless resources, the continuous growth of Original Substance, and the power of the VR network brought together by the blowout 3, his strength has been more than ten years ago when the plan began Times, and still do not see a bottleneck that suppresses growth.

Bai Mo began to wonder how much of the growth rate he would bring to himself when the network was laid out more than a decade later.

For an ordinary person with a monthly income of 1000 ordinary people, ten million is enough to completely change fate; but for a 100000000 10000 rich man, ten million is not very meaningful, and he is facing this problem now.

At this time, he is still surrounded by soft white light, because these white lights are essentially a collection of large amounts of information, and the Energy Space Mystery that absorbs energy ca n’t absorb them completely, only part of them can be pressed into within the body.

On the day of the ceremony, more than 300 10000 ordinary people were divided into a square matrix of 10000 people, and the altar was surrounded densely in the middle.

In order to avoid accidents, a large number of cultivators are scattered around to maintain the order of the team.

In addition to the people who have been allowed to enter the Central Region, soldiers are everywhere on the outermost perimeter, responsible for intercepting any uninvited guests who try to break in.

Huaya Federation held the Confer God Ceremony in the entire world. It has already been in full swing. Some of them are similar to Cheng Mu. They are all stuck in the cultivation of the spiritual energy transformation bottleneck. The rich people closely follow the ceremony.

If two of them can really succeed, many rich people may change their minds and consider such a path. For them, money is just a number, if money can really exchange power directly, it is quite cost-effective.

Conferring God Immortality, this is a beautiful vision both in the East and the West.

In addition to some important tasks, Huaya’s senior executives attended almost all of them at the venue. They were also curious. What exactly is Bai Mo’s plan to protect the gods and whether he can gain something from it.

God, who can artificially create battle power comparable to Mysterious Flower Realm ability user, many of the cultivators still staying in Fusion Stage feel too incredible.

The leader of the Miwu Seminar was Zhang Xu. During these 2 years, he was finally able to control himself perfectly, allowing the photoreceptor ring to be released as do one one pleases.

In the eyes of most people, he became indistinguishable from ordinary person, and even inferior to any one of the group of people behind him. Only the powerhouse at the same level knew the explosive power hidden in it.

Behind him is the martial artist of the brigade. After all, the two people who are preparing to be the gods are the biggest backstage of the seminar. Long-term tilting a lot of resources to them, so that the martial artist can fight with the Spiritual Pivot cultivator, reasonable in every circumstance They all need to ensure that this plan goes smoothly.

However, Bai Mo was the most eye-catching at the scene. His whole body was completely covered in white light, making people unable to see his face at all, only to see a glowing human figure on the stage.

“No wonder you don’t want to show up.” Chen Bo quipped, “It’s not uncomfortable to get 10000 attention.”

“This is not important. I have countless ways to make them invisible to me.” Bai Mo explained endlessly. “Just because they are too weak. Looking directly at the sun will blind you, and looking at the real one will kill you.” “

“After the ceremony, shall we make a gesture?”

“You haven’t taken that step, it can’t be my opponent.”

Bai Mo originally wanted to keep hiding the existence of Original Substance and Primordial Spirit until his Spirit Energy network plan was completed.

However, there are too many geniuses in this World, able to break through many obstacles, and every step in Mysterious Flower Realm this step is a giant amongst men. Even if he does n’t say a word, they rely on their own exploration. Guess the Mysterious Flower Realm is the condensation of Primordial Spirit.

In this case, he simply let go of prejudice. Of course, the bigger reason is that as mentioned earlier, his power is growing rapidly every day, and the Spirit Energy Network System plan is declining in importance.

“Have you passed the True Self Tribulation ?!” At this time Chen Bo’s attention is no longer on Confer God Ceremony. Compared with his own way, this classic is worthless.

Bai Mo nodded.

During these 2 years, Chen Bo spent most of his time thinking about the “True Self Tribulation”. He had such an idea very early, but every time he planned to break the level, the feeling of meditation in his mind told He is going forward with death deaths and still alive.

He is not alone. There is a huge group behind him. Once he falls down, everything he manages to do will fall apart. He dare not gamble.

“Time is up.” Bai Mo, regardless of Chen Bo who was lost in thought, walked step by step to the 2 protagonists of today.


“Why should 2 people seal the gods together?” Cheng Mu asked a question that had long been puzzled.

“It’s more convenient to get it all at once.” He answered indifferently.

2 people were speechless, and each stood at the corresponding position of the altar.

“Start.” Bai Mo ordered from the commander in chief.


How spectacular is it that 3,000,000 people gather in one place at the same time? On a 5km radius of land, every place is full of people, and the distance between people is only 3 meters, forming a sea of ​​people who can’t see the head. Even Bai Mo standing in the center can only feel the boundary of the sea of ​​people with divine sense very reluctantly.

Everyone wears special earphones to accept delivery commands. In addition, the earphones have the effect of isolating most noises, preventing them from being deafened by the sound of carols.

“Ready, one group, get up!” The commander’s voice sounded in everyone’s ears, and Confer God Ceremony officially started.

More than 300, 10000 people are divided into 3 groups, each group will sing for 20 minutes in a row, because there is no requirement for singing level, so young and strong people are selected to ensure that they have enough physical strength to persist to the end.

“It seems my budget is still too low.” Bai Mo muttered to himself.

“80,000,000,000, and the last one used 80,000,000,000 Chinese yuan of funds.” Cheng Mu answered his question, “Most of it was spent asking people.”

“It is just driving domestic demand and reducing the unemployment rate.” He joked, “President Cheng, please, you come first, he comes later.”

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