Original Seeker

Chapter 276

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A month later, the Huaya Northern Section.

A large amount of prepared medicinal liquid was dumped by helicopter on this large orchard under the order of Bai Mo. In the 1000 hectare orchard, each Apple Tree began to grow crazy after contaminating the medicinal liquid. .

In every day after that, he will let people spread the medicinal liquid evenly on this land, so that these Apple Trees, which have a life-and-death struggle in order to survive, have absolutely enough nutrition to continue fighting.

The medicinal liquid contains a part of the spiritual liquid extracted from the Biochemical Reactor, and other various spirit material extraction liquids, and of course, there are traces of special medicines formulated by Bai Mo himself.

They are desperately fighting for nutrients and land. Medicinal liquid is like the most delicious poison, which stimulates their uncontrolled growth. Soon, the living space in the orchard becomes seriously insufficient.

Initially it was the root system. With the rapid growth induced by the medicinal liquid, the roots on the side of each Fruit Tree were gradually entangled with the surrounding similar roots.

However, this is just the beginning. After another week, the gap between the canopy and the canopy has narrowed to almost no value, so that the staff member responsible for spraying the medicine from the air every day can only let the medicinal liquid sprinkle on the surface of the leaves. Let them slowly fall to the ground over time.

Each of them has been told that they must never enter the orchard from the ground. In this 1000-hectare area, Bai Mo even called in 10000 heavily armed officers and soldiers to prevent anyone from entering by mistake and making his plan fail. .

Coupled with the 4 Clones he placed, the experimental security measures at this time can be described as a huge lineup.

It was just that when he applied for the soldiers in the garrison, he also stated in advance that he must not be a capability user soldier. It must only be an ordinary person, which made the military responsible for scheduling a bit puzzling.

“Others are as aggressive as possible when they apply for the security forces. For the first time in these years, I have seen people asking for this.”

Although there are some broken thoughts in the mouth, this is indeed the order from above. Even if the person in charge of the review is suspicious, he can only follow it firmly.

“Boss, do you know what’s going on inside, how do I feel a little wrong.” In the outer defense camp, a resting soldier asked the squad leader next to him.

“Everyone knows what’s wrong, but we don’t care too much about the great character. Remember the military discipline, obey orders, don’t run in by yourself, or let someone walk in, or no one can protect you.”

“Know, complete the mission!”

“We will be stationed here for half a year. The subsidy is calculated based on the frontline subsidy, so cherish it.”

The evolution of the ocean floor is not slower than the land at all, or even worse than that. Because of the cruel competition for survival, every creature has tried its best to evolve, otherwise the end is overtaken by natural enemies and then killed, or by the original food Go beyond and starve to death.

This also caused the waves of the landing Sea Race to be stronger than the waves, and the pressure on the coast border forces was increasing, so there was a word from the squad leader.

After the watering of day after day, the whole apple forest could not see the original appearance at all.

No matter from which angle you look, the foliage is dense enough to cover all your sights, and a green sky canopy covers the land tightly.

The Apple Trees that can survive now have undergone multiple mutations in each tree, and the battle has heated up.

In particular, Bai Mo continuously reduced the size of the apple orchard continuously by controlling the radius of the launch of the medicinal liquid, so that the size of the deathmatch field was reduced to half, and the struggle in this core area was even more dramatic.

People on the surface can’t feel the cruelty of this Colosseum, especially Bai Mo’s requirements this time are all ordinary persons. There is no way to know the real situation inside by observing the spirit technique.

These ordinary Apple Trees, which were originally only instinctual, have given birth to weak intelligence under various complex effects. The only little wisdom guides them. Only by killing all enemies on the field can they win the power of life.

The struggle of plants is not like heaven-shaking, earth-shattering like animals, they often just quietly fight in some invisible places, and the process is extremely slow.

Plants that cannot move themselves can only rely on their constant growth to hang off the enemy. When there are only a few countries left for hegemony, it is a protracted tug-of-war.

There is no such thing as a raid, but it can only be crushed by the grandeur.

This kind of battle can be understood as a red alert game that can only produce buildings. Each player can only build his attacking building beside the enemy’s building through the extension of the building, eating away step by step.

By the time the final 4 was born, almost five months had passed, and the area of ​​the arena had been reduced to only 5 2%, or 10 hectares.

At this time, each of the four trees that have survived is qualified for Mu Chenglin alone. Like a banyan tree, it is densely packed to control this land.

Originally, it was impossible for ordinary Apple Tree to have such a situation. The problem, of course, is that the cost of the medicinal liquid has been ignored for the past few months.

In the past 5 months, the value of the medicinal liquid alone exceeded 3,000,000,000 yuan. In order to cultivate the last monster, Bai Mo can be said to have no cost.

The wealth of 3,000,000,000 renminbi is enough for ten 8 low-level aptitude-like ability users such as Ning Yanhuo to forcibly push up the high level of the Fusion Stage and become a party figure.

Bai Mo continued to seduce them to the center through the placement of the medicinal liquid to compete for the final winner as soon as possible.

In order to win, they must follow the courier as much as possible to obtain nutrition and resources. It is impossible to feed such a monster on ordinary land alone.

Several Mutated Fruit Trees can only maintain their high-intensity battles by competing for excessive nutrition in the medicinal liquid.

According to his estimation, the last survivor will be a huge monster with an area of ​​more than 20 hectares, and he will also have some intelligence.

Raising an Apple Tree 蛊 This relatively simple operation naturally does not require Bai Mo’s true body to look at it for a long time. He just watched it in the apple orchard for 2 or 3 days and returned to the core of the VR network. He continued to harvest from 5 lakes and 4 seas. New ideas, leaving several clones locally in case of 10000 one.

These whimsical ideas from others are also an important source of support for his explosive growth.

Just like this project named “Fruit of Sin” by Bai Mo, there are many ideas, originally from different people.

He put these ideas together, and then added his own elements to the endless resources at his disposal to promote the realization of this huge plan.

It is a pity that after his Martial Way advanced to Dharma Body Realm, even a ray of projection seemed too strong. The sharpening effect of VR network battle was reduced once again, leaving less than 10% of the original, and it became a chattering gain. Once again, Martial Way’s entry was almost stagnant.

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