Original Seeker

Chapter 283

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“Peng!” With the explosion of the booster altar, the live broadcast came to an abrupt halt.

This live broadcast took less than ten minutes, but because there was an entire Superpower behind it, it was immediately spread to the entire world.

Through the spread of the Internet, countless One Wheel Religion’s believer naturally saw this live broadcast, and after seeing this video, they were extremely excited.

“This is a contempt for our faith!”

“Nonbeliever is bound to fall into flame hell!”

“Destroy his family!”

“Dead! Dead!”


Mysore Country is full of shouts of revenge, and Ning Yanhuo described their idiots, waste, and garbage in the live broadcast, which deeply hurt these people’s self-esteem.

They must not tolerate people who insult their faith in this world!

“The curse is a blow from the ability user …” Ramdo was aware of the trouble.

Perhaps the underlying believer is not aware of the formidable power of this level of power, but he knows that this is definitely a disaster that can affect the entire country.

At this time he even hoped that the opponent’s attack was on himself, even if it consumed ten Holy Spirits to die, it was better than using these ordinary believer.

“Your wish has been fulfilled. By relying on this tree heart, you can still exist in this world for ten days.” Bai Mo supported Mening Power with Ning Yanhuo’s head, and told him in a waveless tone. With.

“Ten days? Enough. Thanks to that altar, my curse can last 7 days. The kind of itch that penetrates into the bone marrow, I don’t think anyone can survive a week.”

“Wait 2 days, the day after tomorrow, it’s time for me to shoot.”

“I’m a little curious. With your strength, if you want to destroy One Wheel Religion, even if you push it in the past, you should be able to kill a movie without leaving it. Why do you need me?” After completely releasing my inner hatred , Ning Yanhuo calmed down.

“One Wheel Religion is not as simple as you think. At least Ramdo can hurt me.”

“Just hurt?”

“If you want to really kill me, unless at least half of Rank 5 on this planet shoots together, and then kills half of them.”

“So you are not invincible.”

“Not yet, but soon.” Bai Mo didn’t plan to hide too much about the mortal man in front of him.

Just as the One Wheel Religion believer began to rally, condemning this bastard that blasphemed their faith, the curse really began to come.

“My feet! Itchy!”

“I’m left-handed and itchy!”


Although it was a rally, the original spokesman had to leave midway due to sudden and severe itching.

A lot of people with itchy feet no longer care about any image, just took off their shoes and socks in the square, and desperately scratched with their hands.

There are also some private parts that are extremely itchy, running almost at the same speed to the house and to the toilet.

And the most desperate of them was the person with an itching in the middle. That position was just the dead end of their hands, and they couldn’t bear itching. They could only lie on the ground, desperately rubbing the ground.

Less than two minutes, someone has been bleeding due to itching and scratching, but it still can’t stop. Itching, in many cases, is more uncomfortable than pain.

Someone jumped into the park’s pool and tried to reduce itching with the help of the current, but the effect was not great.

Someone took out the ointment at home and applied it layer after layer, but unfortunately they seemed to forget what Ning Yanhuo had said that there was no cure for 4 words.

Mysore Country is a member of the One Wheel Religion. Such a curse immediately stopped the whole country. Under the itch, almost only the upper stratum with almost zero faith can have sufficient thinking ability.

“Everyone, now we are facing the most severe test ever!” Ramdo immediately held an emergency meeting.

He knew that he was totally inadvertent in responding to this attack. It should be said that no one could think of using such a roundabout method, but he was God, and God could not admit wrong.

“A missionary has just experimented, Power of Faith can temporarily suppress this curse …” a subordinate reported.

“In this case, temporarily release the reserve of Power of Faith in Divine Kingdom and leave it to the missionaries everywhere.”


For this is not the way, Ramdo not at all any joy.

The mastermind who can damage himself is still hidden behind him. According to his guess, mastermind should be the person responsible for video recording. At this stage, he is actually consuming his Divine Kingdom heritage. After all, as long as the Power of Faith is constant, he is almost Impossible to be defeated.

After the first national itching lasted for fifteen minutes, it finally disappeared temporarily, and everyone who had just been tossed for fifteen minutes was already sweating.

And the friction on the ground, not even the holes in the clothes, did not care about it, and the whole person was paralyzed on the ground. The intense exercise just now consumed their physical strength excessively.

Taking advantage of this rare time, many people remembered every curse that Ning Yanhuo had just read, and wished to eat its flesh, dismantle its bones, and even chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

There are also some people who are not determined, after just 5 minutes of tossing, they have already begun to have that kind of thought, but in this nation of people ’s religion, even if they have such thoughts, they must be hidden carefully .

itch! itch! itch!

Ten minutes later, the itchy eruption broke out again. This time, I changed a place. The left-hand itch now becomes the right hand, and the foot becomes itchy.

The situation was even more desperate in the Western Front trenches fighting the European Union.

The strange itching of the body made these originally determined soldiers now unable to hold the gun in their hands, and the itch made them tremble when they aimed.

The battlefield priests who used to inspire morale are suppressing itching with their own strength. They have a devout belief in One Wheel God, and now they can only support it hard, not at all what they care about others.

“The great One Wheel God, why give us such a test.” There are only single thoughts left in the minds of countless tortured people.

Despair, anger began to sweep through the country, but anger did not allow them to get rid of the physical pain, and the itching of life to death made these people have no power to vent their anger, so despair was spreading quietly.

A fire brigade composed of priests simply couldn’t fight the blazing flames that had spread throughout the country.

Even more how, Power of Faith’s itching only cures the symptoms and not the root cause. Once you lose the repression, it will come once every 5 minutes.

The deeper the belief, the more severe this itching. These faithful believer are the cornerstones of the upper layer of One Wheel Religion’s rapid cultivation with the help of Power of Faith.

But now, the cornerstone that supports the entire system, in such an unexpected move, began to shake.

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