Original Seeker

Chapter 290

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The white plasma replaced the flame, the molten glass replaced the lava, and the endless white light plasma ball penetrated through it. This piece of land became a twisted mixture of heaven and hell.

Bai Mo, who is at the center of the plasma mysterious flower, projects his will into the strange monster outside, just like he used the will to infect substances in the Antarctic and tried to create the so-called family.

Every second, there are hundreds of monsters composed of his mysterious flower, coming out of the super plasma ball and starting to go all around Mysore City.

The original mysterious flower will soon dissipate after losing control, but Bai Mo, who also cultivates Martial Way and is proficient in will, has greatly compensated for this shortcoming.

Burning Legion, who was willing to come to the will, just like his countless Clone, began to wreak havoc on Mysore.

Thanks to the training of Martial Way will in the VR System, Bai Mo has extensive experience in controlling large groups of monsters.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is impossible to imagine these innumerable movements, just like the monster of one’s own life will actually be controlled by one person.

“What the hell are you doing? If it is to destroy this place, as long as you don’t slow down, half of Mysore has been razed to the ground by you.”

Ning Yanhuo is quite puzzled. He, who hates the One Wheel Religion desperately, can’t wait to kill them all with a meteorite. Now it’s a matter of sending a bunch of weird creatures to go around after landing.

“Damage doesn’t make sense to me.” Bai Mo heard quite a space hole voice.

“But you promised that One Wheel Religion will be completely destroyed … aren’t the devil the most trustworthy?”


After finishing these two words, Bai Mo didn’t care about Ning Yanhuo next to him, but took out the tree heart that was placed on himself and was closely protected.

This root is the tree heart that gathers all the essence of Apple Tree Demon Yanhuo, and the surging Life Strength contained in it makes Ning Yanhuo with only one head remain calm!

It turns out that the past few days, the piece that has been hanging on its own life is only a trivial part of it.

He even guessed that if he could have this whole tree heart, he would only be able to continue his life for at least another ten years with only his head left?

The densely packed ones on the tree heart are all runes that Bai Mo engraved in the past few months. In order to really let it meet the needs of his own plans, he spent a lot of Heart Force on the design of these runes.

As the origin of rune research, the European Union still has the most leading position in the world in this field, but no one thought that one of their three proud rune masters, one of which was actually actually infiltrated by Bai Mo Clone.

In order to get the most cutting-edge research results in various countries, he sent a lot of Spirit Energy Clone to control the most obscure people in the research section of the other party to one or two, and then stepped into the core step by step with the opportunity of participating in the research.

With countless resources as a backing, plus the horror thinking superimposed on the head of One Hundred Thoughts, no matter which Research Institute abroad, the underlying Researcher under his control will quickly rise in a few years, become a big winner, and thus get Research authority for various core materials.

It ’s not that no one has doubted the rise of these people ’s miracles, but they and everyone disappeared quickly …

And Clone has indeed made a lot of excellent results, and their level has been recognized by everyone. No one thinks that there will be organizations that will use this Peak Researcher as a scientific spy with mortal danger at any time.

Bai Mo struggled to cut his finger with Mental Power, and squeezed a drop of blood from the inside, using the blood as ink, adding a finishing touch to all the rune engraved on it, and awakened Yanhuo, who fell into the seal and slept.

Just after the last make-up, I kept looking at Bai Mo’s Ning Yanhuo next to me, and felt that the wood held by the opponent’s hand suddenly transformed into a giant dragon! A terrifying lifeform is about to break out of the cocoon!

With the help of rune, the awakened Apple Tree Demon Yanhuo began to grow wildly.

Countless roots grow from one end of the tree core, quickly grabbing all available energy. In the plasma sphere where Bai Mo is located, the ground that had been covered by molten glass liquid is constantly cooling and becomes a layer of crystals. thing.

After a lot of special treatments, Tree Demon’s growth rate and Life Strength are no longer understandable by the primitive that Bai Mo could suppress it a few months ago.

The rate of expansion of the tree body far exceeds the speed at which it can convert carbon dioxide to organic matter. To make up for this huge gap, instinctively, it focused on the person in front of it.

“It’s also called Yanhuo, let it eat you, and Yanhuo will complete the remaining revenge for you.” Bai Mo lightly said to Ning Yanhuo.

“Life is like a summer flower, and death is like an autumn leaf.” Ning Yanhuo, who had been downplayed with life and death, closed his eyes, read the last 8 words with a smile, and allowed the root of Apple Tree Demon to pierce his own head. Quickly suck everything that can be swallowed.

It wasn’t until the end that there was only a withered skull, and densely packed roots had to leave.

Over the past few years, I have swallowed a lot of spiritual material, and I have already stepped into the cultivator of Mysterious Flower Realm. Even if there is only one skull, it also contains a lot of nutrients. In a sense, it can be regarded as precious heavenly materials, earthly treasures.

At least for Tree Demon Yanhuo, it’s a big supplement.

But this is not the main reason that Bai Mo let Ning Yanhuo be swallowed by Apple Tree Demon. The real reason is that Tree Demon Yanhuo has the ability to turn the swallowed creature thinking and memory into its own horrible ability.

Yanhuo as Tree Demon, after Bai Mo’s heavy memory cleansing, is like a newborn without any memory. Despite the horrible thinking ability in the air, everything is still a blank piece of paper.

After eating Ning Yanhuo, all its movements stopped, continuously receiving the most primitive and profound memory from Ning Yanhuo-destroying One Wheel Religion.

Yanhuo, who hardly had the concept of self, began to be shaped by these incomplete memories that had been swallowed up, and became disguised as part of the second Ning Yanhuo.

“It looks like a success.” With the help of emotional eyes, Bai Mo found that the Tree Demon in front of him gradually began to show anthropomorphic emotions, which are red light representing hatred.

With a spirit technique Fireball, the Ning Yanhuo on the ground was cremated into ashes. After it became Yanhuo, he began to release various spirit materials compressed in so close, yet worlds apart. Feeding this tree Demon still needs a lot of supplements .

So close, yet worlds apart, which compresses a piece of space on the body surface, is not much different from Baidu’s use of legal space ring to Bai Mo.

He put a lot of things in the compressed space, and then used Mental Power to keep them relatively still with him forever to achieve the effect of carrying.

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