Original Seeker

Chapter 296

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“Crazy! Do you know what kind of monster you have released!” Ramdo is getting more and more shocked, because Yanhuo’s progress is so fast that it is beyond his imagination.

Twenty minutes ago, he was able to press hard with a crushing situation, blasting all the resistance of Yanhuo again and again. But up to now, it has been able to fight back and forth with Ramdo, and hit Hercules with external harassment just a few shots, seriously threw away the battlefield.

at first Yanhuo will only use brute force to compress his offensive roots into a steel whip. Now, it not only knows how to put a layer of power grid on it, but also further optimizes the material to be stronger and less dense. Carbon fiber structure.

After a round of autonomous transformation and evolution, many positions of the tree body have become muzzles that can release aggressive spirit techniques. Although these spirit techniques can not cause any damage to the extremely powerful Ramdo of the Divine Body, they slowly move like acid rain. Killing his power.

It can even quickly recycle its destroyed parts and regenerate them at a desperate rate. Even if Ramdo can release formidable power with a small earthquake level with each punch, it is just as good as Yanhuo’s recovery speed.

And Ramdo, who was caught in a fierce battle, also found that as the battle continued, the enemy ’s body structure continued to evolve toward shock absorption in order to target his strengths as pure strength.

It used to be 80% effective with one punch. After weakening the damping structure, it now only has 20% left. It seems that a 1% reduction is not much, but in the face of enemies with crazy regeneration ability, the reduction in output actually has a very large impact.

It can even be said that each injury actually makes Yanhuo better evolve. It is aggregated by countless people’s thinking, and it is absolutely unparalleled in the speed of evolution and adjustment.

But even so, with the Divine Fury fire still burning on the enemy, Ramdo believes that there is still a good chance of winning because Yanhuo has a third body already covered in flames.

“My divine power reserve can still support an hour, which is definitely enough to burn this monster.” Although it is a bit downwind, Ramdo also has this selfish calculations that he turned over.

As long as it can’t find a way to crack it, if it keeps dragging on, it will probably be burned to ashes in half an hour.

This terrible flame is useless even if it cuts off the ignited part, because a new flame will emerge from the fracture and continue to burn.

In the rapid evolution, it continuously tried to reduce the dependence on Bai Mo’s strength, because Yanhuo also knew very well that when Ramdo was killed, it must immediately see Bai Mo and see the opposite.

Only by its own strength can it truly protect itself, and what it needs most now is time. As long as there is a stable period of 3 months, Yanhuo is convinced that this planet will no longer have a creature that can threaten itself.

Bai Mo can feel the change of Yanhuo connecting the other end.

After devouring countless One Wheel Religion believers, the original consciousness of the extreme hatred of One Wheel Religion was hit by an unprecedented impact. The hatred of Ramdo is no longer pure. Compared with the previous Ning Yanhuo’s will to destroy One Wheel Religion’s will. Some subtle changes have taken place.

Although it is still possible to maintain the main consciousness under the protection of rune, countless memories of faith have profoundly influenced Yanhuo’s view of One Wheel Religion.

“Is it finally going to be activated?” Bai Mo watching the battle keenly felt the commotion in the surrounding Magnetic Field, and the commotion was getting worse.

“Warning! With Mysore at the center, the Magnetic Field in Mysore Country has a huge scale of disruption!” The Department of Intelligence, which closely monitors the situation in Mysore, soon received such a warning.

The changed Magnetic Field is almost concentrated in the Mysore Country area, but several surrounding countries have also been affected by varying degrees of size, and all have been slightly deflected.

The original docile Magnetic Field gradually became violent under the influence of the disturbance source Yanhuo. With the layout of the Apple Airdrop, the entire Magnetic Field of Mysore Country began to be consciously twisted into a specific direction.

Yanhuo was originally a super creature gulp down from the 1000 hectare Fruit Tree, and all the apples put into Mysore Country are the output of this apple forest. Naturally, they are very close to each other. Relationship.

And each apple has undergone some small processing, making them more in line with needs.

Taking each and everyone being smashed, or the apple that is beginning to rot in the wild, as a node, Yanhuo began to distort this huge field Magnetic Field with the method in memory, and use the strength of the entire country ’s Magnetic Field to imprison Ramdo .

Because Yanhuo finds that he can’t wait, according to its estimates, it will take at least 2 hours of combat without using this hand, before it is 80% likely to kill the enemy in front of it. And even if the flames on his body are procrastinating, it can only be delayed for an hour.

So even knowing that this trick of twisting Magnetic Field with the help of a homologous apple, it is likely that Bai Mo gave himself a set. Yanhuo still used it without hesitation, killing Ramdo with his own hands, and then overthrowing One Wheel Religion. The most conscious obsession.

Ramdo soon discovered that a huge ubiquitous repulsive force appeared in the space, suppressing every action of his own, but for the time being, it would not have much impact. Because of the Divine Kingdom behind him, the sheer power is too strong.

“Want to restrain me? It’s not enough!” The Magnetic Field restraint that exists in every corner has no possibility of escape unless Ramdo leaves the country. It’s a pity that the strength of the Magnetic Field that can be dispatched is not strong enough to hold the opponent at all.

“Because of the believer, it will be destroyed by faith.” For the first time since such a long battle, Yanhuo spoke out in a terrifying polyphony as a declaration of Ramdo’s death.

At the moment when its words fell, people all over Mysore Country, who abandoned their beliefs and ate Fruit of Sin, began to roll their heads, and their severe headaches made them desperate.

But the pain did not last long. After a light emerged from the ordinary person’s head and flew away, their pain soon disappeared.

What disappeared at the same time was their feelings for One Wheel Religion. Faith, swing, hesitation, remorse, love, whether positive or negative emotions, all disappear with a trace of light.

Now, they are all looking at their previous memories from the standpoint of a bystander.

This is actually a very terrifying experience, just like someone who has loved and hated, and suddenly, without amnesia, suddenly becomes a passer-by who has no fluctuations in his heart, just like experiencing 100 years in a flash , Become an old man who can relive the memories of a lifetime in the heart of the water.

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