Original Seeker

Chapter 299

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With Yanhuo’s scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in Mysore, the top leaders of several countries who have been paying attention to the local situation are finally sighed in relief. Even if only observed from a satellite, this monster, which has been running in a city for less than 2 hours, still shakes them.

Unlike Ghost King in major cities many years ago, Yanhuo is observable. A tree that covers tens of square kilometers and is Mu Chenglin alone. The visual impact is completely at a different level.

More than 80% of the information received by humans comes from vision, and the impact of eyeballs is crucial for shaping the impression.

And more importantly, this tree also feeds on humans. In just over ten minutes, it had eaten more than half of the people in Mysore City, and the news really shocked World.

The complete destruction of the capital and the collapse of the entire country’s central hub put Mysore Country into a state of considerable anarchy. In particular, the backlash of the belief system caused the Divine Official Group, which relied on Power of Faith, to be rapidly strengthened. It was returned to its original shape overnight, losing its military foundation to maintain its rule.

A large number of mad believer could not accept the collapse of the faith and chose to commit suicide. Only on the night of Ramdo’s death, more than 5000 people died in various ways.

Other ability user underground organizations that had been strongly suppressed by One Wheel Religion and could only develop slowly in the dark began to take the lead at this time to seize the power of each and everyone city.

During Ramdo’s coercion in a country, these reluctance to join the Divine Official Group’s ability users are like rats in the ground, each and everyone is hidden, and some of them are exiled to become members of the homeless. Now that he has received news of the other’s crash, Tongtong has surfaced, preparing to seize his own interests.

With the same idea, there are other stray cultivators from around the world. Mysore Country, rich in resources, but broken in order, looks like paradise to them. Before Mysore’s terrible war, they still worried about the person who lived in Divine Kingdom, but now they are engaged in a carnival after the collapse of order.

Robbery, plunder, slaughter, like Barbarians in the civilized era, they freed their madness at will, and forcibly made a large area out of the end-time environment.

However, after all, the carnival is just a carnival, and it cannot continue. Two days later, Huaya Federation, Yamato, Maoe, the European Union, Holy Light Religion, and the United States, Six Great Influences, signed the Frankfurt Treaty at the European Union headquarters in Frankfurt.

According to the provisions of the treaty and respecting the principle of national self-determination, the former Mysore Country will be disintegrated into 2 countries in order to meet the rising independence of the local people.

Since then, Mysore Country, a theocratic power that spans 1000000 square kilometers of land in Eurasia, has fallen apart, and has become like a cluster of small nations. The three words Mysore Country have become a pure historical noun.

At the meeting, the six major powers also divided the cake according to their respective strengths and established their new sphere of influence. The conference Perfection ended. As the most secretive Huaya, in the end, he received more than two-fifths of the total benefit.

Afterwards, some people criticized that this was a bare_naked_snacking conference, which seriously violated international conventions and was a war of invasion in disguise. At the same time, the Huaya Federation was asked to disclose the real cause of the massacre in Mysore, and explain to more than 100 people who lost their lives in the city.

It looks like a reasonable appeal, but the people who made these sounds disappeared quickly.

In the new era, powerhouses standing on the upper level relying on their own power generally have strong arrogance, and their tolerance for criticism from the bottom is extremely low.

Even when someone sprayed on the Internet that day, they were found dead in their home on the 2nd day, and they were killed by crawling over the network cable. freedom of speech? nonexistent.

They were just an ordinary person ten years ago, not the old monster Immortal Cultivator, who had lived for 1000 years and could treat everything with ordinary mind. Suddenly gaining tremendous power, continuously amplifying their desires, making it possible for them to do something that they had only dared to think before.

scold me? One palm shot dead. underestimate me? Swell your face. You dare to think of my woman? I’m a credit person, and if you kill your family, you kill your family.

The words “dragon has a reverse scale” were interpreted vividly and thoroughly by these power upstarts, but the power on their hands has largely amplified their sensitivity, leaving them with inverse scales almost everywhere. Every touch will erupt.

If there are only one or two of these people in the society, in fact, there will not be a big problem. It is difficult for a person’s communication circle to exceed 2 people. For a society with a population of 10000 million, it is only A small wave is far from affecting the fundamental stability.

But the problem is that until today, the entire World battle power has reached Rank 4 level, and the total number of powerhouses that can randomly crush ordinary people is close to 70000 people, even if only one third of them has the problem of “dragon has a reverse scale”, A terrifying number.

More than 2 powerhouses scattered all over the city … ordinary person’s life has become quite difficult. Dealing with a group of single thought heads can kill their own monsters. It’s not a comfortable thing to look at every day. Life is like a life-threatening. Even if it is protected by law, it is still difficult to accept instinctively, and the law does not seem to be too reliable.

Dragons don’t associate with snakes is actually a good thing for both parties, but the so-called dragon in this new era may have been a little snake a few years ago, and it still has a close relationship with many ordinary people around. It is not realistic to leave this society, and this is one of the sharp roots of social contradictions.

It’s hard for anyone to think of a single pile of life that has been crushed by a single thought as an equal existence with oneself, even if the other person is the same creature as himself in appearance. When they live together, many problems inevitably arise.

But now everything is fine, and the contradictions have not intensified to the point where it can erupt. Under the force of a ruling class that has concentrated absolute power, the resistance force has not yet formed. The ordinary person still can only endure in silence, waiting for the singing of Internazionale, which may sound in the future.

As the Frankfurt agreement was finalized, troops from various forces began to station in the area to restore order and drive away the looting hyenas. At the same time, a large number of geological scientific personnel also entered the Mysore Country and began exploration of various resources.

And all the creators, the one who brought so much suffering to countless people, had already returned to Tianqing with all his gains at this time.

Whether suffering, sin, or hatred, these are not the issues that Bai Mo considers. As a person who is quite idealistic in nature, he will not care as long as it does not happen to him. As for what happened to others? That’s someone else.

He did not understand the compassion of others, nor did he need others to understand his thoughts.

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