Original Seeker

Chapter 359

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“Mr. Xiao, please.” In front of the Xiao Family mansion, several people wearing special black uniforms of the special warfare committee said with their signature Muna expressions.

These people held a document with more than 20 signatures and waited silently outside for a response from the door.

They were also a little embarrassed in their hearts. As a group of people who were unhappy in the organization, they were sent to complete this dangerous task, and went to various places to take away the ability users who committed their murders during the riots.

Once confronted with resistance, they will easily become martyrs. Later, someone will take revenge for them, but they ca n’t be resurrected from death. At this moment, what they can really protect is only their official identity, which is just a tiger skin.

“I’m understood.” Xiao Yan, a white clothed man, didn’t choose to resist. He packed up his simple luggage and took the unknown crystals he picked up to the door.

He killed hundreds of people trying to impact his house during the riots, and is now one of the focus of attention. The amnesty order is targeted at them. Since he chose to let it go lightly, he didn’t want to turn his face.

“Offended, we just acted on orders.” The attitude of the black clothed person was quite low, for fear of annoying those behind him. There is Xiao Yan who is the first person under Rank 5 faintly. Even in this state, they are not able to be thin and light.

“It’s okay, not tortured, just to clean up some wild beasts, and I’ll be back soon, wait for me.” Before leaving, he said, watching Xiao Xun secretly crying.

In order to avoid pushing against a group of extraordinary persons, people like Xiao Yan have all been granted amnesty and allowed to kill Sea Race to compensate for their own murders. Because if the crime of intentional homicide is really to be dealt with according to law, not many people are willing to be killed by the neck. I am afraid that the Huaya Federation will face a protracted civil war again.

“When you come back, let’s get married.” Xiao Xun wiped tears from the corners of his eyes.

“Well.” He was nodded, and then motioned for the driver in front to drive away.

In the days after Bai Mo disappeared, people from all walks of life could not wait to settle in this area close to a city, but they were testing grounds dedicated to one person.

On the one hand, the central equipment of Virtual Reality System is all placed in this place. To maintain and control the system, a large number of technicians must be dispatched to enter.

Bai Mo used to maintain it by himself. He has enough Clones to handle this kind of things, but others do n’t have so many Clones to waste here, so now it becomes a group of 100 people to take charge of it. .

On the other hand, there are also many people in the Research Institute of Spiritual Energy who have taken a fancy to the experimental environment and the experimental results that may be hidden.

“How much gain?” A Researcher in charge of inventory asked his colleagues.

“This is actually a base for Alien. There is really no way to imagine that the contents are too crazy!” Said the youngster wearing a pair of square glasses excitedly.

“Say something meaningful.” The inventory officer the past few days apparently saw so many youngsters who were so excited, and remained calm.

“There is a material called Mithril in the system’s database, which has an extraordinary Spirit Energy guidance capability, and it will have amazing effects when used in the Spirit Energy Mecha development project.”

“Are there any specific technologies mentioned in the database?” He picked up his notebook and prepared to record.

“No, but according to the remaining X-ray diffraction pattern, we suspect that the metal lattice structure of the silver atoms may be adjusted through atomic precision operations. There is also a small 20-gram piece in the vacuum storage instrument. sample.”

“That’s all we need to do.”

“Not only that, there are several unidentified wreckage in the material room, which is very similar to Mithril’s structure. We have people who participated in the war and recognized that this was part of the Alien spaceship.

At that time, Sakazuki’s events caused a sensation in the whole world, and countless people were sorry. It finally carried out a self-destruction with a huge Destiny Transcendence, making humans lose the possibility of obtaining alien technology.

However, I did not expect that now in this huge underground Laboratory, several potholes of wreckage, and new materials based on the wreckage, are likely to be discovered.

“With these things, the people in our material direction can win more money.” Hearing this, the expression of the counted people finally changed slightly.

They all know that the amount of money that Huaya gives to this person every year is almost equal to the budget of the entire Research Institute of Spiritual Energy, and now because of his disappearance, the budget of the Huaya Federation has suddenly increased by several thousand 1000 billion net income.

This can’t help but let these people compete, the related benefits are too great. Everyone who takes the extraordinary path knows how much money plays in cultivation.

Many people think that it is the huge wealth brought by the contribution point system that pushed an ordinary person from Bai Mo to an unprecedented level.

In the Research Institute, many people have the idea of ​​becoming the next Bai Mo. They almost have endless rights, but they do n’t have to bear too many obligations. It ’s just that the central government of Huaya is obviously not happy. If having a fish bone stuck in one’s throat, a monster appeared.

The birth of testing grounds is just a special existence that emerged in a special period, a compromise with the Tianqing government.

Although the Research Institute of Spiritual Energy is a huge monster with annual funding of 1000 100000000, it is actually composed of 100 to 1000 groups that study different directions, and the competition for funding is extremely fierce among each other.

No matter how much money was dialed, it was like pouring water on the desert, and soon disappeared.

On the one hand, all kinds of research are too costly, each and everyone is a giant beast-like bottomless pit, and on the other hand, it is some people who use their own funds, public funds, and embezzle funds. The purchase of cultivation spirit material has basically become unwritten rules.

This kind of thing is difficult to avoid in any section. Even if everyone knows that this is not a good thing, no one will challenge the interests of everyone. The scientist itself is just one person, and most of them hope that they can live a better life. .

Similar conversations took place in other groups.

“From the database, we found a plant called dark spirit rice, and then got a sample of rice seeds in the cold storage area. If the above is true, this kind of thing may reduce the rate of decline of spiritual energy.” A Researcher said to the counter with a frown.

Every soul can perceive the existence of spiritual energy, and can also sense the change in the concentration of spiritual energy to a certain extent. However, in the past ten years, it has been like a ghost. It has never been captured by any machine. The analysis of the instrument all failed, and it had to be developed as a black box.

And what everyone can feel most deeply is that for the past few years, the concentration of spiritual energy has been slowly decreasing!

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