Original Seeker

Chapter 361

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“It’s still mysterious, and there must be any plans.” It’s been 1 years of Old Acquaintance. Chen Xi is more or less clear. Bai Mo gave this task to himself with a lasting tone. So simple.

She doesn’t think Bai Mo will be so easy to die, and just need to turn in these materials to preserve the money she has earned over the years, so reasonably in every circumstance should choose to complete this task.

“What do you say he is doing?” Hua Qing next to him was confused by the sudden change.

“Who knows, I just know that we are about to leave the Huaya Federation.” Chen Xi, who was aware of the backing, stepped hard on the accelerator of the off-road vehicle and drove in the direction of Tianqing.

As for the ring tattoos on her hands, she suspected that it might be some measure to protect them. Of course, there was also a malicious guess in her heart, and whether there was such a thing as monitoring whether they could accomplish the task.

She can feel that this thing is still changing her body little by little, obviously not so simple.

“Abyss Race? Is this your chess piece, or is it an experimental item?” Gaia, who was suppressed in Nine Nether Realm Ninth Layer, watched the First Layer climb out of the only river, and countless strange life was remodeled by the soul. Body, it’s easy to find clues.

Bai Mo used the remaining half-pipe Abyss Bloodline, combined with a part of her inheritance, to inhale into the realm to create a body for the vast majority of souls in Nine Nether Realm who are still in the ignorant level.

Some creatures with 1000 strange and 100 strange shapes are constantly hitting the ground, some are running around, some are even fighting each other, they are desperately venting their uncomfortable power within the body.

Because the study of the soul and body is still not deep enough, almost all of the experimental objects created by Bai Mo face a problem-they need to work with the new body for a long time.

Such a process is undoubtedly long and painful, and most souls with insufficient will will eventually fall into madness, even if they themselves do not understand.

“This group of lunatics is useless except for its huge number. It is not at the same level as the Fire Mist Warrior on your hand. However, a race without the inheritance of its predecessors can come to this step in ten years and support this monster. It’s a miracle. “

Gaia, who has almost witnessed Bai Mo’s plundering of the thinking of all living beings for ten years, commented on the situation of Nine Nether Realm First Layer with Red World’s Follower next to him.

The three of them couldn’t help each other, so they used the entire Nine Nether Realm as a chessboard and played a big game. Gaia The two want to eventually occupy the nest and take this seal World as their own to get rid of the blockade of Bai Mo.

Bai Mo, who fell into a deep sleep, tried to explore the possibility of smashing these two enemies with the power of the entire Nine Nether Realm. He firmly believes that since Heavenly Profound Continent can someone treat these two guys as dead dogs, he may find such a way.

The Fire Mist Warrior on Red World’s Follower is composed of the people who sucked into the beam of light with Gaia at the last moment, and the members of the original Red Radiance organization. They will be their elite troops and start the game in this World. Journey.

As for Gaia, it will arrange its own Protagonist of Destiny outside Nine Nether Realm to develop freely, and intends to echo each other with Red World’s Follower.

A capability called “Halo” was inserted by Gaia at the last moment on Bei Dion who is still on the moon. This thing has no attack power and only has a series of auxiliary effects. It is the only one after another that stays outside. mark.

Fearing that the power left behind might breed an independent personality, they recovered almost all of their power, with the exception of the parts needed for the layout.

“There are more than three of us in this game,” Red World’s Follower said coldly.

Their eyes crossed the more than ten channels connecting Nine Nether Realm and Holy Light Divine Kingdom. They saw the group of lights that were almost boundless. They were clumsily shaping Angel after Angel, and there were always a few crooked semifinished. product suddenly crashed and disappeared.

Before Bai Mo disappeared, he transmitted a little bit of information to the holy light ocean, so that this instinctual Conceptual God had some more instinctual behaviors and added a variable to this game.

“Do you know where this is?” Feng Buhui felt a lot stronger suddenly, Zhang Hao’s shoulder next to pats.

“I don’t know, everyone else is fine. Only Chairman Chen disappeared.” Those people who were leading the mass movement in Tiannanhaibei suddenly turned dark, and then came to this weird place when they woke up. .

Nine Nether Realm, completely surrounded by red light and purple light, it is very difficult for ordinary person to see the face of others, but these Fire Mist Warriors further improved by Red World obviously do not need to worry about such minor problems.

After special modifications, their eyes are particularly clear in red light and purple light.

“Or the first thing we have to worry about is the question of survival. Enemy groups more than 20 times our number surround this place.”

Zhang Hao, who has the strongest ability to perceive life, used gestures to remind everyone to prepare for battle, because he had noticed that a group of confused and even crazy creatures were coming in the direction of their gathering.

“Let them taste it, Red Radiance’s disciplinary power.” Although there are few enemies, everyone has not flinched. As idealists, there is more to life and death.

“Ahhhh!” A sturdy big man felt the power of within the body soaring and shouted involuntarily. A red light like a fire surrounded his whole body like a fog armor in an instant.

Similar fire and fog armor also appeared on everyone around him, a group of heavily armed soldiers, killing the enemy with a mindset of breaking through.

A massacre.

A group of Fire Mist Warriors waiting to be treated, like chopping vegetables and cutting vegetables, have a strong tendency to self-destruct, and sometimes they may even bite off a piece of meat to kill them easily.

The unusual ease of fighting was beyond their expectations. Originally, they thought that being able to escape alive in the face of an enemy more than 20 times their number was already a victory. .

“These things are quite wrong.”

“Their thinking is completely chaotic. They may chop us when they fight, but they are more likely to chop their companions, or even their own bodies.”

“When smashing their bodies, I seemed to see the expression of liberation in the eyes of these monsters.” Fire Mist Warrior, a monk, interjected.

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