Original Seeker

Chapter 382

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“It’s okay to write here, depending on whether the later development is the Wen Qing line.” Bai Mo recalled the novel that he had seen many years ago, and then said a word that Ramdo couldn’t understand.

According to Bai Mo’s calculations, if the Huaya Federation is really determined to use all its power to catch people, even if it is Zhao Feiyan himself, there is not a great chance to escape from the inland center of Huaya, let alone his Incompetent younger brother.

There are not many survival skills in the wild, nor the ability to prevent projections. At most one day, his whereabouts will be tracked down.

If the plot follows the “kneeling on the real” line, facing the enemy that came out of the nest, Zhao Feiling will never hide for 3 days, and will be tied back to Tianqing by 5 Huada, and then become a mainstream abuse.

However, if the Heaven defying route is followed, then the Huaya Federation will be dismissed for a variety of reasons, maybe contempt, or may not be available, and only send out a search squad. The squad 鈥檚 battle power is just slightly higher than Zhao Feiling, so that he can react Opportunity to kill.

Then through endless sending experience, let Zhao Feiling grow up step by step in the battle, and finally complete the counterattack and overthrow the evil rule of the Federation.

But things often develop unexpectedly, and everything gets too fast. After a word, Zhao Feiling instantly became a small, unimportant character that no one cares about.

“After 3 months, he is going to die with the Zhao Family, at the expense of the Imperial Dragon Technique on his hands, in exchange for the rest of the Huaya Federation not to interfere in this duel?”

In the diplomatic section of the Huaya Federation, when they sent such a confidential letter to the Tianqing authorities, they did not expect that Li Bida would go directly to this extent. Like a hooligan, it is a personal life-and-death duel. Simply is not like the highest leader of a country. Due action.

Until now, the high-levels of all countries maintain subtle peace. Try to avoid the Life and Death Battle between two humans. On the one hand, it is a matter of regret for life. It is not easy to have a chance for longevity, and there is a lot of life to enjoy. , Simply is not worth the desperate effort.

On the other hand, no one wants to know how crazy a person can be when he is dying, and if there is no one, there is a lunatic who will be buried in a city before death.

“It’s time to be happy and hate this way! Life and death are pessimistic, just do it if you don’t agree!” However, the senior officials of the Miwu seminar expressed a full understanding of Li Bida’s ideas.

This super armed group outside the center of power seldom makes a consistent statement on such matters.

Unlike Spirit Cultivator, which relies on thinking and experimenting step by step to explore the way forward, the growth of the martial artist’s strength often requires a lot of battles to sharpen his will, or to explore by feeling, so compared to the world view, it is more idealistic. , For ideas to be accessible.

What the federation asked for was nothing more than to conclude a deal with the other party, so it was intended to send the culprit as a courtesy. The confidential letter sent by Li Bida made the value of Zhao Feiling worthless.

However, Zhao Feiling didn’t know at this time, because of the idea of 鈥嬧€媡he bitter master Li Bida, his escape became an ordinary experience life.

He imagined that a large number of military _ police and cultivators flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, and the round-up plot from the land and air line 2 will not happen.

The off-road vehicle was still heading north, without any pause. Following the instructions of the younger brother, Zhao Feiling voluntarily discarded all contact methods to prevent tracking and positioning before the flight began, so from the perspective of the Zhao Family, he has been considered temporarily out of touch.

However, at this time, there is no one in the Zhao Family, and there is still the mind to find a lost 2 ancestor. The duel declaration from Li Bida brought a gamble that determined the fate of the family, which immediately made them quite disturbed.

“They really decided to sit back and watch?” After receiving the latest news, Zhao Feiyan immediately returned to the Zhao Family mansion to discuss countermeasures with father Zhao Lingfei.

“What are the guys who save their lives and only have interests in their eyes? What choices will they have? It’s not them who are dueling. They can get what they need just by watching a play. But it’s not that simple. Those who focus on their faces will not do nothing. “

“Li Bida is from Huaya. He is also a pure-breed Huaya person. National hatred cannot be stirred up. Can’t create public pressure to force him to give up, or to visit the old Li curse?” As a man in his early 60s, Middle-aged man, Zhao Lingfei is more accustomed to solving various problems through some non-forced methods.

“Why can’t you kill the jerk directly? Use these crooked ways ?! Anyway, the big brother has killed his family. This time, he just got rid of his roots.” Zhao Feiyan’s coping style was obviously much more aggressive, and everyone else stomped his nose. Face up, he thought it would be dignified to kill the opposite.

“Feiyan, this is not a game. You only have one life. It is the right way to get the maximum benefit with the least price. Fame is nothing but external things. No matter how much you do, how many firearms you make, As long as you win and still have enough power in your hands, others will still please you like pugs and sing praises for you. “

“But if you just win horribly and lose the potential for future development in order to kill a garbage and seriously hurt, maybe public opinion will hold you up in a short period of time, and after the heat subsides, what can you leave, a wasteful man that’s all. Willing to spend the rest of my life on my shade? “

“Once you die, the other party will become a story-like revenge hero, and you, nothing. I don’t want to see one’s child die before oneself, Feiling doesn’t grow, so much family business …”

“Living talents can change history at will, and the dead will not even have the opportunity to defend. Do some publicity after the event, invest a few years to make a few movies, and put some money in the hands of the screenwriter’s director to beautify the matter. Shoot it out and you will become a hero over time. “

“Those behind me are preconceived in movies, and there are a few people who are willing to study it. Nowadays, people are actually lazy. They prefer gossip, or watching things that don’t use their minds.”

Zhao Lingfei talked to the hopeful son and hoped that he would accept his own set.

“Father, this …” Although Zhao Feiyan was proud of himself and was a bit of a hero in normally, after all, it was only a youngster in his early 20s, and the world view had not yet turned into this. All of a sudden, there were many private goods from my father’s generation, but I still felt that some Not very used to it.

“Go back and think about what I said.”


“Lord, Chairman Chen, they sent you something for you to sign for yourself.” After Zhao Feiyan came out of the study, the old steward, who had been standing outside the door, lightly knocked on the door.

“Things? It seems that they don’t want to be too rigid.” Zhao Lingfei roughly guessed the intention.

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