Original Seeker

Chapter 386

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“Who else?” Bai Mo looked towards everyone present.

“What the hell do you want to do?” No one thought at all that a Rank 5 Spirit Cultivator that was originally aloof and remote would actually be instant killed by a sudden spoiler.

“I want a more interesting new era. Does anyone object?” Bai Mo sat casually in the air, looking at the people with different faces around him playfully.

“Interesting, how do you want to play?” The first one to stand out was Teach. He was afraid that the world wouldn’t be chaotic. He looked at Bai Mo in front of his eyes with a lot of fun, without any panic in his eyes.

“Wait, give the game players a little time to react. In the same way, I do n’t want to talk about second time.” Bai Mo just used Spiritual Fluctuation to concentrate the attention of the whole world at once, many of them are still in Waking up in his sleep, the man has not yet eased his mind and is in a state of wandering.

“What’s going on, who’s talking?” This is the first reaction of people who don’t understand the complete truth.

“Who is leaving?”

“You heard the voice just now ?!”

“What? That’s not my auditory hallucination?”


“Dear, what happened?”

“I just seemed to hear someone talking in my dream.”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, at first they thought it was auditory hallucination, but soon discovered that things were not that simple.

Whether they are working, going to school, eating, or sleeping, they have received this fluctuation without exception.

Then, involuntarily, the person at work stopped things in hand, the student put down the book, stopped the spoon at dinner, and even the person who was originally sleeping, woke up, opened his eyes and waited silently.

A mysterious and profound feeling tells everyone that what will happen next will profoundly change the destiny of everyone in this world.

“For thousands of years, human beings have been enslaved by the two concepts of money and power that they created. Almost all efforts and all struggles are to satisfy their never-ending hunger; almost all evil , Also caused by them. “

“War, fraud, looting, theft, corruption, without exception.”

“I’ve been thinking about whether there is a way to stop this boring cycle and make this World more interesting.”

After the announcement began, he let the numerous eyes wandering all over the world continue to manifest, and then slowly rose into the sky, re-fused together one by one.

The sudden appearance of 10000 white light spots can’t help but surprise many people.

For them, it was like terrifying when they suddenly found out that the cats and dogs they were getting along with were the spies of Alien.

“Are we looking at Alien?”

“This is the government’s monitor?”

“I have been living in the eyes of others?”

Many skeptics have thought about these thought-provoking problems, and even overwhelmed the attention to the inexplicable voice for a while.

“… So I decided to change the rules of the game.”

“In a week, I will install a system called ‘Destiny’ for everyone who stays in the Huaya Federation. In the next ten years, it will be the entire Earth.”

“Destiny System will become everything in this country, from now on, no other manager is needed, and the so-called superior is no longer needed, leaving only players and system in 2 levels. Everyone only listens to the commands of the system Only by completing the tasks issued by the system will you be eligible to survive. “


“What is that crazy man doing! Absolute egalitarianism?” True body The people in Tianqing’s face became more and more wrong, and their brows became more and more tight.

“‘Excessive capital beyond life, it is meaningless to hold in the hands of individuals except to promote speculation’, with such far-fetched reasons to forcibly limit everyone’s wealth limit to no more than 1,000,000 Chinese dollars, all excess will be turned over system, is he mental illness? “The rules set by Bai Mo obviously made them unacceptable.

“Let everyone behave in accordance with the regulations and orders of the system. Offenders will be reformed from labor to death, and will be wiped out directly. Is he trying to make everyone a slave of this ghost system? Who do he think he is!”

“In the future political books and history books, maybe there will be another regime called System Slave”


“What the hell are you for?” After hearing the entire manifesto, people in Huaya asked this question unbearably.

“In the past few months, I have observed more than 500,000 people living in the Huaya Federation. The vast majority of people repeat their boring work day after day for their livelihood.”

“These people may often have their own ideas and plans to improve, but in the end almost all of them are lost because of lack of self-discipline. In the end, nothing is achieved, and the time is spent.

Bai Mo had nothing to do with the announcement of the “microphone” of the whole World, broadcast the entire conversation to everyone’s ears without reservation, and opened a wave of super mockery.

“what do you want to say in the end?”

“I was thinking, can a system symbolizing coercive force replace the self-control of illusory in everyone?”

“Monitor every set plan, remind each time of laziness, and let everyone’s own quality continue to improve. So as long as there is a system, they can quickly improve themselves.”

“You don’t seem to be such an idealist who is struggling for all human beings to be positive. What are you doing?” Liu Zhen refuted quite directly. After more than ten years of getting along, he is very clear that the person in front of him, each There is a deep meaning behind the step. It is definitely not because of a moment of singularity that such a crazy thing is done.

“The real value of intelligent life is to be able to make achievements far beyond wild beast through the lever of knowledge. To put it bluntly, the value that a High-Level engineer can create for me is greater than ten illiterates.”

“You want to be Destiny itself, so that everyone can only follow the route you plan to become a more useful person for you, and then create greater value for you?” Chen Bo roughly understood his idea, But it is obviously impossible to understand or accept.

Bai Mo said nothing, and continued to look down at everything on the ground with cold eyes.

“It’s really a selfish to selfless lunatic.”

According to the declaration of Bai Mo, after the implementation of Destiny System, all power and wealth will be concentrated in his hands, and he will arrange the operation of this huge country every moment.

The system controls everything, and no one else has any possibility of interfering with power. Naturally, there is no power struggle. Money is also limited by the upper limit of assets, making endless chasing meaningless. This is exactly what he said The reason for this remark.

“Laissez-faire is never the best option, and planning is the only way. The reason why the previous plan failed was only because the information preparation ability of the person who prepared the plan was not enough, or the plan itself was badly executed.”

“With my current strength, it is enough to see the whole picture of this country in real time, and at the same time, directly arrange the plan to each individual in the form of a task, meaning that there is no misunderstanding in the transmission.

“You waited for that many years, for this reason?” Cheng Mu finally understood why Bai Mo didn’t launch it all a few years ago. It is not enough to be stronger than everyone. He needs to kick away everyone and be alone. Take control of everything!

“This is the ‘fun’ World you want? It’s clearly a hell!”

“We will never be the dog of this system!”


All present were a fair hero. Naturally it was impossible to accept this, a social form that restricted individual freedom to the extreme, so they began to clamor.

“In the next week, all lives on this planet can come to Australia Continent to challenge me, no matter how many people or weapons, I don’t care.”

After leaving such a sentence, he spent 3 seconds to blast all the clones of the extraordinary person in the Tucker Desert, and then turned into a stream of light, disappearing with the shadow in the sky. In situ, there was only Li Bida still asleep on Huang Sha.

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