Original Seeker

Chapter 389

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Bai Mo withdrew his attention towards the east and turned to Clone in front of Teach. This Clone is not the same as Teach himself. It is not pure Spirit Energy Clone, but flesh and blood.

After the random blow failed, he finally took it seriously, and immediately used the ability again, grabbing all the surrounding energy, and turning them into high-energy weapons in his hand.

Under the Australian Continent Desert, there are extremely rich geothermal resources. The geothermal energy named as hot rock, if fully developed to generate electricity, will be enough for the entire World to use for nearly 100 years.

But now all development plans have come to an end as humans withdraw from this continent.

After Sea Race officially declared war, marine trade was almost completely blocked. It is well known that the lifeblood of human modern economy is Hivemind Serres of foreign trade. It directly ordered the underlying Sea Race to attack all ships at any cost, forcing human ocean trade to almost disappear. There are very few ships with powerhouse guards that can pass through obstacles to reach their destination.

The lonely overseas Australia, after resisting the wave after wave of land landing of Sea Race, thought that staying there would only be used by Sea Race to destroy the whole country with its life, and finally, after the referendum, the vast majority of citizens were relocated to the Americas. Only a few diehards are reluctant to leave.

He chose this continent as a battlefield for some of the above reasons. After all, Bai Mo wanted not a ruin named Huaya Federation.

Before the battle began, he had already budgeted to the final battle. He would definitely flatten the land counted in hundred thousand square kilometers, and belong to the 52 Rank 5 powerhouses in the Federation. At least 70% of the people will choose. Fight against yourself, this does not count the external reinforcements that may participate in the war.

If such an intense battle erupts in Huaya, the death toll is likely to be in units of 10000000 million people, and a considerable part of the city will be razed to the ground.

“His …” After seeing Bai Mo’s hand again, Teach seemed to hear the sound of steam. Immediately he found that the ground, which was still somewhat sun-warmed, became as cold as the frozen ground of the plateau within half a second.

Dozens of high-temperature granites with a temperature of more than 100 meters and a temperature of more than 100 degrees Celsius were plundered by Bai Mo suspended on the ground to remove the internal energy, and the touch became cold and abnormal.

However, the heat transferred from the deeper core will reheat these stones after a period of time until they return to their original temperature.

“Would you like to try the sun on my hand?” Bai Mo used his Mental Power as a restraining field, and the right hand falsely held a more scary light ball.

The energy density of the light ball this time is similar to the previous one, but the volume is close to 7 times of the previous one. The ground within ten meters of the light ball has been burned with a thin layer of glass crystals at high temperatures.

“Pa!” After a finger snapped, the light ball was divided into 3, and they went to Teach from 3 completely different directions. This is a trial by Bai Mo to see how many things the other party is still hiding.

With the help of Skynet’s ability, he actually already knows the truth of Gate of Burning Steel, but he is a little curious, which step can such a Clone do.

“Shock!” Teach’s eyes suddenly turned red, and after his eyes turned red, all the air around him began to vibrate at a terrifying frequency. This was developed by the United States with his ability to cause resonance, imitating the United States. The highly destructive high-frequency knife principle causes the air to vibrate at a very high frequency, creating a shield that is very terrifying offensive and defensive.

In addition, in the high-frequency air shield, Teach also built a 2nd line of defense with gravel on the ground to prevent 10000-1.

After finishing all the preparations in an instant, he slightly raised the corner of his mouth and silently made Gate of Burning Steel appear behind Bai Mo. Then a Ray of Death disappeared in front of him from the door, from 2 meters away. 20 times the speed of sound reflected back.

“It’s a good idea, but it’s a pity that the information is not equal, and it is destined to be in vain.” Bai Mo whispered this fact in a voice without emotion.

In a very short time, this beam of light directly passed through his body that had turned into a material wave in advance, and then flew straight into the sky.

The space hole actively left by Bai Mo’s chest re-closed after half a second, leaving no trace.

The plasma cluster exploded in mid-air due to excessive expansion, causing the sky to be illuminated, various rays scattered, and the heat energy was also returned to the nearby air, causing an 4-level gale at high altitude.

And this is just a small appetizer, then divided into 3 petals, the little sun blasting on the high-frequency air shield is the protagonist who can really cause a changeable situation.

“The thief hahahahaha, let’s experience it together!” While struggling to resist, Teach opened the Gate of Burning Steel again and sent nearly half of the brutal energy that was being confronted to Bai Mo in the form of Space Transmission.

The essence of Gate of Burning Steel is the ability to transmit energy-based attacks to almost any location within a certain range.

In order to obtain it, Teach forcibly killed the owner with only his fist, and then devoured his corpses piece by piece.

His ability is essentially equivalent to the risk-free Spirit Pivot transplantation. As long as Spirit Energy within the body is enough, Teach can support an amazing number of different capabilities. In order not to produce some low cost performance, he gradually became quite “picky eater” and only selected some “food” that he considered significant.

The energy tide set off by Bai Mo became chaotic under the influence of Teach. After Xiaoyang lost its main attack direction, the surrounding air was driven for several kilometers and participated in this carnival of heat and kinetic energy.

Ordinary person If surrounded by this, the only question that can be considered is whether he will first be cooked at a high temperature of nearly 1000 degrees or torn apart by the fierce wind of ten Fifth Level.

It’s just that in the center of the high temperature storm, Bai Mo is still standing calmly and composed, without even blowing one of his hair, and even taking the time to see how much Ayers Rock has been cut off next to it.

The hurricane is like a whole screen away from him, he is on the end of the screen, and the wind is inside the screen.

Relying on the ability of so close, yet worlds apart, the actual distance between the wind and his body is close to 2 kilometers. With Bai Mo’s control, the storm outside 2000 meters has no effect on him.

The previous attack that exceeded 20 times the speed of sound also took close to one third seconds before it actually touched him.

“Hu, huh, huh.” Teach, who finally survived this death storm, couldn’t help but breathe a few breaths before recovering.

Although he was still unscathed, the huge losses on Spirit Energy are still inevitable, so after seeing the remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, and waiting for the silhouette he recovered, he began to think quickly about effective countermeasures.

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