Original Seeker

Chapter 391

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With more than 30 hours left before Bai Mo’s final deadline, the entire Huaya Federation was agitated by his declaration.

Compared with the seniors who can’t close their eyes for a few days and nights, the past few days are more comfortable for ordinary person. Because all their information can only be obtained through the media, as long as the media is unified, and they try to dilute the influence of Bai Mo, they can control public opinion to a large extent and maintain the general stability of the society.

The actual information on Australia has been completely sealed for the time being, and even if the enthusiasts broke the news, it would not be possible to reach the battle site for live broadcast without any support, so the right to speak was directly concentrated Tianqing authorities.

But all of this should be based on their hope of winning. If Bai Mo can really be killed in Australia, then naturally 10000 things will happen, and the peak will be brilliant and savvy. It will smash a conspiracy of a madman trying to rule the World and protect the nation from charcoal.

But now all media controls, in the face of absolute differences in power, have become pure whitewashing. There is still a little more time. When the countdown ends, everything will help.

As for the funeral for Bai Mo more than a year ago, no one cares at this time. Compared to his own life, that little thing is not important at all.

“Special alert! Special alert! A large number of high-energy responses appear on the southeast coast!” In the Command Unit of the anti-Sea Race frontline on the southeast coast, several hundred red points suddenly appeared on the battle power evaluation radar, and the alarm sounded.

“There is an enemy attack! Don’t sleep, everyone is in the state of special combat readiness!” There were still many soldiers in the barracks, who were on shift rest. At this time, they were awakened by colleagues with weapons and alarm , Rushed to their respective positions.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Huaya Federation, such an iron rule had been established that the coastal defense forces must not participate in any other task except to fight Sea Race, in order to avoid the internal power struggle and the impact on the security of the entire country.

For most ordinary people, changing senior leadership is a trivial matter, and there is not much intersection with themselves anyway, but if you let Sea Race land successfully and run inland on a large scale, it is really devastating. Disaster.

The current Sea Race is not the shrimp soldiers and crab generals that were ten years ago. It will be a seafood that will die within 2 days after leaving the water. creature.

Therefore, even if Bai Mo issued a declaration that challenged the entire system, the various sea defense forces just continued to stick to their posts and waited for the final result.

“If these all are the monsters of Sea Race, then we have nothing to fight.” The front line lieutenant looked at the data on the radar and swallowed hard.

“More than 300 strong Spirit Energy responses at the Rank 5 level, what else is there? The entire Huaya Federation has only more than 50 Rank 5 and 2 Rank 6 …”

“The battlefield, or my best home for this guy, but at least, also have to be more wild beast funeral.” Hua Tianyu, the total person in charge of the Southern Front, carefully reviewed the information and said quietly, at this time he It is also believed that this was the first offensive of Sea Race during the chaos of Huaya.

“Using all weapons that can fight the enemy within my authority! If necessary, hit me with hydrogen bombs!”

He spent most of his life in the army, before facing an enemy that could not be matched at all, and decided to fight to the end, even if he only delayed a little time for the rear.

The information from the front was sent to Tianqing City at the rear as fast as possible, again giving this already restless city a fire.

Looking at the radar information map in hand, Chen Bo said nothing.

“Is it his Clone? Our last satellite image showed that it was continuously that Clone stepped out of within the body of that giant monster.” Wen Jian remembered that the spy satellite came before the Ayers area of ​​Australia fell into darkness. Last picture.

“I don’t know.”

No matter what the people in the rear think, Hua Tianyi has issued an urgent response order in immediately.

“Ready to fight!” Through the electronic command system, every soldier who received the order was immediately prepared to fire.

As a result of years of participation in the war against Sea Race, soldiers here can complete battle preparations at extremely fast speeds, but in the presence of a group of Spirit Energy Clones flying at high speeds over 5 times the speed of sound, such preparations are only symbolic.

The Spirit Energy radar, with a detection radius of 1000 kilometers, issued early warnings, but it only won them a total of more than 5 minutes.

“What about our enemies?” A few minutes later, various grassroots commanders reported their soldiers and their doubts to the Command Unit through the command network.

According to the provisions of the code, when such a special alert occurs, the enemy usually appears within 5 minutes, of which the first 5 minutes are reserved for the soldiers, and the last 1 minutes are on the battlefield standby.

“It’s too fast …” After discovering the enemy in the sky, after crossing the line of defense from a height of 3000 metres directly, he felt that he almost wanted to vomit blood, but with the concealed help of his deputy, he still maintained a standing posture. As for shaking the army.

They were all ready to delay their enemies with their lives. As a result, the other party did n’t even look at themselves and went straight through the line of defense.

Hua Tianzhang felt that his current situation was as if the criminal before the sentence was abruptly kept by the sword. Immediately after he escaped, someone told him that there was a fire in his home, and the whole family was burned to death.

“Reported to Chief Commander Hua, the Blood Warfare 2 missile defense system has been fully launched. First Round launched a total of 300 seventy two Spirit Energy tracking missiles, but we also found a problem …” The person in charge of the remote interception system, sounded like A tone that seemed to want to cry said, “Our missiles may not have time to catch up with each other.”

Unlike intercontinental missiles, which can fly at speeds above Mach 4, the interceptor system’s missile speed is only Mach 5 to 1, which is roughly the same speed as Bai Mo’s clone, so this awkward thing happened.

“What about laser pulse defense on the ground and heavy electromagnetic guns? What about the effect of the positron guns on the synchronous satellite?”

“The laser was swallowed by the black substance that suddenly appeared on the target, while the electromagnetic cannon was deflected by the opponent with an unknown force field, and finally the satellite attack was blocked by a monster more than one kilometer long!”

“Hope Tianqing can do something over there.” Hua Tianyi grew sighed, as if he was as old as he was for decades. In his eyes, the Sea Race giant beast that is more than one kilometer long may only have the ability to deal with it.

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