Original Seeker

Chapter 393

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“Judge everyone? You must be crazy, do you know how many people have been involved in the Red World turmoil? Do you know how many have violated the law in the past ten years? Society has suddenly lost that many working people It will definitely crash! “

Regardless of the reason, Cheng Mu felt that he had to argue with Bai Mo. He didn’t want this country where he had devoted his whole life to playing like a toy until it collapsed. Power is one thing, and Huaya is also the country where he has lived his whole life.

“You still haven’t figured it out. After the Destiny System starts running, it will replace most of the social relationships and become the network hub that connects everyone. Individual individuals are just plug-and-play external devices, increasing and decreasing. Will have no impact on the network itself. “

“Just like the Internet as a whole, whether it’s one fewer terminal computer or 200000000 million fewer, what’s the matter? You use a wall to isolate 1 billion people out of the network, and the Internet is not as active as it is.”

Hearing here, everyone present was cold on their backs, and was regarded as a plug-and-play mobile terminal, even if it was large, it was definitely not a good feeling.

“You have never considered humans like you?”

“You have divided countless small circles according to the criteria of region, custom, color, bloodline, race, and political opinion, but almost all contradictions have arisen from this. I feel too annoying, so I only left one The core classification-it’s myself, everything else. “

“Even more how, who of you, really treats the people below equally? But it is divided into 3, 6 and 9 according to relatives, distances, and distances. At least I treat them equally, and all are ‘external devices.'”

An Internet without self has been able to “tied” countless people to it through various devices and indulge in it every day. And now an Internet with its own power and overwhelming power, which step it can do is a unimaginable thing.

“Go to death, lunatic! Heavenly Dragon Exploding Flames!” A youngster took the lead, and five violent Fire Dragons emerged from within without the body, killing everything with white momentum.

He has just entered Rank 5 for less than 2 years. The people standing at the top of the pyramid have n’t enjoyed enough life. Suddenly, a maniac who says that everyone wants to be equal, so everyone can be a System Slave.

“Someone seems to fail to recognize the gap.”

Facing this almost self-harmful outbreak attack, Bai Mo just stretched out a finger, the white rays of light gushing frantically from his fingers, and he will be surrounded by 5 Fire Dragons who are still charging on baring fangs and brandishing claws. Then little by little pressed back to the other person within the body.

Then he did the same as when dealing with Zhao Feiyan, ignoring all the defenses and straight into his forehead, then an information storm broke out, and the enemies attempting to attack directly wiped out his personality, and a brand new living dead was released.

This spirit technique, named Mo Jian by Bai Mo, builds on his horrific use of Mental Power. At the molecular level, through a series of forces such as Van der Waals forces, hydrogen bonds, salt bonds, etc., which are intervened by Mental Power, the substance is torn into one by one molecule.

With the exception of some ultra-high-energy substances, this spirit technique can sweep almost all solids present on Earth into particle-sized particles on a macroscopic scale.

“You deal with me with the tricks I came up with? I don’t even change it.” Bai Mo can see at a glance that this is the spirit technique he thought of 3 years ago, because he felt that he should not have much opportunity to use it. A database of testing grounds is readily available.

Then they accepted the Youth League of Tianqing testing grounds, and began to quickly equip themselves with the contents of the database, wanting to prepare for the battle for power.

“You’ve buried everything in everything ?!” Wei Wuya, who saw his General was killed by the instant and was temporarily promoted to chairman, asked in shock.

Because Zhao Feiyan, who was previously killed by instant, is also in the league, he could not help but make him have the conjecture of having a back door. At the top of the league, almost everyone has absorbed a lot of things from the database. If Bai Mo really left behind all the secret doors, it would be a pretty scary thing.

“Weak is weak, how can there be many secret doors.”

At that time, the attack of Red World’s Follower was too hasty. Bai Mo had no time to activate the dark spirit rice, and left himself a last way out if necessary. As for other arrangements, simply has no time to do it.

“If there is no problem, then I will end this farce early.” He gave Chen Bo a pointed look.

In the true sense, the 3 and a half enemies have chosen to temporarily concede, and the so-called Challenge All World has become a show with a destined ending.

Whether by the strength of oneself to suppress the Red World’s Follower who plays with the whole world, or Gaia who silently controls fate behind them, their power is not what Earth’s life can resist.

Even Bai Mo, which was strong enough to deal with dozens of Rank 5 at the time, actually only lasted less than ten hours. Finally, it still relied on the Soul Crystal left by the light man from Parallel World. Found a way to turn.

Of course, if there were no twists and turns before Golden Apple was born, he would have already embarked on the road of devouring all human beings and become a super-living body like Yanhuo, but this is another thing for Parallel World.

At this time, Chen Bo was still struggling. Would you like to open the last trump card and build it with the power of one country? It can be a super structure that can concentrate nearly half of the nation ’s Rank 3 or more extraordinary person and half of its power …

“Don’t think about it, that thing can only take ten minutes, it’s definitely not enough.” “What about ten minutes, this kind of lunatic can’t be tolerated!” “This is a warm-boiled frog. Five years later, what else do you think can escape his palm?”

Chen Bo in the battle between heaven and man, his mind continually turned all kinds of thoughts, at this moment he had too much to consider. All kinds of interests, their own plans for the future, and the future direction of the World are all appearing in rapid operation.

All the people behind him knew quietly waiting for the final decision, whether to fight or to descend.

“You’re thinking about the giant structure made without that Mithril?” Bai Mo smiled and said the biggest secret in everyone’s heart.

“How did you know ?!” Although not directly speaking, the surprise in their eyes revealed their inner thoughts.

“This World, what I want to know, few of them have no answer, the World-Purifying Sacred Destruction Golden Lotus … the original name should be World-Purifying Sacred Destruction Titan.” He continued to say that he saw through Skynet s things.

“Is it you?” Bai Mo asked to himself. He has more than 80% probability to confirm that behind the prototype design of this thing, there is the support of the most mysterious creator.

“Impossible! This is the design that our Research Institute completed alone. There is no original name at all. It only has this name!” As the new director of the Research Institute of Spiritual Energy, Long Chaoqing resolutely and decisively denied Bai Mo’s Nonsense.

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