Original Seeker

Chapter 396

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The intense Spiritual Fluctuation issued by Wei Wuya’s burning life spreads throughout the entire world in half a second at the speed of light.

However, life is precious and love is more expensive. If it is freedom, the two people can always throw this value. They do not need to worry about any aspect of clothing, food, shelter, and transportation. After fully meeting the basic material needs of life, people There will always be a higher level of pursuit.

But for those who always occupy the largest number in the Huaya Federation and work hard every day to barely make ends meet, this kind of 2 is a big hit, even if I ’ve heard it, then what should I do, and think about life It ’s better to relax with a mobile phone. After a hard day, how can you think that many? Some do n’t, and the house still offers.

But no matter what, the will of Red World’s Follower, which was pinned on it, was blown up by this Self-destruction, and although it has not completely dissipated, it is already on the verge of collapse.

And the other two carriers, due to the close-up Self-destruction from their teammates, even if they have the protection from their own mysterious flower layer to reduce injuries, they still suffer heavy injuries, but there is nothing in the will pinned on within the body loss.

As for Bai Mo, who is also at the center of the explosion on the other side, his Clone was not damaged in a suicide attack comparable to the hydrogen bomb explosion.

It’s a pity that the 4 guys who studied in the end use either Clone or projection. Wei Wuya’s last explosion, apart from the final declaration, not at all achieved any substantial results.

“Actually, this kid put it together!” In the faintly discernible red light, Red World’s Follower showed a hint of anger.

It turned out that in order to ensure his safety to the greatest extent, Wei Wuya secretly tied the lives of two hostages to himself. He hinted that he would kill Hua Qing 2 as soon as he signaled himself. The signal here also includes the disappearance of his vital signs.

Wei Wuya is also a Rank 5 Spirit Energy cultivator. There is no problem in controlling for 2 days, but the long-term control of Red World’s Follower will consume a lot of power, so in addition to the necessary inducement, the rest of its will Are all in a deep sleep.

Earlier, it did n’t pay attention to all too much, so it was not found that the other party would make this arrangement for the final insurance, disgusting one side at the cost of life.

“Good luck to you.” Bai Mo soon learned of Wei Wuya’s approach, but there was no anger in his eyes, he just looked into the distance and said something unknown to the air.

Within a few seconds, a large amount of white light popped out of him again, crushing all the red light like a candle remaining in the wind.

“What the hell are you doing to establish such a system?” Gaia’s advent body thought that the next battle was meaningless, so it stopped the attack and raised the question of until now, “Just before me From your observations, you are not the kind of person who likes to take care of management chores. “

“Isn’t it exciting to regulate everyone’s behaviors, let them live the way I think is right, and be able to use my power to truly realize the World I imagined?” Bai Mo said indifferently.

“Sure enough, I think so, you are like a real-time strategy game player on the planet, and you want to control all the actions of all units. Just this game, you have the patience to play how many years? Someday you will get tired. Gaia sarcastically said.

Then Bai Mo responded: “It’s boring, just put it down. The most important thing in this World is fun things. But for at least 300-500 years, I should not be tired because there are too many fun Imagine waiting for me to do it with the power of the world. “

“Every individual’s selfish thoughts and endless desires are the driving force behind the overall progress of your society. You use a system that overrides everyone, strictly manages them with countless rules, and suppresses everything The greed that stifles most vents of desire will only make World a stagnant water. “Gaia continued to stab.

“Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in this world have not yet reached the realm that can advance the society and give them excessive freedom. They will only raise a group of boring creatures who are addicted to entertainment, procrastinating at the end of the disease, and idle on the Internet all day. “Bai Mo responded.

“I hope you are still alive 300 years later.” Gaia did not continue the debate, but left a word that was obscure and unknown, and then wiped out the will of the advent body, turning it into a group of purple rays of light, and Huang Guang Disappear together in the sky.

Suddenly, there were only two dead bodies in the air that were injured everywhere, were falling fast, and the “Peace Treaty” full of unknown runes.

After putting away these things, Bai Mo’s clone also turned into a stream of light and flew towards the place in the perception.

“Didn’t expect, he just suppressed us, just a clone.”

“Maybe this is his true body?”

After speeding to the border, a group of people who wanted to leave found that the entire border of the Huaya Federation seemed to be blocked by an indescribable wall.

They flew along the border, but no matter how they explored, they couldn’t find a way to get over it. It was like a cover that completely covered every inch of the land of the Huaya Federation.

Like a hive, this tiny hexagon made of each and everyone is a faintly discernible high wall in the air, as if laughing at their futile behavior at this time.

“It’s impossible! He can’t become so huge, this should be the nano honeycomb!” Someone who has carefully browsed the Tianqing database thinks of this thing that only exists in the data assumption.

“Relying on the Spirit Energy Network System to replace the second-generation defense system of the energy attack absorption system? In other words, he already has the possibility to rely on the ability to produce a specific nano material on a large scale ?!” Thinking of this, it is clear Several people in Bai Mo ability suddenly felt have one’s hair stand on end.

“Mental Power … can handle large-scale operations at the nanometer level … no wonder we only need one finger to kill …” With such a message prompt, they can easily guess the principle of each other’s spirit technique.

Disintegrate the microstructure of matter at the molecular level!

And from the volume of the nano honeycomb, his disintegration range is actually almost the size of a foul!

“It doesn’t work underground, it also has the defense of interception.” A head popped up from the ground, telling this fact in a frustrated voice.

“Do you want to do it?” They didn’t want to break the wall with violence unless necessary.

Although everyone present can perceive this invisible barrier, at most they can only defend against the attacks of Rank 3 extraordinary persons, it is impossible to stop any of them, but Bai Mo’s previous actions have been clear. The land declared that any hostile behavior would be deemed to be in violation of the agreement and immediately killed.

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