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Mutated Lysosome on the other side expressed no solution to this kind of “dead” to replace his “bullets” with a cell, kill another batch immediately, and turn the corpse into a recruit to send the dead stream tactics to death.

And because it is not home, there is not enough material basis to produce more mutant hydrolases, so it began to lose ground in the small white mouse within the body, and eventually it was completely piled up by the enemy’s body.

In addition to StarCraft, Bai Mo thought more deeply.

In his view, most of the so-called injuries are caused by cell damage. And this mutated phagocytic cell can devour the damaged and dead cell in a very short time, and then quickly convert it into a substance that can be used to produce new cells again.

“Is this an alternative high-speed regeneration?”

In order to verify his new conjecture, Bai Mo used scalpel lightly to make a small wound on the small white mouse that was still in a coma after defeating the invaders. As a result, this small wound was recovered in less than one minute To the original state.

Bai Mo feels that his experiments have finally made a significant discovery, and he also understands the fact that actively accelerating spiritual energy to induce evolution is actually a betting choice.

Like the little white mouse, if it is not successful in stimulating the body’s potential, it is estimated that it will be finished. Even in a better situation, Mutated Lysosome, which is the opposite of the victory, will finally look like a vital injury.

“I don’t have any external plug-ins, nor the abnormal talents like Yun Jie. The ability is not considered heaven defying. The only advantage is that I found the usefulness of Spirit Stone two or three months earlier than others.

“But if I go with the flow, it won’t be too long. The most prominent group of talents will probably leave me far away. The so-called first-mover advantage will disappear, and eventually become one. second-rate ability usar. “

Bai Mo is not reconciled.

“Or Yun Jie is right, we mortals can only fight with our lives.” Yun Jie’s last words this morning left a deep impression on him who was deeply influenced by the network novel.

Thinking about it, Bai Mo took the initiative to withdraw Life Field, relax the muscles, and inject all the remaining samples into the body to start the gamble.

At the beginning, he could use divine sense to watch his cell fight against the army produced by Mutated Lysosome. Because his consciousness was still awake, he watched the war in his body as a bystander.

The number of lost cells is gradually increasing. Even though Bai Mo has completed 90% of Spiritual Energy Transformation’s body, it still feels a little uncomfortable.

Although the injection volume is nearly 100 times that of the small white mouse, Bai Mo ’s body is more than 100 times stronger than that of the small white mouse, so Bai Mo can still remain awake half an hour after the injection, unlike the small white mouse. The mouse passed out after a short injection.

“It’s been an hour. The previous experiment time of the mouse was less than an hour. Even if my dose is relatively large, there should be no reaction at all.”

Bai Mo found that the battlefield was almost all over his body.

However, it is estimated that his Spiritual Energy Transformation is too high. Although he has actively given up the defense of the body surface and transferred the battlefield directly to his body within the body, it is still in a stalemate. Even his body cell can suppress Invaded Mutated Lysosome.

But it didn’t take long for him to find that Mutated Lysosome with the body began to have strange changes.

Under divine sense, he observed that the structure of Mutated Lysosome began to change, and he became more and more inclined to a new independent life.

This Mutated Lysosome Bai Mo looks a bit wrong, it seems that the degree of returning is getting higher and higher. More like a new single-cell creature than when he first entered him within the body.

“Is that biological conjector’s conjecture about the origin of organelles right then?”

This kind of Mutated Lysosome, which was originally a semi-independent state, would be suppressed by the original body of the original girl ’s within the body, but after staying in Bai Mo ’s within the body for a long time, the rest of the returned ancestor would be gone Steps, completely transformed into independent creatures, even with the ability to self-replicate …

“It’s still self-replication based on local materials!”

“It’s nice to use the Insect Wave Tactic while playing the Insect Wave while playing the sidemen, but as an opponent it’s not good at all.”

“But my cell is Divine Race full of Spirit Energy, it is definitely not so easy to lose.”

By this time, he was still full of confidence in his body, and he was still thinking about it.

In this “Star” tug-of-war battle, which took place in Bai Mo within the body, the stalemate has lasted for more than ten hours. With insufficient control accuracy, he has been as a managed player and quietly watched the battles happening around the body.

Looking at the body controlled by the subconscious, continuously taking his own cell to die, he has a feeling of indifference.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t have that control ability, and uses Mental Power to control every cell.

As the battle continued, Bai Mo found that his physical subconscious’s ability to control and control the cell seemed to be gradually increasing. From the various deaths last night, to now he has learned to create a local absolute advantage. First eat the small units on the opposite side. Various simple guerrilla warfare.

Continuous and long-term high-intensity mental consumption makes Bai Mo really tired, but he took out the spirit of nibbling the network novel late at night-never sleep without watching!

Under the direction of Bai Mo’s rapid and progressive body consciousness, the cell within the body gradually organized a more effective attack from the original “Life for Bullets” and began a large-scale counterattack.

“This Mutated Lysosome may not last for too long. Although it has the ability to replicate itself, it is no longer a lone army without supplies to the enemy, but the trend is already on my side. No, this thing can no longer be called Mutated Lysosome. It is already an independent creature. “

At the end of the battle, Bai Mo took a sample of the mutant lysobacteria on his body and put it in the freezer to save for further research in the future after the body’s activities basically returned to normal.

This live version of Star Wars lasted a full 20 hours. With the continuous improvement of subconscious control ability, Bai Mo’s body won the battle.

The subconscious mind from the very beginning of the cell controls the novice player, except for the kind that will not die, and the autumn wind sweeps the leaves after the tenth eighth hour.

The battle losses of the last 2 hours are basically negligible.

Bai Mo was really tired. After confirming his body’s victory immediately, he didn’t even think about his gains. He hurriedly tuned the alarm clock one day and then could not wait to crawl to bed.

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