Original Seeker

Chapter 618

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With the success of surface landing operations, the vanguard quickly took root in the fire star. Massive supplies and the Department of Logistic team began to be transported continuously from the moon to the front line, and the base was busy.

“Report to the commander. At present, our army has controlled 1300 square kilometers of surrounding land, and has established a large military base with a total of eight temporary auxiliary bases, waiting for the next instruction.” The battlefield command auxiliary AI said with a harsh synthetic voice.

“I don’t always feel right …” Fire star surface commander Mai Haoli is a very cautious person, and he is a little uneasy about the underdog atmosphere in the army, from top to bottom.

“Let the divination team go to the command room.”


A federal army that combines technology and cultivation, each Legion is equipped with a prophecy mage who follows the army. Although these mage’s predictions are uneven, they still have an irreplaceable position on the battlefield.

They may not be able to predict the complete formation of the enemy, but it is still possible to predict which positions will suffer the most severe attacks and which regiment will lose the most.

Once prepared, the corresponding losses can be avoided.

Assisted AI can perform complex reasoning through a large amount of known information, and the prophets use their methods to provide AI with information from various sources of mystery.

The two complement each other and together constitute the “super brain” of the Command Unit.

Of course, the role of the prophecy master is much more than that. In scientific research, they have a fairly heavenly defying effect. They can greatly reduce the frequency of trial and error through their own prophecy spell.

After a scientific conjecture is proposed, they can use the prophecy spell to bypass the expensive experiment itself and directly predict the correctness of the conjecture. Although the success rate is not considered heaven defying, they can still take a lot of detours.


“Mutation will occur in 7 days,” a mage-like middle-aged man said directly after entering the command room.

Speaking from a certain perspective, chatting with a prophetic mage is very worry-free, because they often do n’t need to wait for the other person to speak, and they say the answer themselves.

“The main body that produces mutation is beyond our prediction scope, but speculated from the side information, it should be something targeted at technological weapons.”

“Is it aimed at modern weapons?” The first reaction of the commander was the special environment of the 4 secrets in Earth.

Within the scope of the secret environment, there is a special electromagnetic pulse everywhere, and the electronic components in the equipment will completely fail under the influence of the pulse.

“If that’s the case, things will get in trouble.”


“The planet consciousness of the fire star is awakening?” Bai Mo, who was hiding outside a certain city, also noticed a slight difference.

Countless fire star people ’s worship and belief in the spirit of nature for a long time finally created an consciousness infinitely close to the 7th grade. When believers encountered a group crisis, it began to slowly wake up. .


“It’s a pity that one more Gaia can’t change anything.”

Including a few Rank 6s that do n’t care about the world, the human federation on the moon has more than 20 Rank 6 extraordinary persons.

With the specially designed Spirit Energy Technology weapon, their sibling powerhouse against fire star can even one against two.

In total, there are only 4 Rank 6 fire stars. Even with the addition of a Rank 6 Perfection planet, the high-end power contrast is still very different.

The only reason the war has not collapsed is that the high-level federations are still trying to push each other, at the stage where the three monks have no food to eat.

No one wants to fight desperately with the same level, because in the war of aggression, it is likely to meet guys who are willing to pull their opponents together.

High-level competition is extremely cruel. If battle power is lost, even if it is obtained in the war, it will still be inevitable.

Win the honor and lose the country.


“Dong dong dong.” There was a knock on the door of a dormitory at the federal military camp at fire star Twelfth.


“I repair the air conditioner!” A humble man outside the door replied.

“Air conditioner? Wait a minute, I’ll open the door.”

The temperature on the surface of the fire star is as low as minus 50 degrees. Even though a temporary simple atmospheric circulation device has been deployed inside the military base, the temperature of the air is still terrifying.

Before the complete atmospheric circulation + temperature control system is established, it is necessary to install a convenient air conditioner in the military dormitory, or it is still the basic soldier of the physical body. If you want to take off the Power Armor, you may be frozen. Half a life.

So these days, people who install air conditioners in military camp dormitories are busy with air conditioners.

“Please show me your ID.” Small Captain, who had already opened the door, stepped in and asked for the ID.

Although the military code clearly stated that the identity of the staff member must be confirmed in order to open the door, he did not take it at all. There is no such thing as a fire star that needs attention.

“Now.” The man with a large box of tools behind him handed his identity card to the other party.

“Come in.” Captain just casually glanced, and turned around, ready to lead the man outside the door.


“Pu 呲!” Before the pain passed to his brain, the poor sergeant facing the air-conditioning repairman was pierced through the heart with a dagger flashing with dim light.

“You!” By the time the brain felt severe pain, he had only had time to say a word for you, without even giving him a chance to turn his head.

Taking the wound as the center, the black light on the dagger devoured the victim’s body frantically. In less than ten seconds, the murdered sergeant was eaten with no bones left.


“Sorry, although we have no resentment, but I’m sorry you’ve blocked the way.” After the killings and the corpses, the man who was pretending to be an air conditioner quickly recovered himself, and he could not bear to A cross was drawn at the location of the previous body.

Because of the premeditated plan, at this time, other people around at the dormitory did not all pass by. As a noncommissioned comrade who is qualified to live in an independent dormitory, there are no roommates living together.

“Ivy … I’ll live for you the next time.” A fiery-red-haired man turned out the identity of the sergeant in the drawer and began to read the files of those killed by him. .

“In half an hour, I can return to the moon.”

The name of the killed non-commissioned officer was Ivy League. In a sense, it was an unjust death. The only reason for his killing was that it was his turn exactly half an hour later to accompany the space shuttle that returned to the moon to fly. Back to Federal Supply Base.

PS: Thanks for the tears of the two big brothers, let me come up with a whole copy of the plot.

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