Original Seeker

Chapter 620

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“Mr. Cheng, Mr. Liu, Mr. Lu, I welcome you on behalf of the Federal Army.” A lean man with an officer look behind him led by 4 or 5 civilians, 3 God incarnations landing on the fire star say hello.

“General Ling, I trust you have been well since we last met.” Liu Zhen said with a faint smile.

“You’re welcome. I already know a few of you. The federal quota for you is 10000 zero-order fire star species, 100 Rank 1 fire star species per person, plus a Rank 2 fire star species.

This is the number book in the concentration camp. “The man named General Ling did not drag the mud, and took out his mobile phone and sent a batch of information to several people.

“The price of each zero-order fire star is 3000 FED, the Rank 1 fire star ishundred thousand Fed, and the Rank 2 fire star is 2000000 Fed.”

Tens of thousands of prisoners of war are bought and sold like goods. The cheapest zero-order fire star species are only about the price of a few cows.

“No problem, you can do it, we can rest assured.” Cheng Mu lightly pats General Ling’s shoulder, showing a smile of unwillingness.


Until now, they all rely on the way of buying false believers to provide faith, because the cult of personal worship is really not easy to engage in this era of information waves.

And they who are accustomed to aloof and remote, can not pull down the body to become an idol to attract fanatic fans.

On the contrary, it was originally mixed in the entertainment circle. Stars who rely on popularity and traffic saw opportunities and tried to embark on the Divine Path. After all, the emergence of spiritual energy has made kitchen power governing the country the basis for real realization.

It’s a pity that the top executives of the Federation have also seen this, and they don’t want to see them sitting in other systems, restricting the movement of celebrity fans everywhere by secret means.


“Work makes people free, and you dare to write.”

“That’s the bad taste of the commander in chief.”

The words written by the fire star at the entrance of the concentration camp attracted the attention of several people, and they were vomited without trace.

Because the fire star ground forces collapsed too quickly, the Federation easily captured a large number of captives. These captives began their lives in concentration camps under the leadership of special language proficiency users.

Looking around, a group of supervisors dressed in conspicuous green uniforms scattered in various places in the concentration camp are teaching a group of carefully selected, “obedient and clever” fire star people how to use disciplined weapons such as military electric rods to discipline Other compatriots who do not obey the instructions so much.

Due to the huge gap between the number of lunar men currently landing and the fire star natives, before the large-scale immigration program of the moon begins, the use of foreigners to control foreigners will be the main way to stabilize the concentration camps.

fire star There are countless contradictions within the various races. As long as these contradictions are slightly enlarged, they can not be integrated to resist and become a mess.


In the original Federation’s Xingluo project, all aliens were sent to make soap, but after getting the way of metamorphosis and Earth Immortal Immortal, their existence had greater value.

Whether it is used as an experimental product of civilization experiments in Earth Immortal ’s preaching process, or a cow of faith that is grazed by Divine Path, or materials of some dangerous live experiment of Wizard Wizard, it is far more meaningful than directly killing it. After all, the corpse There are 2 prices for living people.

At that time, various mutant creatures on Earth did not enjoy the treatment of each bone being fancy.


“My lord, that alien has brought the heart of fascination to the moon in his mouth.” On the back of the fire star, 1000 kilometers away from the landing point, a mysterious monster with a sacred appearance respectfully told a group of purple Nether Fire.

“I know.”

The purple flame flickered a few times, and then returned to normal.

“Bo, let them come over.”


“Didn’t expect There is such a civilization outside of heaven. It can melt the earth into a mount. This victory is slim …”


At the same time, there were 4 strange beasts with a breath to suppress all over the huge shrine. Wherever they went, even the guards in charge of the shrine were almost suffocating.

Facing the highest Nether Fire, the 4 beasts are not at all polite.

“Nuoyou, Dambule, Chichacaca, Buda, no, you 4 have all played against aliens from outside the world, how do you feel?” Zihuo doesn’t seem to mind their rudeness, but just gestures to make the surroundings suffer. The hard-guarded soldiers left.

“Dazzling, don’t you see it?” The three-wolf monster named Chichakacha asked in turn.

As the spirit of nature worshipped by countless fire star creatures, the confusion can see everything the other party sees through the eyes of the devotees.

“So, 4 is the battle?” After seeing such a situation, Nether Fire no longer has the slightest politeness, and straightforwardly forced a few monster stations that even coveted themselves.

“They are not enough.” Silhouette said the ghost-like ghost Nuoyou, which is as perishable as the residual candle in the wind, but has a very strong sense of existence.


Buda also nodded at the same time to the two heads on the chest and neck.

“Since this is the case, then fight.”

At present, the five monsters with ghosts are barely united.

The original confusing nature spirit has a great chance to become the absolute leader of all fire star life to start this war against the moon.

It’s a pity that the few Rank 6 that were born later have a chance to challenge it. If the 4 are combined, they can even open 5 5 with it.

In this case, the command has to make some concessions.


“I will unfold the God Fog. In the God Fog, most of the enemy’s weapons will be invalid.” With the confusing advantage at home, in the memory of a traitor, I found a way to cope with the defeat of the low-level troops.

Liu 5, who was vengeful but did not have enough strength, accidentally discovered the existence of the spirit of nature a few days ago and also conducted a transaction with the other party.

He spoke out all the information he knew, and exchanged the essence of power from the spirit of nature with the Heart of Enchantment.

Infinitely close to the confusing of the 7th grade, the confusing heart it gave was enough for Liu 5 to have an hour of Rank 6 transformation time. For him who has no revenge, it is simply a poison that is extremely attractive.

“None of you can drop, except me.”

As the confusing of the spirit of nature, once the original life on the fire star dies too much, it will also be hit by itself and fall asleep, or even die.

It can be said that once the invasion of the moon succeeds, if there is no accident, it must also be buried with him.

Became faith, but also lost faith.

From the awakening consciousness, it is the fire star life pan-consciousness in Rank 6 Perfection. If this limit cannot be surpassed, fate can only coexist with the race and die.

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