Original Seeker

Chapter 623

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“Finally, it worked.” A purple power emerged from behind Liu 5 and changed into a special illusion of a stand-in appearance.

The purple phantom flew directly into the main console behind him.

But immediately, Liu 5 felt that the console became a part of his body, and the single thought head of the brain could give it any instructions to complete various tasks.


While he was intoxicated, a black long spear penetrated the ceiling of the tenth and fifth floors, and stuck directly on the floor.

The black flame lingering on the long spear kept eroding the surrounding cement stones.

In the face of this black fire, the exposed steel bar did not appear to be much harder than the crispy crackers, and crackled off the floor.

“Unfortunately, you’re late.” Liu 5, all wrapped in purple flames, said to the black clothed man holding a black long spear.

“Justice is never late.”

“You guys deserve justice?” Liu 5 suddenly became excited.

The word justice seemed to stab his heart deeply like a sharp knife.


There was a loud bang. Before Liu 5 had not responded, the “qi” hole of black clothed Knight penetrated his back, and Liu 5’s head burst like a watermelon.

“There is power in the air, poor man who does not control the speed of power reaction.” After the dust was dispersed, Knight holding the long spear dismissed.

From the first glance at Liu 5, black clothed Knight understood the opponent’s bottom line.

In essence, he is just a guy whose strength is temporarily promoted by some existence. He does not understand the rules of the game at all, and he does not understand that the battle of Rank 6 extraordinary person is in milliseconds.

It was just that Liu 5, as a human instinct accustomed to a blinking gap, black clothed Knight fired dozens of shots at the same point on his back.

This superimposed dozens of guns on the same point, easily penetrated the defense of the purple force.


But after losing his head, Liu 5’s body not at all fell down as expected.

Without a head, he just shook his body slightly, and a new head grew in half a second.

A strange flurry of flesh and blood moved, and he recovered perfectly.

However, the careful person may be able to see that Liu’s 5th layer’s newly grown face seems to be slightly more feminine than before.

But just before he was about to be reborn, a black long spear appeared again behind him.

This time, the black gun penetrated his entire vest directly.

The huge impact penetrated the already stricken floor of the 5th floor and nailed Liu 5 to the 4th floor. It was just the steel bars on the floor of the 4th floor. terrifying radians.

The black clothed Knight, who was aware of the wrong situation, hit a stronger blow. He had a premonition. If he could not kill the opponent at the fastest speed, he would have no chance.


What a pity this not at all, Liu 5 nailed to the floor, divided his body by black long spear, forcibly torn apart by two and a half.

Then at the next moment, the upper body and the lower body were reconnected under some strange force.

Granulation sprouts frantically at the spliced ​​crack. After leaving the erosion range of the long spear, the upper and lower sections are connected again.

At this moment his body was like a broken doll forcibly stitched together.

“You can’t kill me.” Liu 5 looked at each other with a weird smile. Purple eyes add a little suspense.

“There is nothing to kill, 100 shots is not enough, then 1000 shots.” Black clothed Knight picked up long spear and was ready to go.

As a Legendary Knight who struggled to reach Rank 6 on his own, there are countless demons and ghosts killed by black clothed. Naturally, he won’t be scared by this little thing.


“I’m not here to trouble you today.” Liu 5’s personality seemed to have changed a bit after rebuilding his body.


The black clothed Knight was a little speechless. Liu 5 demolished the place where he was responsible for guarding.

“I’m dealing with the ghost hunter.”

“What the hell do you get the ghost hunter …”

The ghost hunter in Liu 5’s mouth is another Rank 6 member in the Commonwealth. Black clothed Knight has a bad relationship with him, and even can be said to be somewhat hostile, so he is even more puzzled.

And the Rank 6 powerhouse each and everyone on the moon are all named. This purple power is very strange.

He was a little confused for a while, who was the uncle of Liu 5 in front of him.


“You will know soon.”


“Ghost Hunter Long Tianxiang! I will give you 24 hours to let your stupid son broadcast suicide in front of everyone, otherwise I will blow up the 10000 elephant gravitational device and let the whole moon accompany him to die!”

After answering the black clothed Knight’s question, he went to great lengths to broadcast this information directly to the full moon in the manner of Spiritual Fluctuation.

After saying this, Liu 5 gave a hearty laugh, a look of revenge.

“Do you know what you are doing!” Black clothed Knight broke down, he wondered if his enemy was mental illness.

Actually, he would choose to abduct all human beings to force a member of Parliament’s son to commit suicide.

“This case must not be opened.” He immediately responded. If this precedent is set, everyone will use this bad trick in the future, and humans will not live.

Black clothed Knight himself hates Long Tianxiang, but he will never use this way to both sides suffer.


“You, leave me within one kilometer immediately, otherwise …” Liu 5 pointed to the “hostage” in his hand and said to black clothed Knight.

“…” The key was restrained. As a Guardian’s black clothed Knight, he could only make a temporary compromise and turned into a gust of wind and reached a kilometer away.

Just to him, 1000 meters is just a few steps away, and he didn’t understand what it meant.

On the contrary, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the 10000-like gravitational device. In order to log in more conveniently, the distance between the Moon Fortress and the fire star is poor, and the nearest place is less than 2 10000 kilometers apart.

Without the protection of a 10000-like gravitational device, the moon and fire star that are so close together will immediately “kiss” together under the effect of mutual gravitation, and stage a real Heaven and Earth collision.

At that time, no one except the Rank 5 and Rank 6 extraordinary person who can survive in space for a long time can survive.

It would be uncomfortable if only a few of them were alive.

Without the background of all living beings, can and the others be called and the others?

PS: Originally this chapter was changed on week 6, but the computer broke down. . .

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