Original Seeker

Chapter 626

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After confirming Liu 5’s identity, Dragon City Wuwei ignored the other party.

The threat and insult of Liu 5 on the building not at all made him feel angry, and the emotion that really filled his heart was actually ashamed.

Yes, it is simply shame.

In the circle, he did a lot of acts like him, and never saw any ants dare to make noise.

He was the only one who had been so troubled. It was too shameless to go out and deal with it in person.


In the heavy guard, Dragon City Takeuchi took out a special silver needle and gently pierced his index finger to squeeze a drop of blood.

Then he took a charm from his clothes and dropped his own blood on it.

The complex lines that make people look dizzy when they look at them start to emit azure smoke as soon as they touch the blood.

These smoke seemed to have a force that could make everyone extremely relaxed. Even the living around him was not like the living, and the dead were not like the guards of the dead.

The only unaffected is the owner of the blood drop.

“Ghostly … Long Tianxiang likes to make this kind of shit.” The black clothed Knight in the distance watched Fu Zhongqing Yan with a slight disgust and gradually turned into a human form.

“The more you rely on these rubbish, the harder it is for your own power to progress.” Black clothed Knight knows that just a few seconds before blood drips to activate the puppet, it is enough for the real Rank 6 powerhouse to kill him dozens of times.

Even if it is Rank 5, killing 3 in and 5 out in 7 seconds is not difficult.

The more powerful Mental Power is, the shorter the time interval for clear perception.

The ordinary person can at most perceive the blink of an eye, but the Rank 5 powerhouse can clearly see every vibration of the bee’s wings, and remember in his heart how many times it swings back and forth in a second.

On the other hand, the more powerful your body is, the more you can complete the burst in less time.

Some exceptional spirits are keen ordinary persons who can barely observe the bullet’s trajectory with naked eyes, but the explosive power of the muscles cannot keep up with the brain’s response, and can only watch everything happen. .

And Liu 5 belongs to the other extreme. After being strengthened, his body can easily withstand a variety of ultra-high-speed movements, but the ability to perceive is far behind, making him afraid to move with all his strength.

Because if he runs too fast, he can only see a blurry afterimage, not even seeing anything in front, let alone reacting.


The green smoke human figure is a special ghost of Long Tianxiang, and the Dragon City warrior is the top-level Fighter with Rank 6 Early-Stage battle power.

And in order to prevent this treasure from falling into the hands of outsiders, Long Tianxiang also purposely added a Bloodline seal. People who are not closely related to themselves will not only be unable to activate the Nether Puppet, but will also be backlashed.


“Kill him, and deal with his relatives by the way, too.” Dragon City treats the ghostly nun as a sweeping robot.

He said to Long Tianxiang that he “handled himself independently.” In the final analysis, he just borrowed the power of father to wipe out the other party.

The Nether Wren couldn’t speak, so nodded.

In a sense, this can be considered an “artificial intelligence”, but the production method is more bloody, to extract a living soul, wash away all the original memories, and replace it with the idea of ​​absolute loyalty.

Use one life for another.

Long Tianxiang’s favorite job is to make people who have offended themselves into such beautiful “collectibles”, so that even if the other person is dead, they must continue to serve their family until the value of the soul Also squeezed thoroughly.


“Tear it!” Liu 5 saw Dragon City Wu who retreated to the back after releasing the cricket. He wanted to continue to curse a few more words, but found that his body had been torn into pieces.

“Waste is waste, wasting my time, and losing my face …”

“Immortal Body is not so good at dealing with it …” the black clothed Knight secretly thought of watching melon.

He just experienced the difficulty of the other party. Although it is only a sandbag, the degree of resistance is indeed a bit beyond imagination.

As for what Liu 5 just released, to destroy the 10000-like gravitational control building and let the moon hit the fire star, black clothed Knight still holds a reservation, thinking that this is the same as most kidnappers threatening to tear votes, it is just a forced Dragon City Take out the means instead of really having to burn both jade and stone.

It’s not good for anyone to destroy the moon. Even if there is a fire star behind the Liu 5, it is impossible to do such a stupid thing.

If the fire star really collides with the Moon Fortress, the two sides perish together is the only ending.

Of course, at this step, the federation is not completely helpless, but the price of pulling strongly against a crazy tide is so large that no one is willing to bear that’s all.


“Got you.”

On the other hand, Teach who reached the fire star walked towards the direction of Bai Mo almost constantly, and soon found Bai Mo in a piece of crystal forest.

“How did you find me?” At this time, I was playing with several clones of the dogtail grass-like plant, greeting Teach like an old friend.

Many unique crystal plants have been spawned by spiritual energy on the fire star, and Bai Mo is playing Shennong boring to taste 100 grass.

He was surprised that Teach could find himself not at all. At the highest level of the federation, he had never been completely disconnected from him.

“The one in the big prison is not very good at talking.”

“Also, I’m a bit shady.”

Separation of emotions is an ongoing issue for Bai Mo. He tries to inject more of his remaining emotions into Clone, artificially promote his schizophrenia and delay the Taoization process.

The bottom floor of the Geocentric Prison is the strongest Clone suppressing him.

Anyway, some schizophrenics are better than self-perishable death.


Unlike Bai Mo, the Teach in front of him is not projection, but one of his true body of Rank 6 Perfection. There is still a little tiredness in the eyebrows. After all, it is not easy to fly from the moon to the fire star by fleshy body.

However, in the memory of Bai Mo, although the man in the black mist was violent and obsessed with slaughter, the talent of talent was also first-rate.

He also tossed out a set of Spiritual Diagrams by secretly and implicitly. This pair of Spiritual Diagrams has a horrible ability that Bai Mo has dubbed One Qi Becomes Three Purities, which can add three clones to the cultivator.

This Clone is different from the ordinary Clone. When it was born, it was just a Clone embryo with the strength of an ordinary person, but it had the possibility of a heaven defying with strong independent cultivation.

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