Original Seeker

Chapter 635

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Wind blows.

Blow away a piece of sand.

The rubble with a size of 100 meters is crushed into a crushed by the aftermath of the zero-xuan force.

Even the steel bars in the concrete block were not spared. They were cramped and stripped, and then forcibly broken into steel powder.

The raging wind centered on the girl and Su Ming in her arms, letting the scene turned into a small desert, and immediately caused a steel dust storm.

This kind of storm mixed with a lot of steel grit has extremely terrifying lethality.

The effect was as if someone was shooting around with a large range shotgun, and it had a devastating blow to everything around.

A car that had stopped at the side of the road and fortunately escaped the collapse of an earthquake building was visited by a steel dust storm, and the steel plate of the shell instantly became 1000 warehouses and 100 holes, which made dense phobia sick.

Before the awakening, the girl who even had a few slabs in the ruins to smash several punches, after the awakening, as easy as blowing off dust, the whole ruin was blown to ashes.


“Cough, cough.”

The girl sitting sideways in the center of the storm looked weakly at her blood-stained hands.

After entering Myriad Forms Realm, not at all, giving up the human body, she also hurts like a normal person.

But this is not a big deal, and even a serious injury can be recovered in 2 days.

The real problem was that in order to save Su Ming, who had lost her vital signs, she gave the other person a drop of blood.

In order to achieve this miracle of near death, she paid a great price.

Even more how, she wanted to stop the moon.


“The movement of the moon is disturbed.”

At this time, the Bai Mo 3 on the fire star suddenly found that although the speed of the moon smashing towards the fire star was still increasing, the acceleration was strangely decreasing.

According to common sense, the closer the two planets are, the greater the gravity, and the accelerating throttle should be stepped on harder, but now there is such a scene, indicating that the people on the moon are saving themselves.

“Jié jié, someone is trying to apply the brakes. But, can they stop?”


Someone on the moon will try to save themselves, and naturally it is also in Teach’s calculations.

After all, he is as fierce as he is. In order to achieve his purpose, not even a few billion people can be casually used as consumables.

More people are still nostalgic for this boring World.


“I want to understand.”

Talking, Teach made no sign. Suddenly, with his right hand, he stroked towards his left hand.

Then his left and right were cut off by himself without feeling.

The side-by-side looked at him stupidly, not understanding what the wind was.

“I heard that there are some people in the human group called Shake M, who can get pleasure by abusing themselves, is it possible that …”

This giant of hundred meters tall recalls some strange information that he got from Liu 5’s memory. Its understanding of the moon civilization is basically from this “ball gangster”.


“It’s a knife, a sword, or a hand. It doesn’t matter!

As long as I can reach that realm, even a hammer can cut my hand like a sickle like butter! “

“It seems you really understand.”

Bai Mo saw the clue from that knife.

“You simply are not cutting, but penetration! The atoms that make up your hand knife directly penetrate the gap of the cell near the cut surface of my right foot by the force of intention!” Teach said with certainty.

“The answer is correct, except that I penetrate the interstitial space.”

His operation is actually a bit like throwing a handful of sand, or an ant, into a glass filled with stones.

Then let the ants who fall in the gap between the stones work together to promote the separation of the stones.

As for the original form of the ant colony, it doesn’t matter whether it looks like a knife, a gun, or a palm.

For the 7th grade, where the accuracy of the force can reach the molecular atomic level, it is only a matter of how much energy is injected to perform the state change.


“Crazy! Is this what you want?”

10000 Outside the headquarters building of the Elephant Gravity Control Center, Dragon City Wu struggled to maintain the balance of his body while cursing Liu 5 continuously.

The accelerating movement on the moon makes everything on the ground wind and rain.

And his pure operation of harming others without benefiting oneself makes it more difficult for Dragon City to understand the existence of these people and rational people.

There are also Liu 5’s relatives and friends on the moon. He has most of his memories and has most of his possessions. Pushing the moon into collision with fire star is meaningless except to destroy everything.


“Why don’t you stop him.” Black clothed Knight, who was responsible for the defense of the headquarters building, is under pressure from all other lawmakers at this moment.

Each and everyone is not weaker, or even more powerful than the assembly of his true body, making him feel a bit breathless.

In this scene, he couldn’t explain how to say, “I just watched Long Tianxiang displeased, and wanted to use Liu 5’s knife to kill someone once and frustrate him.”

Between the upper levels of the federation, because everyone is a humanoid super-nuclear weapon, it can break down at every turn. If you really set aside the lower limit, it will not be difficult to kill most civilians and destroy the human civilization that was difficult to build on the moon.

So until now, they all maintain the principle of compromise.

Try to avoid head-on collisions. There can be cold wars and exchanges of interests if there are contradictions, but no one can lift the table until they have colonized enough land.

Even if we really want to engage in war, we will choose to engage in outer space, and will never harm the moon’s foothold, which belongs to everyone.

They have lost Earth, and the moon is the last hope for all.

Whoever dares to abide by this rule will usher in collective crusade.


“The upper layers of this country are already rotten.” Liu 5, who was suppressed in the middle of the battlefield and was almost unable to escape, said with gritted teeth.

He stared at the take of the side of the evil-doer with the eyes of hatred, and besieged everyone.

All the members of the Commonwealth thought that this was just a personal grudge between Liu 5 and Dragon City Wu, not at all. He put the words he put in his eyes. After all, only a fool who ignores the consequences can really realize the threat.

As a result, I really encountered a lunatic who wanted to perish together.

No matter what, now they can only suppress Liu 5 first.

“You broke the rules of the game.”

“Fart! The rules are set by you. Follow your shit rules, you can only be a dog forever!”

Liu 5’s mood became increasingly unstable, and there was a big disagreement with Self-destruction.

As for his original opponent, Dragon City Takeshi, everyone else on the scene didn’t look at him from start to finish.

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