Original Seeker

Chapter 637

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He knew it a long time ago.

The universe’s attitude towards life above 7th grade may not be friendly.

Every attempt to set foot in Taboo Domain will be followed by a cold will, and then eroded by the power of Taoism.

Either Yuan Wuchu or Bai Mo, they have experienced this cold power.

With the existence of 7th grade power, at present only the Star Torch can escape the calamity, because in essence, it has already been a loyal, loyal program for tasks.

Even the repetition of day after day in the wild world will not cause it to have any tiredness. After the task is completed, it can also commit suicide according to the preset settings.

However, in the long running time, it also seems to gradually give birth to something called the self, but this self in the bud, it seems that it has not had time to evolve the real emotion.


Bai Mo guessed that the root cause of his being implicated in the breakthrough of others was that he built a True Spirit barrier as a way to avoid Taoism, and also gave them this method of digging holes.

Although the True Spirit barrier does not completely eradicate the effects of the Daoism, because it is essentially merely a continuously raising and strengthening of the dam to withstand waves of extinction that are stronger than waves.

Once the speed of reinforcement and reinforcement has fallen behind, it will eventually be taken away by the flood.

But Taoism may be a stress mechanism for the universe to destroy harmful organisms. He interferes with the operation of this mechanism, and naturally, it will be backlashed by Heaven and Earth.

But he didn’t care.

Bai Mo has never thought of escaping. If he really wants to stop himself from being involved in this kind of broken thing, he will send out a true body to kill all the insiders. Killing cannot solve the problem, but it can solve the problem.

However, he wanted to win this one, so he would rather plug more holy walkers into the thinking network than choose the passive escape method of killing.

If you keep killing people, you will most likely go back to the old way of Parallel World.


According to Bai Mo’s estimation, this generation of humans has a promotion probability of about 1 to one per Rank 20, that is, on average, one Rank 20 will be generated for every 1 Rank 2, and a Rank 20 will be born for every 2 Rank 3 …

If you use this model to enter the Moon, there will be a 1th grade in almost 7 billion people.

As time goes by, the concentration level of spiritual energy decreases. After several generations, the probability of promotion may gradually decrease, but in these decades, the number of 5% is not much different.

1 billion, or even 100 100000000 million people will have a 7th grade. Based on the federal population base, this ratio alone will not have much impact on him in the recent 2 years.


Xu Xuanling’s situation is not so good now.

The loss of the source, the damage to the body, the overdraft of power, all three are constantly consuming her life.

Blood was seeping from the numerous cracks in her body. At this moment, Xuxuan Ling was covered with blood and wounds, just like a porcelain doll about to burst open.

Of course, she wouldn’t die, even if it was fried into a minced meat sauce.

For a 7th grade life with strength control that can reach the molecular level, unless she can be torn into atoms, or subatomic particles smaller than atoms, the body can recover as long as it takes time.


Unfortunately, the moon is too heavy.

Judging from Bai Mo’s grading of strength, at least 7-7, that is, 77 or above, is required to have the right to wrestle with a small planet like the moon.

At this time, she still needs time to accumulate. Even if she tries her best, she can’t stop the lunar wild dog.


“Almost.” Bai Mo thought about time.

If there is no accident one minute later, the fire star and the moon will stage a heavy collision with Heaven and Earth, and a fierce explosion will happen sooner than half a year ago.

But he is going to be the accident now.

Bai Mo’s body began to swell.

The original slow destruction-the regeneration cycle is broken, and a new cycle appears.

Every second his body will be destroyed by the violent Spirit Energy of the Sunfire River, and then he will regenerate intact the next second.

His silhouette became obscured by this cycle of death and rebirth.

After 7 seconds, he was bigger than the rare beast of Teach incarnation.

Ten and five seconds later, he was bigger than the incarnation giant.

Thirty seconds later, Yingxue found that he could no longer reach his knees.

“The instant rebirth of 30 projections, the person who occupies the entire Earth is willful.” Teach looked at Bai Mo, the extremely luxurious use of Spirit Energy, and could not help but sighed.

A normal Rank 6 extraordinary person, if you separate 2 or 3 projections at a time, you will feel the body is hollowed out. Like Bai Mo, you can burn the projections and play them. The new projections every second, you do n’t even think about it. Dare to think.

“It really is you …”

Gradually covered by Spirit Energy and transformed into a light man Bai Mo, reminding Teach of the incident more than 30 years ago.

Almost the same light man.

Teach also clearly remembers that the light man at that time just wiped it on the ruins of 31 cities around the world, and even the nuclear bomb, which was somewhat helpless Ghost King, evaporated to the world.

To this day, although he only needs one move to kill these Ghost Kings, he still has to be one by one. At the same time, there is still no way to kill them.

“He’s not me.”

At this moment, Bai Mo in incarnation light man mode seems to be able to hear what Teach is thinking.

“Who is he?”

“A fellow fellow.”



“Ten seconds left.” Teach incarnation’s monster, with four long compound eyes on his back, stared at the towering electric giant.

Bai Mo’s upper body has completely penetrated into the atmosphere of the fire star. The charged particle flow from the sun above the atmosphere was disturbed by this sudden impact and began to crackle against the giant’s body.

However, the impact of this charged particle is not as fast as the regeneration speed of Bai Mo projection, which was ignored by him directly.


“Tear it!” Although the vacuum couldn’t transmit sound, his action was to make everyone who saw this scene make up the same voice.

He inserted his fingers deep into the atmosphere, and then pulled out with both hands!

Originally shrouded in the atmosphere of the fire star land, a nearly 1000 km long opening was forcibly opened.

The atmosphere forced to inject kinetic energy kept squeezing everything around it, and instantly set off a high-altitude storm with a full planetary range.

Fire star is like slowly opening eyes, Bai Mo is the pupil who looks directly at the moon!

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