Original Seeker

Chapter 652

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“This World, as long as someone takes away the part that exceeds the social average, someone will definitely get below the average.

If the powerhouse gets more than 10000 times the mean, it means that at least 10000 weak people get less than the mean.

If the powerhouse gets more than 200000000 times the mean, it means that at least 200000000 weak people get less than the mean.


“The value created simply from person to person is different. It is truly unfair to force everyone to get the same treatment!”

“Then I ask you, how much value do people have, and who defines them?”

Heath Ogi hasn’t noticed yet, his friend chatted, the center of the pupil seemed to have a little white light.

He is still immersed in the debate.

“The value of each person is the consensus of most people in this society! Who should take the high income and who should take the low income is determined by the market.”

“Da Mujun, you are wrong. In fact, the pricing power of human beings is in the hands of the few people who have the most resources. It is their consensus.

Nah, it’s nothing like the previous stock.

Which profession and which stock are worth a lot of value, in the end, the big capital and the big shareholders have the final say. We, small Sect small households, can only be the receiver of the price. “


“Whoever has the pricing power of society, he can define himself as the most valuable, which is called social consensus.”


Heath felt that this topic could not be talked about anymore. The gap between friends and himself was too big, so he had to change the atmosphere to a lighter topic.


“Tietou Jun, this is a good thing that I specially kept for you.” Heath Ogi no longer tangled, and pulled the windbreaker man aside.

2 people do small gestures with their backs towards the limpid autumn water.

From his jacket, he took out a special small disc tightly packed in a box and secretly stuffed it to the other party.

Then, from the backpack, I pulled out something similar to diving glasses, and some miscellaneous and miscellaneous connecting wires, which were tied up in a bundle.

“this is……”

“The latest VR game developed by our company is called the single-player Underground City. It can choose more than 100 kinds of plots and has 168 built-in faces to meet the needs of various hobby. Of course, it also supports players to pinch their own faces.

Why not try to make a sister-in-law face?

After all, many plots, sister-in-law won’t play with you. “

Heath showed a smile that everyone knew, and explained it to the windbreaker man meaningfully.

Ling limpid autumn water next to them looked at the two people who smiled from time to time, and they always felt that they were not talking good things.

“Good brother!” The man in the trench coat first glanced at his girlfriend behind him, and then rightly stuffed Da Mujun’s equipment into his bag, his eyes glowed again.

Just like the group of countless key quarrels, once the topic is switched to driving, the atmosphere immediately becomes harmonious. The trench coat men and Heath are also class enemies from their mouths, and instantly become a good brother.

“Let’s go to the dining hall. I’ll treat you today.”

“Do not get drunk!”


Ling limpid autumn water glanced at 2 people and left in the direction of their house.

They each have their own independent lives.

system The house is made for each person. For couples like Ling Limpid autumn water, most of the time, they live in separate houses.

Occasionally, they would go to each other’s home for a few days, and there was no long-term cohabitation at all.

With the disintegration of the concept of the family, the social characteristics of the individual atomization on the white earth have become more and more obvious, and everyone does not consider themselves to be a member of the family.

Even if there is some intimate relationship, it is also clear that the two parties will always be two independent individuals, and the other party is only a small part of their own lives.


“You decided?” A gentle, almost unemotional voice echoed in the hall without a glance.

There was only a heavily armed girl standing alone in the middle of the hall.

Here is the nominal center of the White Land-Baiyue, a huge ball-shaped building.

“Ruer and Yuner have grown up, and I have nothing to worry about here.”

Yue Yu, who is still a girl, has two daughters who are almost the same age as herself. If three people are side by side, it is not good to say that most people will treat her as the youngest younger sister.

She came to Bai Mo this time, hoping to use the strength of the other party to cross into the wilderness, looking for Yun Jie, who hadn’t heard anything for more than ten years.

Since he dropped everything and chose to be the first person to cross the Samsara Tribulation on the moon, no news has been heard.

Although there are some ways to connect with the wild world on the other side of the federation, no one has the ability to let other fleshy bodies cross the space.

If you really want to pass, you can only give up the fleshhy body and cross it like a soul body, just like Silders’s group.


“He said, if I ask for you in the future, use this to meet human feelings.” Yue Yu took out a tightly sealed box from the space ring and left it in the air.

The box in the air hangs firmly, seemingly completely free from gravity.

“Humanity …?” The same voice echoed in the air, but no one spoke.

“You’re too far away,” she said, looking at the box that disappeared without warning.

Bai Mo never appeared from beginning to end.

“I am really too far away from the life of a normal person.

Can you understand that no matter what you do, you just need the feeling of single thought head.

Move, as long as the single thought head, I can reach 1000 ten thousand meters away.

Attack, as long as the single thought head, no one can survive the second move.

Operate the computer, as long as the single thought head, Mental Power can use 1000 to 10000 mouse and keyboard at the same time.

Mental Power replaced my hands, my feet, my body, and I as a biological part of humanity.



Yue Yu was speechless.

Bai Mo developed Mental Power into a body that replaced the body.

All functions that the human body can achieve are replaced by Mental Power.

“Or, learn to be a person again?” She snickered.

The development of ability to replace all functions of the body is really beyond her imagination of superpower.

“What do you think, Samsara Tribulation?”

“I knew that it was something you came up with, not something you got from different world.

You are right, you simply did not rely on the rise of different world channels, they are desperately making excuses for themselves, unwilling to face this problem. “

“You know too much, Little Genius.”

Faced with this woman who has known each other for nearly 50 years, Bai Mo seems to have become more casual.

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