Original Seeker

Chapter 664

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The battle between these two sets of rules has long gone beyond the level of a single World and has stretched into countless space layers.

They fight for each World World line to achieve the result of strengthening themselves and weakening the other.

Spirit, let the blue star spiritual energy revive.

Inanimate, keep World intact.

Bai Mo, the melon-eating crowd, casually gave them a memorable name.

The spirit that brings spiritual energy to Earth is called the Spirit of Creation.

The spirit of creation is challenged, and it is called no spirit.

Aqua Blue Star is a mortal World, unlike the Wilderness Realm, which has a Bloodline powerhouse that can move mountain, collapsing sea, and the human individual itself is quite weak.

Using the battle power calculation table invented by Earth humans, the people on this planet, the individuals connected to Rank 1 are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Only special fighters who have been training over the years can barely advance.

So after the awakening of the Transcending Tribulation, Bai Mo up to level 8 can read everyone’s thoughts and memories without hindrance.

With his power, as long as it is a living body without the protection of Life Field, his mind is like being directly exposed to the air.

All memories, all thoughts, are at a glance.

It is also from the memory of each of them that Bai Mo saw traces of the battle between the created spirit and the inanimate in a higher dimension.

The protagonist of the Spiritual Choice of Creation is the Emperor of Siris. The goal of the game is to get 80% of the source stones, and then wake up Bai Mo with the Spirit Ceremony, let him appear in the world, and bring spiritual energy recovery to Aqua Blue Star.

The non-choice is Lun Heping, and the goal of the game is to use all means to prevent the emperor from changing the World line and maintain the status quo.

The soul attack of good fortune has no spirit defense.


It’s just that both sides didn’t expect, and Bai Mo, who had become too powerful before the emperor completed the mission goals, had already woke up from reincarnation.

It stands to reason that when Bai Mo wakes up in the Transcending Tribulation, he will take the initiative to extricate himself from the souls of all people, then leave the Aqua Blue Star, and return to the space where Earth is, so that the spirit of creation can easily win this game. .

But he did not at all to do so, but like Gaia of that time, he continued to hide within the body of the Mercury human.

Because he also wants to blend in.

Moreover, Bai Mo did not choose to stand on the side of the spirit of creation. He planned to seizing food from the tiger’s mouth, verifying his own immortal dao’s subsequent cultivation ideas, and trying to bring peace to the direction he wanted to go.

Bai Mo’s only advantage over the created spirit and the non-spirit is that he has focused all his attention on this world.

For them, Mercury Star is just a global battlefield. It is too small to be a tiny corner. Simply doesn’t pay much attention to it and naturally doesn’t invest much.


Bai Mo’s agent of choice was Rontgen.

As the creator of Bai Mo’s Taoism, the defender of the original rule of inanimateness, he naturally has no good looks at Rontgen who is at his home world.

It’s just that life below 7th grade doesn’t even count shrimps in his eyes, and it’s over with an aura of doom abandoned by the world.

Of course with Bai Mo’s asylum, doom cannot hurt Rontgen itself.

Resentment qi can only be sent to the people around her, leading to the bad luck of the people around her.

Only the source stone with Bai Mo’s power can temporarily neutralize this curse.


Back to the Aqua Blue Star Board.

“Sister, I want to avenge my parents, let those who plan our property each and everyone a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

After watching the small video given by Rontgen, Lun Heping now has a word of debt of blood must be paid in blood in his head. The death sentencer Lancelot’s experience made him feel 4 points.

He lost peace with his adoptive parents. He is just an ordinary civilian. If he talks with the aristocracy, he believes that the dead will be himself, without any exception.

If the plaintiff and the defendant are ordinary civilians, the law of the empire is not good enough.

Because everyone is a poor ghost, and the judge cannot get any oil or water, it will be dealt with relatively fairly.

But the noble Lords did not play this set, and a wave of silver bullet tactic was purchased, and the balance of the law was directly smashed by gold.

“Very well, is there a plan?” The girl drowsily asked.

“Uh … no.”


“My stupid younger brother!” Rontgen took the cheap younger brother into his arms and rubbed his head frantically.

“I’m not stupid at all! It’s just a matter of killing a few nobles, I … I can definitely!” The young boy broke free from the girl who was half a head taller than himself, without any weakness.

“What a devil elder sister …” He muttered quietly in a voice that no one could hear.

“This is the funding, a total of thousand thousand dollars, and you can start your performance.” The girl took out the cash already prepared from her long skirt and shoved it into the arms of Lun Heping.

The boy subconsciously sniffed the money on his hand, it seemed … it seemed … a little girl’s fragrance remained?


In this way, the young Lun Heping began his first adventure (assassination) mission.


Still familiar women’s clothing.

I also put on a hat this time for shading.

He found that he was becoming more and more proficient in transfiguration. As long as he didn’t speak, no one would know that he was a man.

The implementation of the plan is only to come to the end. A large amount of time in the early stage will be spent on intelligence collection.

Modern technology has greatly increased the destructive power of people. Unlike in ancient times, it was an extremely difficult task for a person to kill dozens of people at once with a sneak attack. In modern society, any person can think of many methods.

The first step in the assassination, and the most important one, is gathering intelligence.

“Raul von Leinster, who likes to be in the green light bar at night, will change a different female companion every time, and will go to the church on weekdays, suspected to have a long-term physical relationship with a nun in the church …

“Luff von Dollier, go out for fitness at 6 o’clock every day, the route is roughly …”

“Fron von Habbs, who basically doesn’t go out during the day, and often rides on highways outside the city at night.”


After a month of unremitting efforts, Lun Heping roughly collected some life details of a few nobles, but he is still unsure about who the killer of his adoptive parents was.

“Perhaps only one of them is a murderer. Am I going to kill innocent people?”

Although Lun Heping had determined to avenge his parents, he still had a lingering desire to kill unrelated people.

After all, he is not a cold-blooded creature, and he doesn’t want to do anything purely revenge on society.

Revenge is about to get revenge, indiscriminate killing of innocent people, after all, just dare not face the powerful coward.

PS: Nothing!

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