Original Seeker

Chapter 666

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Born out of the Heavenly Profound Continent 2 head High-Level “God” Ghost Immortal road, during the cultivation process, you need to harvest luck.

As for what kind of “harvest” is the most efficient, this is exactly the problem that Bai Mo currently stays in the deep research of Mercury Star.

He had thought about killing people with the simplest and rude method, but found that the effect was very unsatisfactory.

After a person dies, his influence will hardly be taken over by Slayer, but will be transferred to the hands of the ranks.

The family patriarch died, the successor inherited most of the luck, the emperor died, and the new monarch inherited luck too.

Influence is more linked to social status than to specific individuals.

Of course, in the most extreme case, Bai Mo envisioned killing all the people in an entire civilization, and it is estimated that he can regain all the luck.

It is just too wasteful to cut all the leeks with such a knife, which is very inconsistent with the concept of sustainable development.

A space layer that can give birth to life and civilization is very precious, and there are many ways to develop it. There is no need to kill chickens and eggs.

Without killing people, let the society experience drastic changes, carry out a big shuffle, and change the fate of the humans of Aqua Blue as much as possible, so that the luck is soared. A relatively peaceful way to harvest.

In human words, it is to travel to different worlds to do crazy things, and then harvest luck …


Under the eyes of Tianyun, each person has an aura of luck of different sizes.

Originally, these auras should be linked to social status, but the peace that was blessed by “fate” was a civilian and had the same luck as the emperor.


After receiving the letter from Hui, the uneasy Lun Heping waited nervously for the appearance of Raul, the father-killer.

Unlike Zhou Tong, who was in a hurry to recover the source stone, Raul simply didn’t care about Lun Heping’s life and death. As long as he was convinced of the other party, according to the Empire, he inherited most of the property of Sir ***.

Even if he didn’t catch it in the end, he inherited the same legacy, if Lun Heping dare to sue himself? The search department and the imperial court who have collected the money will definitely arrange him to be perfectly clear.

Raul, consciously about to make a big fortune, the whole person is floating, he simply didn’t expect, a poor student who was ruined and ruined, and still has the courage to think about killing himself.

“Car–come —“

Lun Heping looked at Raul’s pulling red sports car and licked his lips silently.

Then he glanced in the direction of the trash can, folded the hot dog’s wrapping paper into a small plane, and threw it lightly into the grid with recyclable trash.

His black car was slow and gentle, deliberately keeping a considerable distance from Raul’s red supercar.

Two people entered the underground parking lot of the Green Light Bar.

The parking lot is not very large, and occasionally there are scattered bottles and tissues.

If your eyesight is good enough, you can detect a slight tremor in a car parked in some dim corners.

The black car slowly opened, and Lun Heping lowered his driver’s window to look around 4 and pretended to find a suitable parking space.

In fact, it was just waiting for Raul to park his car.

A brand-name suit, Raul, who had burned his head to prepare for a happy night in the bar, did not notice the arrival of Death God.

He walked slowly across the lane in the parking lot without even glancing at the black car, which was also coming slowly.

The car is common sense, Raul thought.

Unfortunately, he didn’t expect that the people in the car should kill themselves.


The accelerator was pushed to the end of the car, and at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour, it hit the passing man without a doubt.

Although the perpetrator is just a cheap, broken car, it is still not a force that human flesh and blood can resist.

Raul was knocked off in an instant.

Of course, such a collision is not lethal.

When Raul landed again, struggling to get up, Lun Heping drove over again.

He has no sympathy for this enemy who killed his adoptive parents.

In particular, he just drove to grind, instead of using a knife, there was no visual impact at all, and it was difficult to have the terrifying feeling of seeing the knife.

It’s not much different from accidentally driving the car into the garbage dump and running the scattered garbage back and forth.

Killing a person with a knife requires a strong psychological quality, not using a car to crush people.

After finishing all this, Lun Heping got out of the car and walked to the front of the car. He looked at his father who had lost his breath and confirmed that he had completely died. Then he chose to leave quickly.

There is no one in the parking lot, but most of the World still immersed in the car can’t extricate themselves and don’t care about what happens outside the car.

Only guarding the door, the security guard seemed to walk slowly.

It was a pity that when they found Raul, who had been crushed into a minor, Lun Heping had gone down the elevator from the parking lot to the lobby.


“This is mine … for the first time?”

After walking far enough, Lun Heping was still a little unreal.

So simple it killed an unsuspecting person.

There was not even a drop of blood on the body.

“In the face of modern technology, people are really fragile …” He felt like he had turned on some extraordinary switches.

“So what should I do next?”

After the killing of his father’s enemies was resolved, Lun Heping fell into confusion again.

Even if he killed Raul, he could not appear just and honorable with his original identity.

Other relatives with farther inheritance rights will still have the idea of ​​inheritance after Raul’s death, and it is undoubtedly the most likely choice to continue to persecute his first heir.

“Do you want to kill every aristocrat who has father inheritance?”

“Whether it’s God or the devil, give me an answer.”


“We want to be independent!”

“We want to be free!”

A confused peace walked aimlessly, and somehow they bumped into a group of guys who were marching.

These people all wore green clothes, and most of them yelled at night wearing hats, sunglasses, and masks.

The first couple held a sign and held a loudspeaker, chanting slogans while walking.

There were many people in the search department carrying riot shields, and they followed them helplessly across a distance of 20 meters.

Occasionally there are onlookers, but most of them hurried away after seeing the contents of the sign.

“Who is this!” At first glance, the colors of the clothes were not their own peace, and they immediately aroused their hostility.

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