Original Seeker

Chapter 678

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Before Ming Qi did not react much to Bai Mo’s words, the 2 eyes of the girl next to her had already turned into star eyes.

She has been interested in various mysterious power since she was a child. Today she saw 2 expert confrontations at one time. After she failed to cooperate with Ming Qi, she began to figure out to hook up with Bai Mo.

“Excuse me…”

“No.” Bai Mo blocked her bold thoughts directly.

“I haven’t said anything yet …” The girl started drawing circles in the corner.

“I’m going to shoot!” Silent Angel came up with her routine for these “Senior expert”.

Bai Mo glanced at her, lightly nodded.

“Silent Court!”

A cold light flashed, and the long sword in Ming Qi’s hand had reached less than ten centimeters from the tip of Bai Mo’s nose.

He originally wanted to reach out and stop, but finally let go of the half of the hand mentioned, and made an attitude of letting the sword stab at himself.

Ming Qi of the white helmet showed a successful smile, but the sword on his hand was not half a minute slow.

“Sī sī sī sī …”

The silver long sword ruthlessly pierced Bai Mo’s face, making a harsh metal friction.

At this time, the young girl who circled around reacted, covering her ears desperately.

“The quiet courtyard is interesting.” Bai Mo, who had a sword in his face, smiled.

“All the kinetic energy in the range of the sword’s one meter is converted into heat, which affects the assassin’s blocking action. It can only be carried by the body.” He spent one-eighth of a second and figured out Ming Qi The principle of the sword.

This kind of Sword Art is very leathery. If both sides are sword-holders and the side attacked by Ming Qi, as long as the sword body is close to her long sword one meter, it will immediately lose all its kinetic energy and need to be accelerated again to be lethal.

However, after re-acceleration, it will be deprived of all kinetic energy again, just like a mage was bombarded with “silence” by madness, talking about attack, and even the defense rhythm will be completely disrupted.

“You are very difficult to deal with. My previous opponent, the fastest one, took eleven swords to figure out what the problem is.” Ming Qi still frantically increased his strength at the long sword, but never broke Bai Mo’s cheek.

The scorching sparks were sprayed at 4 places, just that little bit of cheek, always like so close, yet worlds apart.

This projection is not sturdy, but Bai Mo transferred endless regenerating power from the virtual world, making the long sword destruction much slower than his recovery speed.

So it looks like he has a thick cheek that will never be pierced.


“It seems it’s going to rain, peace, go and pack your clothes.”

At this time, New York City was overcast without warning.

“Now an emergency notice is broadcast, the typhoon red warning signal has begun to take effect, and super-typhoon eyes of Level 6 super unusually emerged offshore, please the public to pay attention to safety and try not to go outdoors.

“Sorry, the report is now updated. The typhoon has weakened into a Level 11 tropical cyclone. The typhoon red warning signal has been lifted …”

After two self-faced broadcasts, the news host on the TV was somewhat sorry.

“8 typhoons generated at the same time on the sea surface, and then disappeared instantly. What happened to the climate of this surface …” Through the launch of the miniature spy satellite, the hell team lying in a noble house noticed that something was wrong .

Under normal circumstances, how could eight typhoons suddenly occur at the same time and then weaken together.

Haven’t landed yet …

“Is it the ghost of ‘Angel’?”

“If that woman had eight typhoons with the ability summon, it would not be just a little better than our team.”

“These eight are all real hurricanes, and each one is a natural disaster that can wreak havoc on a province!”

“All quiet.” Captain in the black suit cleared his throat.

“The water in this plane is very deep, and the results of divination show that Silent Angel is struggling with an indigenous man.” Captain rarely took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of horrible eyes with only white eyes.

“An extraordinary world, only two of us are participating in the mission. There should be no Gao Wu indigenous people, and it is more likely to be people who cross the gate.”


“I think we might be involved in a huge vortex …”

Most of the World experienced by the reincarnation team in the main god can know the plot in advance. There are only a few tasks that require Samsara Artist to explore by himself.

These tasks are generally more difficult than other tasks, and occasionally there are some tips of the iceberg for terrifying existence.

“Primary mission release: Kill the illustrated target, reward: 10000 points. The current target location is: Southeast York, New York City.” The main god reflected Bai Mo’s face directly in the minds of everyone.

“This guy … actually wants our two teams to work together to kill?”

Combining the results of the divination just now, Captain in the black suit immediately guessed that the opponent was the enemy who made Silent Angel into a hard fight!

“How long have we been and haven’t worked with other teams …?”

“Captain, have you noticed that he … is laughing.”

“He? Who?”

“Our goal, you recall his face, it really seems to be watching us and smile.” The bald big man who always fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, trembled when he said this.

“So, it seems like … Ahhh! Dad, I was wrong, I shouldn’t listen to him and kill you …”

The fear of deep in one’s heart was instantly evoked when the blond girl Alice reproduced Bai Mo’s face, and the whole person was on the verge of mental collapse.

“Old Evil God !!!” Looking at Alice with a distorted face, they came to mind with all the horrors they experienced when they were thrown into the Evil God World by the Lord God!

It was an unspeakable fear.

“Don’t go back to remember that face, this is definitely the project of Evil God!” Captain saw this, and had to step up immediately, and temporarily faint the blonde girl who was enveloped by fear with the big man.


“I don’t believe anyone has no weaknesses! Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler!”

Ming Qi was deeply stimulated by Bai Mo ’s face-to-sword operation. She set the white arm to the overclocking mode and began to output Bai Mo a blade storm of 1500 swords per second.

The output of the sword was too fast, and even stirred up the surrounding situation.

The sound becomes distorted and the scene becomes distorted.

The long sword frantically rubbing air, forcibly heated a trace of air into a plasma.

It’s just that her strength control is very good, and basically no one attack leaked out of her five meters range.

The girls around the circle, even if they put on lollipops, are still coldly in these natural disasters.

“Is this human?” The speed of long sword’s stabbing completely exceeded her visual limit.


“No matter how hard the machine gun is, it won’t penetrate Earth.”

After 20 seconds of Ming Qi’s Metal Storm being handsome, the long sword was pinched.

In her 30000 sword, Bai Mo’s projection was reborn 62 times, consuming his true body, which took a full breath to recover its strength.

At the same time, due to the release of power beyond the upper limit, the aftermath caused eight hurricanes at sea.

Fortunately, under the initiative of these hurricanes, almost all of them can be offset. Otherwise, the coastal cities of the three major countries would suffer another devastating disaster.

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