Original Seeker

Chapter 685

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“What just happened …”

Hearing the shouts outside, the girl in the cocoon began to slowly wake up and turned around. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked at the shocked crowd curiously.

“You … aren’t you dead ?!” The bald big man of the hell team, his face was incredible.

Just now Ai Li was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke by Bai Mo, even the main god has confirmed her death, and then she was born again in an instant.

“What about my power ?!” The bald girl suddenly discovered the fact of terrifying.

He actually turned into an ordinary person!

A powerless ordinary person!

The bloodline power that has been exchanged, the magic that has been studied, and the transformation that has been performed, there is nothing, even the photo used to launch Aishan.

Fear, she now has only fear in her heart.

The Lord God World has never been a good place. Without power, there is basically no way to survive. Even teammates who fought side by side in the past will not accept a burden.

At that time, she was brought up by a powerful 2-dimensional die-hard otaku. As a member of the harem, she spent the first difficult period.

And now, will there be such a person?


Captive Captain looked at Aly with his cold eyes, weighing the subsequent gains and losses.

With his perception, it is natural to be able to clearly understand that this young girl has lost her power as her teammate.

Even if she could come alive again miraculously.

Hundred thousand points, which is almost the price it will take for Aly, from an ordinary person now, to return to her previous state of power.

The main shrine has this advantage. As long as you are willing to drop points, exchange bloodline, exchange exercises, exchange weapons, exchange for elixir, a pig can smash you into Immortal.

Just, is this worth it?

From a rational point of view, her current status is soliciting back again, and just grabbing an ordinary person on the side of the road to join the team, in fact, there is not much difference.

Holding the team card in his hand, he was lost in thought.

“Wait, are you out of there alive ?!”

Ming Qi first reacted to this shocking fact.

Fearing the Lord God’s obliteration, she deliberately hid the two words of Lord God in front of Bai Mo and replaced it with a pronoun.

“I am free?!”

Even more shocking than Ming Qi was Alice herself.

Only then did she find out that the familiar main god system panel was gone!

“I’m really free …”

“I’m really free …”

“I’m really free …”


The girl wept, shouting like a repeater.

At this moment everyone’s eyes looked towards Bai Mo, because he created a miracle, and even snatched a living Samsara Artist from the hand of the Lord God!

“Wait a minute, I’ll adjust it.” Bai Mo’s reply was a little bit marginal.

The position of his index finger raised a weak Spirit Energy rays of light.

At the same time, Aly felt that her body was a little itchy, as if she wanted something to get out of it.

Ten seconds later, she finally knew what she wanted to get out of.

It’s hair.

Golden’s beautiful hair started to poke her head out of her smooth skin, and soon grew back to the original look.


An unbearable hunger appeared with a thunderous sound in the stomach.

It seems that the rapid growth of hair has consumed a lot of energy in her body.


Hell’s bald big man touched his head, looking thoughtful.

“Excuse me …” Han Luo had completely changed his tone at this time.

Those guys who are qualified to snatch people from the Lord God are not at the same level as themselves.

“Yes, the price is to lose everything you got in the main temple and change back to the ordinary person who stepped in front of the main temple.”


“Let me think about it.”

Bai Mo’s temptation to take them away from the main shrine is really great, but to become a normal person again … This is really not easy for Samsara Artist who is used to the vigorous life.

“Can I trust you after leaving the main temple?”

There was a thick thigh in front of him, and it was a fool not to hug him.

“There will be a chance.”

“Everyone on this planet will soon welcome a choice in their lives.” Bai Mo muttered to himself.


“come kill me.”

The first person to make a choice was the Ming Kai of Heaven.

She shoves Ming Qi Ling back inside without the body, and then walks to Bai Mo and says.

Through previous observations, Ming Qi roughly figured out how Bai Mo grabbed people from the Lord God. He first created a false death that could hide the Lord God, and asked the Lord God to cancel the relevant Samsara Artist ID, and then resurrected it with spell.

“Don’t worry, before you leave, exchange all the points you can redeem and give me something.”


Ming Qi didn’t expect, and the other party would finally slap the Lord God in a handful of wool.

“Can I leave myself a little …”

After changing back to ordinary person, if she still owns the resources exchanged in the main shrine, she can easily rise again. This is her selfish calculations.

“Do n’t you, the woman, treat the Lord God as a fool …” Han Luo first jumped out and said, “Dare you dare to hold it again?”

“Okay.” A few seconds later, Ming Kai closed his eyes, nodded.

She and several other sisters are all tired of the long-term life and death environment of the main shrine.

And they also have a faint feeling that if they are at the apex of Rank 6, if they become stronger and step into the new Heaven and Earth, they will likely encounter unexpected events.

“Can you kill now?” Ming Qi asked.

“You are a little different from her.” Bai Mo looked towards Aili, who had put on her clothes again.

“Did I miss her?” She teased with a smile.

After letting go of the burden of the Lord God, Ming Qi became completely relaxed, and at the same time he laughed at himself. He actually drew swords against Bai Mo. It was really ignorance is a bliss.

“In terms of cells, you are stronger.”

“I fear that the aftermath of killing you will ruin the entire eastern province.”

Unlike the Alice who barely counts Rank 4, Ming Qi is a real Rank 6 expert.

Although Bai Mo ’s control of the true body power increased greatly due to the arrival of the 1000000 Holy Adventurers, if he wanted to kill a Rank 6 with one hit, there would still be horrible aftermaths, causing 1000000 million deaths and injuries.

This is undoubtedly an unacceptable loss for him who already regards Aquamarine as something in his own pocket.


“Then how should I die?” Ming Qi never thought that he would one day discuss with a stranger how to kill himself gracefully.

“Take the things you redeem, go to this place, and they will fulfill your wish painlessly and harmlessly.” Bai Mo descended on the location of the Holy Strider to the base and handed it to Ming Qi.

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