Original Seeker

Chapter 695

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As the amount of black smoke continued to increase, her struggling strength gradually weakened until she was finally assimilated by the black mist, and she could no longer see the outline of her “human”.

Merlin watched intently and watched everything happening in front of her. She didn’t even notice that her nose and eyes were bleeding continuously. It wasn’t until the guards behind him handed him a handkerchief that he found his face was bloodied.

It also sees the attention, and there are a group of people on the federal fleet. Although most of them are confused, they seem to understand, but the rare fairy shoots, or the one who releases observation, it is too wasteful .

“Put on a mask.” Captain Scott, one of the 1000 leading ships, threw a protective mask to Merlin. He wanted to make friends with these indigenous people.

Observing the higher-level spirit technique itself is already a kind of faint mental pollution. The unprotected ordinary person is easily vulnerable to backlash.

The surrounding guards were aware of this, so they turned around, instead of looking directly at the black smoke in the middle, and holding Brando on the thigh, they were protected by Master’s force field, and only Merlin was injured intently.

“Initial Light.”

Bai Mo’s right hand 5 lightened a few weak rays of light, and then the black smoke plume flew to his five fingers like a hungry wolf who saw the meat.

As for the big living person who still exists in the middle, his ashes were gone at this time.

It looks like black smoke is like a wolf, and light spots are like meat, but the actual result is exactly the opposite.

The black smoke coming from the light spot will eat all the drops without leaking.

The original weak light source began to grow, and the light points of the 5 fingers slowly joined together and turned into a light ball.

The light ball expands as if it was inflated, and soon it will be the size of a Bicycle, which seems to be full of something.

“Basaka …”

Merlin was in the middle of the light ball and saw the face that she had missed.

He wanted to reach forward, but he was afraid of disturbing the spirit technique.

His hand stretched out and shrunk, revealing his thoughts.


The light ball exploded like a soap bubble, so that everyone could make up such a sound.

The girl with her eyes closed in the bubble lost her natural support and naturally fell backwards.

But the well-prepared Merlin caught her firmly.

“is her.”

Whether it was the touch of the hand or the familiar taste, Merlin was perfectly clear to tell that this was his wife who had been dead for many years.

“It turns out that humans can still be spawned …” Doyle, a young little classmate, suddenly felt the idea in his heart.

Of course he did not dare to speak out, fearing he would be killed.

“The first line of heaven.” After completing this “work”, Bai Mo said suddenly.

“Can the fairy say it? I stupid people really don’t understand.” Merlin looked at each other puzzledly.

At this time, his love was recovered and he was in a very good mood, and his posture was very low.

“The girl as a sacrifice is not at all dead, she will share this body with your wife.

Every day, for one hour, her body takes control of her consciousness. “


Merlin felt like he was going to vomit 3 liters of blood.

The girl who was pulled by him as a sacrifice, hatred as deep as the ocean with himself, afraid that the next second he would gain control of the body, he would be hacked to death with a knife.

However, she shared the same body with her wife and could not be injured.

However, he was also secretly glad that he had found a beautiful woman as a sacrifice. If he picked a man and still controlled Basaka’s body … the picture was too beautiful.

“To this day, there will always be a hint of life.”

“To mortals.”

Bai Mo’s second sentence was very light, and only Xu Xuanling could barely hear it.

“I thought it was just using atomic-level control to change the woman’s form from the inside out, and then reshape the memory to achieve the effect of almost resurrecting the dead, didn’t expect …”

Xuan Xuan Zero has also simulated this, so I have some ideas about the operating principle of Bai Mo.

It seems that the resurrection of the dead can be done with the operation she wants above, and the virtual zero can be done.

Deep into the atomic level of control, the reinvention of ordinary person memory, these all are 7th grade Celestial Immortal standard.

It can be said that as long as you are willing to spend more time gathering information, it is not difficult for Celestial Immortal to “resurrect” an ordinary person.

The same appearance, the same body, the same memory, except for the dead person, basically no one will think that it is not the original person.

It is precisely because of this that the cultivator of immortal dao has a lot of ideas about clones.

Xuan Xuan Zero is no exception.

She wanted to resurrect those who were killed by her own wrong hands, but after all, she couldn’t pass her own level.

As the creator, she knew too well that it was fake. The resurrected dead could fool others, but she couldn’t fool herself.

What does it mean to confess to two copies?


“At least she’s alive.” After Merlin was silent for half a minute, she helped Basaka who slowly turned around and bowed heavily to Bai Mo.

No matter in which science fiction film, he has never seen such a good-speaking High Rank civilization Alien. The director of Blue Star almost sets these high races very proudly, even if it is a film where Alien and humans are good .

High-Level civilization arranged a mission for him, but the rewards were all paid out before the mission was completed.

“Maybe it’s because we don’t think we can run.” Merlin laughed at himself so much.

“Are you … Merlin? Am I dead? Is this in paradise?” The girl in her arms opened her sleepy eyes and asked somewhat uncertainly.

In her memory before her death, Merlin should be a young lips of red lips, white teeth, not the uncle in front of her.

It’s just that the two looked very similar, and she couldn’t help but wonder.

“It’s me. It’s still here-the world !!”

Mei Lin held the woman in her arms with tears in her eyes.

Two people converted together and sent dog food indiscriminately, seeing that Xu Xuanling was a little upset, because she remembered what happened back then.

So she flicked a finger, and a subtle wave of Spirit Energy swept past Basaka.

“Dear … beast! You die!” Pashakar, who was lying in Merlin’s arms, suddenly gripped Merlin’s neck like crazy.

Bai Mo glanced at Xuan Xuan Ling. He knew it was her ghost, and awakened the consciousness of the sacrificial girl who could only come out an hour a day in advance.


“clang dong !”

“clang dong !”

“clang dong !”

A few crackling sounds of glass, a big man in a robe and a Vulcan gun, a girl with a double gun wearing a high-fork cheongsam, and two muscular teenagers with explosive heads and strong clothes Four people crossed the heavy defense from the side window of the Imperial Palace and slammed in without warning.

“Not allowed to move!”

The big man in the Robe Vulcan shouted at everyone.

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