Original Seeker

Chapter 716

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“Fortunately, I made the right bet and collected this planet in advance.”

At the core of the main shrine, Wu Ming felt right that his wave of gambling was correct.

He has very little World Strength left, just barely enough to digest this planet.

If Bai Mo hits the block, it is likely to be a dead loss.

10000 Fortunately, out of caution, or did not see the Lord God’s looks impressive but is worthless, Bai Mo not at all did so, so that Wu Ming had this opportunity to be tied to Aqua Blue Star.

“It should be a remodeling of similar substances.”

Bai Mo didn’t pay much attention to the operation of the Lord God at this time. He was more interested in what happened in the “World”.

A special power of amber is trying to change the nature of this planet and make it “immortal”.

This immortal characteristic is quite special, everything infested will become the existence of the non-old fart, or in other words, it will fall into endless reincarnation.

To use the game as an example, the main god now saves a file for this World. No matter how the subsequent things develop, as soon as he reads the file, everything will return to the save point.

“The way the Lord God cultivates the Samsara Artist is to throw it into many worlds. These guys who are largely lawless of the law and of natural morality often bring great damage to the world. A World can be reused countless times.

But in this case, the memory of the people inside should also be reset … “

“But why does it charge a World in such a dangerous place?”

Bai Mo threw away a sword energy, pointing directly to the main god connected with the water blue star at this time.

“Without the main temple, I can’t even hold a sword?” Wu Ming in the main temple thought of looking at the data analysis system.

This battle power data analysis system is something he later installed in the main shrine.

In the decades of getting the broken main god, he has never stopped analyzing the main god. Although the core things are not tossed out due to the cultivation base, achievements like adding an auxiliary system have gained a lot .

In the core of the main temple, there are 4 or 5 of these plug-in systems, all of which use some interfaces of the core of the main god to operate.


Sword energy easily submerged into the white light group of the main god, but did not make any sound.


Although Bai Mo is not good at using swords, if this sword energy is hacked on Earth, it will be enough to tear a new East African Rift Valley.

It stands to reason that when it falls on the Lord God, even if it is floating, it should be a little rippled.

There was no sound at all, it was a little strange.


Meanwhile, Mercury Star is somewhere.

“Peng!” A black liquid column burst out of the ground.

“There is an ambush!”

“Alert everyone!”

Several Samsara Artists were drenched in black liquid. Regardless of the slimy discomfort on their bodies, they immediately defended.

This is the battlefield. Prudence comes first. It is the common thought of all people.

“It’s all the hell …”

I was vigilant for 3 minutes, and some people couldn’t bear it anymore, because I expected to ambush one’s enemies without even a shadow, but the slimy black liquid on my body seemed to have some toxicity.

And the black liquid is still spraying endlessly, even if the Samsara Artist team is far away from the upper 100 meters.

“Should we have encountered a blowout in an oil field?” After taking out the cleaning symbols and sweeping himself all over, the tall and thin priest in the team frowned.

He has always had a slight cleansing habit. He always carries forty-fifty cleaning symbols with him. The minimum consumption is 2 per day.

These black liquids stick to your body, it is really uncomfortable.

“Luck is also very good …”

Originally preparing to smoke a stunned captain of the reincarnation squad Captain, it suddenly reacted when he was about to light the fire, forcibly pinching the lighter into a ball.

If a fire really broke out and ignited the blast of oil everywhere, they might be one of the most aggrieved squads.

“At our feet, there is oil everywhere.” After ten minutes of investigation, the big eyes in the team responsible for the investigation said a shocking news to them.

“How old is it.”

“Approximately 20 square kilometers, all of which are distributed under surface rocks less than 20 cm thick …”


“This unscientific!”

“How can a normal oil field become like this!”

“If only this World should be good … you can lie down and become an oil rich man.”

Even if they only have a little knowledge of geography, they feel that simply is abnormal.

There is a 20 cm barrier, and they are no different from floating on the oil ocean at this time.

This may be a great thing for the oil exploration team, but for a reincarnation team that has strayed into it, there is not much difference in following up the minefield.

As long as there is a little fire star, it can become a hell of serial explosions at any time.

Best of all, they are also unfathomable mystery at the center of this oil field!

No matter which direction you leave, you must walk at least 4 kilometers.

They must be cautiously.

“Everyone don’t save, you can’t fly, everyone sticks a flying charm, fly south, leave this place first.” In a critical moment, Captain still showed the courage, although a flying charm is not cheap. , But everything is gone.

This ghost place is really strange, it is better to stay away as soon as possible.


“One more sword.”

Bai Mo added a little force this time, about 5 times as much as the previous sword.

Still helpless to the light group.

“Useless, pure power is sent in front of World.”

Wu Ming said to herself in the main temple.

Unfortunately, he dared not say this because according to the remaining database records in the core of the main god, the powerhouse at that level outside, even if only communicating with it, the mind may be affected.

Therefore, Wu Ming can only let the main god pretend to be a machine that does not accept any information exchange.

His true body is too weak. If he can not control the main god, simply there is no possibility of confrontation. If one is not good, he will be brainwashed into brainless powder.

Of course, this weakness is only relative. Wu Ming ’s own power is also the well-known figure in Rank 6, and it is also a great prince in the Federation, that is, it ’s not enough to look at that ’s all in front of Immortal Order.


“Finally escaped.”

A reincarnation team that strayed into the depths of the surface oil field, after using several flying symbols, finally escaped from the oil column that erupted everywhere.

Their faces were filled with 4 words of exhaustion.

It is not the exhaustion of the physical strength of the flying amulet, but the fatigue caused by the high tension of the spirit for a long time.

Flying all the way, from time to time, there will be a gush of oil from the surface of the ground, some have even started to burn, every few meters, you have to worry about whether a sudden burst of fire will come out in front.

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