Original Seeker

Chapter 725

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“So many small cards … Why is a tramp hiding this thing and not having the money to surf?” Yu Nan touched his dirty clothes pockets, and actually hid all kinds of sexy and beautiful prints Little girl’s card.

The card also looks a bit old, with a few black fingerprints on it, which is obviously often caught in the hands.

“No way …” After sorting out his thoughts a bit, he was stunned by the other’s sarcastic operations by searching the memory of the tramp.

Because of the lack of entertainment and the long night, the guy actually had to solve the loneliness by watching a small card to cast …


“There seems to be a hard thing in it.” Yu Nan wanted to tear off all the black history, but found that there were two pieces that he couldn’t tear.

ID card, name: Yu Nan …

There is also a bank card.

“Bai Blind so beautiful name, let me live for you in the future.”

“There is a bank card, an ID card, and a mobile phone.” Thinking of the three big pieces of modern people, Yu Nan already has a direction to make money.


“Where did you go today?” A pretty young girl wandering around the overpass, it seemed that she was looking for someone.

She is a girl with excess sympathy, and she has been quite prosperous since she was a child. Often, she often goes to help Nan. Of course, the biggest reason is that the tramp is actually handsome, and there is a melancholy decadent literary atmosphere in the eyebrows.

“You’re looking for me?” In the memory of Yu Nan’s original body, this girl occupies a very important position. Although she looks like a normal girl, she doesn’t have the enchanting girls in the small card, but she is really a good person. A difference of 3 and 5 will bring herself a little Food, and sometimes left a little money, this only makes the poor poor have money to buy alcohol.

“Who are you?” The girl turned her head and looked as if she was an unknown guy, but she seemed to be so familiar.

“I’m the one living here.” Yu Nan pointed to the bed under the overpass.

“Not like it.” She watched neat and tidy packed, and there was no smell of Yu Nan on her body.

The trash can is really a good thing.

In order to make himself look like a normal person again, Yu Nan rummaged through all the trash cans near here, and finally found half a bottle of unused shower gel, and also a set of old clothes that fit well.

He ran to a river that seemed to be less polluted than several hundred meters, and used up all the shower gel before washing himself clean.

As for the dirty dirty long hair, Yu Nan simply shaved it with the broken knife found in the trash can, and covered his bald head with a canvas advertising cap that is common to tourist groups.

“So … how can I convince you?”

“A few days ago when I last came?” The girl blurted out.

“One … 2 … 3, 3 days!” Yu Nansou said after finishing Yu Nan’s memory.

“Didn’t expect to see you in 3 days, and you’re up again.” The girl obviously acquiesced in Yu Nan’s answer.

She also had a little understanding of Nan ’s background before. About 6-7 years ago, Yu Nan ’s parents were seriously ill at the same time. In order to treat the 2 old, he almost filled in his family ’s savings and borrowed A lot of foreign debt, but in the end failed to retain the 2 old lives.

The wife quarreled with him several times over this matter. In the end, the divorce took his son away, and Yu Nan, who became an orphan, couldn’t bear the blow. His mental problems began to occur, and her job was lost. A bum who is normal and sometimes dysfunctional.

The sympathetic girl had previously hinted to him many times that she could support him to come over again, but Yu Nan, who had completely fallen into this decadent life, had never considered it.

Just lie down and be a waste … Anything you try to get anyway, a gentle gust of wind will blow away again.

He always answered that way.

“Can you lend me 5000 yuan? I want to start again.”

The girl absolutely didn’t expect that Yu Nan would say that to her.

“Can mobile phone transfer be okay?” She not at all doubted the sincerity of the other party. Yu Nan changed her image in order to prove herself. This is not something that can only be done by a depraved waste.

Yu Nan shook the head.

“Forget you don’t have a cell phone yet … go, I’ll buy it for you.”

She seemed quite excited, but Yu Nan looked a little awkward.

Yu Nan originally prepared a lot of speeches, thinking about coaxing the girl to borrow money, but did n’t expect that when he opened his mouth, the other party directly agreed, and he could n’t use the full mouthful of rumors.

As a person who has walked through multiple World’s Samsaras, as long as he can achieve his purpose, his lower moral limit can be very low, and it is no problem to lie to the little girl.

According to Yu Nan’s previous plan, he just wanted to cheat some money to buy a mobile phone, and then frantically slammed a wave of online loans. Anyway, it was half a month before the end of the world, and the money borrowed based on the ability did not have to be repaid.

He spent most of the day, basically confirming the authenticity of the Lord God and the end of the day, because Yu Nan found that the basic Body Tempering exercises that he had redeemed in the Lord Temple could actually be used in this world!


“Here you are.” The rushing young girl took a new cell phone and handed it to Yu Nan solemnly. “The latest M40.”

“…” Holding this phone, Yu Nan didn’t know what to say for a moment.

He saw the poster outside the mobile phone store. This is the latest and most expensive phone in the store, and it is still top-of-the-line, with a price tag of more than 8,000.

“What is the bank card number, I will transfer you now.”


“Did you press the zero more?” Yu Nan glanced at the incoming SMS notification and found that it had turned a full 50000 yuan.

“The principal is more, so you can come again.” The young girl said indifferently.

“Don’t waste it, this is half a month’s living expenses that my family gave me.”


Li Jianning.

Yu Nan glanced at the word people of repute and hesitated.

Living in Samsara World, he hasn’t seen any good people for a long time, even his teammates often can’t trust and will sell himself.

“The end of the world is coming, Demon is chaotic, find a safe place, store more food and water, and live.

That’s all for this.

Yu Nan. “

After going to the bank to collect cash, he sent such a text message to the other party, which was a return of Li Jianning’s kindness.


“That’s what you said, being the most ordinary person ?!” In a messy room, Rontgen vomited into a coffin on his bed.

“300 times, Lord, this is 300 times the strength of an ordinary person !!!” Rontgen took a random shot, and the chair had been broken into several pieces, and it was destroyed more completely.

“I gave you the average power of all people on this planet.” The voice from the coffin was very flat.

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