Original Seeker

Chapter 727

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“I think the trouble is big this time.”

The first thing wrong was naturally the observatory of each country.

Such things as solar eclipses and eclipses are all problems of planetary orbital operation. All of them have formulas to calculate the occurrence time in advance, so the sun in the sky disappears and simply is not a solar eclipse.

“From the last signal sent by the satellite, there is an unknown black curtain surrounding the blue star.”

“The global satellite positioning system has been completely paralyzed, and this is the most troublesome thing at present.”

“No, there is more trouble.”


“Without sunlight, we will soon be cold-dead or starved.”

“Don’t worry about cold death, because we have just experimented. The black curtain that wraps us is a layer of completely thermal insulators. The heat on the surface of the water blue star is all locked here and will not be lost to space.


“More desperate than greenhouses. Without sunlight, plants cannot survive, and humans will kill each other in hunger.”

“We can use artificial light!”


“The last days are finally here.” Lying on the bed, Yu Nan was relieved to watch the sky darken.

His wave is almost desperately betting that the end is coming. If not, the second half of the Old Brother’s life may be spent in debt collection and debt hiding.


The panic caused by darkness soon began to ferment, even if the lights in the city were all turned on, except for the lack of a moon in the sky, it was not much different from ordinary night.

With the guidance of lights, most people choose to go back to their most familiar home first. Of course, there are a few more alert people who quietly walk to the nearest supermarket.

No matter what happens, it is always right to put more supplies at home.

People follow suit.

People who originally planned to go home saw the tension in their hearts after seeing more and more people entering the supermarket.

It didn’t take long for all kinds of food and water in supermarkets and convenience stores to be snapped up, leaving only a pile of empty shelves.


“Wipe, why is it bright again?” Yu Nan waited in the safe house for a long time, but finally found that the sun came out again, and nothing else happened.

“What about the last days? Pigeons ?!”

He was a little nervous.

When I changed myself to Samsara Artist, the debt on my body would not be repaid, and anyone who dared to rush would be hacked to death, but now Yu Nan is just a weak chicken that is not even as good as an ordinary person.

It takes at least a month to slowly recuperate a chronically malnourished body with Body Tempering.

Equally anxious, there were those who went to the supermarket to grab supplies yesterday.

Struggling to buy something back, nothing happened.

“Well, I spent 500 yesterday to buy 2 packs of rice from Yellow Ox !!!”

“Old Brother is very resourceful. I even bought Yellow Ox to buy goods. I took it directly. Yesterday the supermarket was so messy. I took it out and finished it. The clerk couldn’t manage it.”

“FBIWARNING, I’m going to report it!”

“Thief gets rough!”


“Internet police, where is the police ?!”

The Sairis Empire is generally a country with good order. Even if it was the unexpected situation yesterday, everyone went to the supermarket to grab shopping money, and they would normally give money obediently.

“What kind of trouble was yesterday? The shit bricks didn’t explain.”

“I heard that Alien had invaded. I had a puppet in the security section and was recalled immediately yesterday.”

“Really fake, and Alien?”

“The public account I looked at said that this is a sign that the end of the world is coming. Let’s prepare the supplies. There is also a link to the online store below. You can directly order the survival package in the wild with one click.”

“Look less at junk stuff, besides making money by creating rumors and panic, what else will these bad numbers write ?!”


Because nothing happened in the end, the Internet exploded, and netizens eating idle pain in the balls vomited this unfathomable mystery.

Officials did not give any explanation, because they are also confused.


“It’s getting dark again.”

After 2 days, the sun disappeared again.

“I won’t play with me this time,” Yu Nan muttered to himself.

There is no ups and downs in life.

He just received the first notice of dunning, reminding him to pay the first money in 3 days.

He felt the pistol in his arms, and his mood was complicated.


“What the hell is this.” Rontgen patted the coffin in front of him, trying to get Bai Mo lying inside to answer himself.

Subconsciously told her that this guy absolutely knew something, just didn’t say anything.

“Mantis trying to stop a chariot.” Soon after the second dark, Bai Mo didn’t know who he was talking to.

“What mantis trying to stop a chariot?” She slammed the coffin peng peng. With her strength 300 times that of an ordinary person, the steel plate would tear apart like a paste under the palm of Rontgen, but this The coffin made by Gu did not know what material, but there was no crack.

Bai Mo still didn’t answer her question.

“clang dong !”

While Rontgen was depressed, the sound of glass shattering suddenly came from the next room.

She felt subconsciously subconsciously. The house where the two people lived was on the tenth and fifth floor. What could break the glass of the window.

In a hurry, Rontgen directly broke through the 2 walls across her and younger brother’s room and came to him.

Behind them are two large human-shaped holes.

“what is that?!”

There is a creature that has never been seen before, but Rontgen guarantees that this is definitely not what Mercury looks like, and any creature should have it.

A slender body with two extremely strange wings on its back, and a pair of scary eyes in the middle of the wings like a butterfly.

The monster broke the glass of the window, knocked the curious Lun Heping to the ground, and stretched out its ugly tentacles to the already scared teenager.

“help me!”


Without any extra movements, Rontgen, who was eager to protect his brother, rushed forward in a short stride, and with his own knife, easily cut the monster 2 and a half.

But this Monster ’s life strength is completely beyond her imagination as a human.

Even if it has been cut into two pieces, its surviving body still controls its tentacles, and then inserts Lun Heping’s body.


Intense pain!

Lun Heping feels that he is as uncomfortable as being sucked away by his little by little.

Not only that, the strength of his body also quickly passed along with this sucking, and his consciousness gradually became blurred, resulting in the inability to control his own hands at all and pulling out the damn tentacles.


The weird girl next to me, holding on to the monster’s wreckage attached to Lun Heping’s butt, squeezed into a ball of white slurry, and finally it was the result.

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