Original Seeker

Chapter 732

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Looking at the pile of meat on his hand, Rontgen lightly sighed lightly.

the past few days to have a lot of well-informed people overtly or covertly be made to pay through the nose after she killed the apostles, burst out of the Treasure Item seeds.

In this special period, the seeds of Treasure Item, which can make people gain strength, represent life.

Treasure Item can only eat one seed per person. The younger brother already has it. A few clever henchman also got their share. The rest is useless, but I do n’t know who to give it.

The following are all strangers who do not know each other, even if they are willing to spend a lot of money to buy, but in this period, what is the use of money?

Banks no longer exist. There are a lot of paper money, but you ca n’t buy anything.

The rich and the poor almost flipped in an instant.

“Who do you think I should give?” She asked in the palm next to her.

That is not a person, is a lone palm section at the wrist, was also shrouded in darkness.


Three days ago, after she killed the tenth apostle, a palm suddenly emerged from the coffin.

But there is only one white jade-like finger on the palm, and the remaining 4 fingers together with the position of the palm are all a fuzzy illusory shadow.

Wait until Rontgen killed when the 50th apostle, palm finally formed, out of the coffin, the whole floating beside her.


“Well, I carry out his lottery.” Rontgen hearing this, the brain suddenly wide open hole, intends to use the lottery to determine the ownership of these Treasure Item seeds.

Anyway, she didn’t know anyone who followed her, but she hid the Treasure Item seeds and watched that the ordinary person was killed and couldn’t do it.

“Another thing, how many apostles should I kill?”

Limited by the ability of the fans of zero hours, killing the apostles by hand can not directly increase the power of Rontgen, but it can increase a thing called summon degree.

The development of Treasure Item’s Rank 2 power is precisely through the increase of summon degree, so that the spirit corresponding to Treasure Item really appears in this World.

At the very beginning, only one illusory shadow appears, and at the end, it is a complete entity.

Each spirit has an extremely powerful force, but also with the will of their own, is not a simple tool.

“This is the first impact.”


“In other words, there will be a second and third time?”

“Don’t you think that the power of the Treasure Item is too easy to deal with the apostles of today?”

Bai Mo mentioned this, and Rontgen remembered it.

Whether it is the current apostles or the zombies they make, it seems so impossible to withstand a single blow in front of them. Other people who have Treasure Item, as long as they do n’t die and rush into the middle of the corpse tide, fighting is also easy and happy.

With the power of Treasure Item, although it is not easy to kill the apostle in that butterfly form, it is more than enough to protect yourself.

Except for the number of freaks, the battle power of the apostle and zombie is not even comparable to the organized human army.

However, what they are in the form of sneak attack suddenly appeared in this World, the functioning of human society, completely disrupted, it will be forced into a situation of fighting each other.

“Every month, there will be a new wave of shock.”

“Are you playing this tower defense game with this World?”

“Not just me.”



“Everyone listen to me!”

“Your Majesty never wants things to look like this.

It was the left side in the court that had been deceived and concealed, which led to the current situation.

The ordinary person who is struggling in Imperial Capital, they and their wives and children are still struggling with zombie.

We will have Heaven Punishes the Traitor of the Nation at zero o’clock tonight to let Your Majesty know all this and kill Imperial Capital to save our people! “

Outside the capital city of the Cyrus Empire, an officer with the word “respect for the emperor” tied to his head, addressed the soldier in front of him with a sorrowful expression.

As the heart of the Cyrus empire, Imperial Capital suffered a major blow from the apostles, and because Imperial Capital is the most densely populated economic center in the country, Zombiefication’s future destructive power is also the most terrifying.

Concentrated nearly 30,000,000 million population of Imperial Capital, after a apostle of infection, at least now the whole zombie nearly 10000000.

The 10000 embargoes normally stationed here can barely defend themselves in the presence of this number of zombie.

And for some security reasons, the nobility lived in the Imperial Capital, prohibited the keeper private army, stationed in the imperial guards even lead to a reliable ally can not be found.

Imperial Capital is at the feet of the emperor, bringing together most of the country’s dignitaries and nobles. These 10000 counts of aristocrats and nobles, heavy family members, all want to escape from a city that has become a magic cave immediately.

So as a soldier of the forbidden army, he witnessed countless nobles who were normally aloof and remote and hard to open with golden mouths.

The performance of these guys disappointed the banned army soldier.

Even more how, in order to have enough manpower to ensure their safety at any time, they even ordered the prohibition of soldiers to return to Imperial Capital to rescue ordinary people still trapped in the zombie ocean.

You should know that in the army soldiers, many family members live in Imperial Capital. As soon as the order came out, the dissatisfaction in the military camp immediately fermented.

“Respecting the emperor!”

“Save the 100 name!”

“Respecting the emperor!”

“Save the 100 name!”


The heavily armed soldiers shouted slogans all the way to the station of the noble ministers. On the way, there were many robes who were stationed. After hearing such slogans, they were moved and joined the queue.

normally think in those instigating the emperor’s loyal Guard troops but extremely difficult, but the time had just undergone change of life and death, it is a state of panic, ambitious behind only the rare opportunity, to achieve all this.

Of course, the Guard Army’s complete disappointment with the noble command was the trigger for everything.

If they are not greedy and afraid of death to prevent soldiers from returning to Imperial Capital to save people, the dissatisfaction of the Guards will not burst.


“Peng!” Makeshift camps, led by Guard door kicked open a military aristocracy, to find that the man still has the mind to do some shady things.

“Peng ~ peng ~!”

There are two bright red blood flowers on the flesh of the white flower.

The leading angry lieutenant, the direct 2 shots resulted in the life of this nobleman.

The maid, who was crushed under the corpse, did not dare to make a sound at this time, fearing that the soldiers would get a shot when they were angry.

“We only kill the country thieves.” The lieutenant used a bayonet-equipped rifle to pick up the fat body that had been soaked in blood, and made the maid who was already terrified.

The maid looks very pretty, and in order to meet some special hobby, nothing but a fruit body aprons, at this time, exposed skin, to the face from the legs to the back, were almost wiped blood again.

PS: Ah, it’s February sixth day again

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