Original Seeker

Chapter 739

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When Rontgen once again used his own will to press down the monster who wanted to snatch his body, what appeared in front of her was a pink world.

But this kind of pink will not bring a sense of warmth, but only make people feel cold in the back.

Rontgen unconsciously threw a punch at the ground, a mass of high-energy air that became plasma due to friction and heat hit the ground wrapped in pink.

An artificial plasma “bomb” of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius exploded on the meat blanket.

Then there was another group.

The high temperature instantaneously evaporates the flesh and blood within the explosion range, and the pink of the ten meters radius disappears without a trace, leaving an unusually large pit.

It ’s a pity that the space hole left by the fist is quickly filled with the flesh and blood around it, just like in vain.

But she did n’t give up at all, and since one punch does n’t work, then ten punches and one hundred punches.

A fist that is comparable to a missile ’s saturation attack, began to fade the pink covering a few kilometers around at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the recovery began to catch up with the destruction.

Pain, hot pain, information from countless destroyed organs permeated in the brain of Deng Que, who has become a monster.

His body was eroded by the power of the Great Chaos and completely alienated into another life form, but this does not mean that he lost his pain.

However, Deng Que, who hastily turned into another life, has no time to get acquainted with his new body. He can do nothing but passively be beaten.


When the body on the ground was destroyed more than half, he finally learned one of the most important survival skills of animals-running.

Almost without the slightest hesitation, Deng Que chose to turn around and leave.

It ’s just that this turn is a bit special, he is moving towards the underground.

Like the water, it penetrates into the earth’s crust to avoid the impact from the sky.

The pink, which still occupies more than thousand thousand square meters, disappears thoroughly in less than five seconds. With the root tentacles extending instinctively, Deng Que easily came to the underground 300 meters s position.


After coming to a relatively safe ground, the massive amount of feeling information began to impact his consciousness, most of which was a hungry word.


I want to eat.

But what to eat?

Here is the ground filled with inorganic matter, not at all can digest him.

“You must go back to the ground and avoid that woman.”

After more than ten minutes, Deng Que ’s body grew out of several tubular tentacles, and the tip of the tentacle extended all the way to The ground opened a mouth like a flower.

A large number of special spores like dandelions spewed out of the mouth of the tentacles and began to spread around the world.

The inconspicuous spores are his “eyes”, instead of true body, while hunting for prey while avoiding Rontgen.


“Hey, do n’t you think the people in the camp seem to be a lot less?”

In a survivor ’s camp, two The scouts chatted to the sky one sentence at a time.

“Run away with food, there is such a person on every day.”

“No, I do n’t see any trace of humans leaving.”


“speaking of which, dandelions are also blooming.” One of the men wearing berets picked up the small flowers that fell onto his clothes.

“What time is it, do you still care about this?”

“Well, if Wen Qing releases the pressure again, I’m afraid I will go crazy.”


“Release the pressure to go inside, some are women who want to revel in your doomsday.”

Several months of eschatological disasters have already forced most survivors who are constantly struggling between life and death It was a little neurotic, and playing in time became the creed of many people.

After all, I do n’t know the day when a monster pops up, and my life will come to an end.

Under such a high-pressure environment, one day a day is counted as one day, refreshed once and once, and sex hormones are used as anesthetics drunken stupor.

“The brain can’t just be *** and careful, but also need some poetry and distance, look at this flower, how beautiful.” The man in the beret looked at the white flower.

“I ca n’t stand you.”

“The reason why people are people is that in addition to breeding, we also think about and appreciate other things.”

“Flowers are not plant reproductive organs …” another scout carrying a bag vomited.

“…” The beret felt that there was no way to chat with this guy who was full of white slime.


“Something’s wrong, don’t go in first.”

The two of them circled the perimeter of the camp and returned to the gate of the camp.

The man carrying the bag stopped the beret that was about to walk in.

“It smells like blood, it ’s still fresh blood.”

“I ’ll throw a flash bomb.”

The man in the beret puts the little flower Chest pocket, and then took out a flash bomb from the arsenal and threw it deep into the camp.

Like a glare of lightning, all the peace burst apart in an instant.

Countless pink tentacles popped out in the shadows, some of them still hung with dry bones, and the winding bloody roots emerged from the surface, greedily searching for all possible food.

The ground and walls of the camp were quickly replaced by creeping biological tissue. A large number of organs with terrifying appearances are constantly generated on their surface and inside, and the entire camp has already turned into a bloody hell.

The two of them discovered at this time that they were already standing on the edge of a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

The bloody smell smelled by the backpack man is actually the residue that did not wipe his mouth well.



Without any hesitation, the two men also turned around and ran, such a monster, simply not their two soldiers Can deal with.

Originally barren fangs and brandishing claws ate tentacles, but at this moment they did not choose to pursue.

After eating the thousands of people staying in the entire camp, Deng Que ’s hunger was relieved, and he returned to the dominance of human nature from the state of complete dominance.

As a Samsara Artist, he really does n’t take Samsara World ’s NPCs seriously, and he can squeeze NPCs at will without guilt.

But this does not include consuming them directly, and squeezing them out of the edible parts like throwing them into a juicer.

Frankly speaking, letting employees 996 and Zhen eat their meat directly is the same thing. The former is at most called the oppressive class, and the latter is called psychopathic.

“I’m a human, just accident.” He looked at the two desperately running away, trying to persuade himself to accept what had just happened.

“But it still seems a little hungry …”


“That monster must be wiped out.” She looked at her and was shot The 100 meters deep giant pit said bitterly.

Unlike Deng Que, who can directly escape, she has only pure physical strength, and she is still unable to catch the monster hiding deep underground.

It ’s just that she did n’t find out that she did n’t know when she was infected with hatred by the devil within the body.

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