Original Seeker

Chapter 751


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“If it weren’t for that bastard, how could we be reduced to such a point!” The teenager who just dared not look directly at Mila, after leaving her line of sight, began his own broken thoughts again.

Everyone hates gnash the teeth when they mention this inner ghost. Everyone originally organized a hot pot together in a secret stronghold. As a result, there was a report by the inner ghost and was caught to catch everything in one net.

“Don’t mention him, blaze.”

“But I firmly believe that our career will not die here!”


The crowd encouraged each other as if not at all in danger.

“Let me know if you will die, idiot!” Mila’s voice suddenly sounded beside them.



“Why are you still here?”

People who have just spoken are startled.

“This is a geocentric prison! We can hear and see every sentence and every action that every criminal says.”

Unlike traditional prisons, most geocentric prisons do not have the concept of cells, and most of the criminals are actually exiled in barren fields.

Empty and boredom are the best description of this world.

“The notice I just received, ten days later, you will all be executed, and it will still be the death penalty live broadcasted by the whole Federation, so please enjoy this last time he he he he ……”

A black bird that looks a little like a crow, appeared behind everyone without warning, and said to them in a very unfriendly tone.

The sound is similar to the sound of Mila just now, but not exactly the same.

The old man in the prison knows that it’s best not to encounter this stupid bird, because it is nicknamed “Send the End Chicken”, it is actually a dead bird in the prison, and it is specifically used to notify the criminal that they will be executed soon. News of the death penalty.

“Wait, execute?!”

“Isn’t it good to just come in and go through the process?!!!”


The news from the dead bird instantly made some people blow up the nest.

There are many of them, originally only the sluts who are at the bottom of the society. If they are not for the daily reward of two thousand federal dollars promised by the behind-the-scenes master, they will not make trouble on the street at all.

For a group of youngsters with no education, skills and background, working hard for a month may earn five thousand federal dollars and rely on federal welfare to barely maintain their lives.

even more how After hundreds of years of technological development, many industries have realized automation and mechanization. 7×24 hours of work, never strike, and do not need to increase the salary of the robot, replacing most of the guys who even 996 are called hardships. .

“I said that this is not right, how can ordinary troubles be paid such a high price, and dare to let us be the dead ghosts!”

“Now that there is an egg, why don’t you say it when you receive money every day.”

“Two thousand dollars a day! Just hold a slogan and shout slogans, and there are people who regularly give food and drink, and the fool does not do it.”


“Wait, what are you talking about? Just come in and just go through the process?”

“Yeah, shortly after I joined the organization, someone secretly told me the inside story. He said that most of us in the court are our people. Even if they were really caught, they would walk around and squat inside. In a few days, a fine of a thousand more will come out. The brother who was arrested before, just pay a thousand bail and return in three days.”


“No wonder Brother Zhou rushes to the front every time. It turns out I knew there was such a thing. I was so stupid that I dared to follow in the end, for fear of being targeted by them.”

While other people were arguing in a frenzy, they were accompanied by two unremarkable girls who watched them silently.

“Elder sister, do you think it will work this time?”

“No problem.”

“Can we really retreat?”

“They use us, why can’t we use them in reverse?”

“I hope everything goes well.”

Also keeping silent, there is also a teenager who didn’t panic, but just looked up at the sky, as if there would be a savior dropping from the sky.


“You better explain to me why my son was caught in the Geocentric Prison.”

In a very distant noble warship, a youngster with a face full of fury gripped the neck of another man with his hands and pressed him to the wall.

The appearance of this youngster is very eye-catching, especially his eyebrows that are inclined upward at a 45-degree angle are absolutely unforgettable at first sight.

The man whose neck was strangled had his feet hanging, face covered in blood, struggling desperately because of breathing difficulties, but he couldn’t shake the palm in front of him.

“I…I…I really don’t know anything, sir.” The blood-stained man finally got enough air for him to say the whole sentence.

“Then you can die.” Youngster said serene, just like passing an ant on foot.

“no! Don’t kill me!…I… I heard that it was Qi Yun who told the secret to Young Federation about their secret gathering point.”

“Who is Qi Yun again.” He recalled that he had never heard of this man in his memory, and it should be just a little hello.

“Qi Yun is a newcomer who has just joined the organization. The two previous tasks have been completed very well. Someone recommended him to work under the Young Master, didn’t expect, didn’t expect him…”

“What about others?” The oblique eyebrow youngster let go of his hand slightly, giving the man a chance to gasp.

“Since he walked into the Federal Security Bureau in the 11th district, I have never heard of other news, and it may have been transferred by the federal people.”


“Come on.” The palm on the man’s neck slowly loosened.

“Yes.” The man, regardless of his blood, squatted on the ground with his hands in his hands and rolled out of the door like a ball.

The oblique-browed man frowned lightly, and then waved his right hand. The blood dripping on the ground was automatically disappeared. The rage just now seemed to have never appeared before.

“Qi Yun…Which player is this?” He smelled something strange.

The death penalty executed by the Federation in these years does not say that it can be counted on one’s fingers, but it is definitely not much. Most of the heavy criminals have been exiled to barren planets to open up barren cattle. Only a few real-hearted guys will be punished. Was executed.

However, the normal death penalty will not be publicly executed.

And this time, the death penalty was unprecedented using the live broadcast mode, which can’t help but make people entertained. In the end, there is something stupid.

“But no matter which one you are, dare to plot against my head, you are already destined to die.” Oblique eyebrow youngster stepped on the ground lightly, seeming to be all the dissatisfaction in his heart. Stuck in this foot.

After he left, the scene left a terrifying footprint deeper than five meters.

True Immortal’s wrath, heaven falls and earth rends.

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