Original Seeker

Chapter 762


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Four leading ships, almost full, set off with demon beasts willing to work with them, and chased them along the forward route of the Federal Fleet revealed by Ramdo.

There are nearly 8 million Monster Races on the fleet of large and small. This number seems to be a lot, but compared with the total number of Monster Races living in the White Land of more than 100 million, it is only a fraction.

Of course, they are still called Monster Race at this time. In fact, they are a bit out of date. The overwhelming majority among them is no different from the holy walkers transformed from human beings.

After hundreds or so years of easy living, the low-level Monster Race in the White Land has no ambitions.

Not to mention that Daohua slowly swallows all kinds of emotions, which makes the whole society increasingly salted fish.

Even if the four Sacred Beasts were once, the leaders of all Monster Races were a hundred years ago. New Generation Monster Race has not had too much blind obedience to them.

Not to mention that you want to leave the home where you have lived for hundreds of years and go to the desolate space. Will it not taste good if you have time to play in the house?

After decades of promotion, the demon beasts of the White Land are all familiar with morphology, and most of them are integrated into the human society.

The one who chose to leave this time is naturally the remaining high-level diehards.

After all, the more high-level Monster Race, the less interested in changing people.


“Ramdo, you are very difficult to deal with.” The speaker’s expression sank.

“Wake up!” He took up his weapon, a scepter studded with jewels, pointed at Huolin who had begun to doubt his life, and sent a soft red light at him.

“Immortal, Earth Immortal, Human Immortal Three Path Cultivator, can also mix the power of the three paths with each other, one face to calm Huolin, you deserve it.”

“This kid is still too young. I need to tell him more about life. I understand that there is also a difference between immortals and immortals.” Ramdo did not refute the speaker.


“Thank you.”

Hollin, who walked out of self-doubt, became silent. After thanking his teammates from the same camp, he looked at Ramdo quietly and stopped making a sound.

He is using the surface calmness to cover up the violent wind and waves in his heart.

Holin never thought that the gap between True Immortal and True Immortal could be so big.

Although he was returning from the robbery not long ago, I never thought I would be knocked down by a few words.

“you are too weak.” Ramdo ruthlessly sprinkled salt on his wound.

Three Path Cultivator, the strength level reached 7th grade Middle-Stage, according to the federal grade, more accurately is 7Level 6 Ramdo, in just a few words, Heart Demon has been stuffed into the 71-level Hollin thinking, let him Falling into meaningless self-doubt.

“Innocent kid, do you really think that every move in the fight needs to be called out?

You can be a marshal, commander of the federal military, not because you are strong enough, but because other guys are unwilling to do this job.

Otherwise, there are more than thirty True Immortal in the whole Federation, and it is your turn? “


Huolin remained silent after listening, and his vigilance had already been mentioned as the highest he was. At this time, he knew that the other party’s words would inevitably lead to pitfalls. Since his cultivation base is not as good as the enemy and he has no chance of winning the attack, he might as well be In this kind of Heart Demon battle, guard strictly and keep silent.

This is also the most important aspect of is Human Immortal that you can’t guard against it. You can mix your own Martial Way will in a word, and through a lot of talk, you can confuse people who are inferior to your cultivation base. Forced and even brainwashed.

Brainwashed people, it is even difficult to tell whether they are really persuaded by words or whether they are “physically persuaded” by the Martial Way will entrained by these “wrong principles”.


“You just said that the Federation wants to change its name?” After the speaker rescued Hollin from the mouth-cannon attack, he turned his attention to Azure Dragon Bahamut.

“As long as I can knock you off, I can naturally change my name.”

“Then what are you going to change to?” The speaker had no feeling for such a provocative statement, instead he asked the other party seriously.

Because he can see that none of the four great monsters in front of him are coming from a true body, a trifling projection, killing the giant bone claws that are also projections is okay, and wanting to hurt himself is a foolish dream.

“How about the Holy Terra Empire?” Black Tortoise, among the four beasts, said the name they had planned in advance.

As part of the transaction, they offered assistance to Ramdo to win this true and mysterious battle in exchange for joining the Federation as an equal Great Influence, and the Human Federation had to change its name, and could not contain the word human.

In fact, Ramdo doesn’t care much about the name. It should be said that few people in True Immortal care about the name of the country.

In the fourth place, Sacred Beast put forward this point and emphasized that as an important condition, he must change, and he is naturally happy.

Without a lot of money, I don’t need to pay much material, just draw four super powerful thugs, no matter how you look at it, it’s a good deal.

As for the four Sacred Beast, why insist on changing the name? This is their last attachment to being “assimilated” as a person.

If they join the “Human Federation”, wouldn’t they also become “human”?

From the bottom of my heart, these diehard high-level demon beasts don’t think they are humans and must be distinguished.

“Holy Terra Empire?” The speaker first noticed the word empire, “Who wants to be emperor in the Federation? Who deserves to be emperor in the Federation?”

In the current rotating parliament of the Federation, the speaker has a term limit, and he is only the speaker of this term, and he will return to the position of member in a few years.

even more how, after all, the speaker is just a person who organizes discussions. Many confidential matters, such as the route of the Federal Fleet, whether to launch a war along the way, the real way to decide, or through True Immortal internal discussions.

When an internal consensus was reached between True Immortal, the issue was thrown to the Federal Parliament for a process to pass.

The morning star of Rank 5 Rank 6 below, Member Yue Yue also knows this in his heart, and put a rubber stamp on the major event, what the True Immortal meeting said, and he would do it accordingly.

Their real duty is to give opinions on some relatively unimportant things and strive for victory in a small direction.


But the “emperor” is different from the “speaker”. The “emperor” understood by the speaker is the kind of ultimate existence that has the right to make a decision. The problem is that based on the current situation within the Federation, there is no such a Humans can override all True Immortal to force their own will.

Since the release of Bai Mo, there has been a paranoid emphasis on checks and balances within the Federation.

At no time is there a chance to have a dominant family. Once there is such a sign, other people will immediately form an encirclement network to suppress them to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

PS: How do you feel that time flies so fast… It seems that it will be more the same as soon as it is over. ORZ

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