Original Seeker

Chapter 776


You can search “Original Seeker 妙笔阁(imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


“The person who escaped into Nine Nether is just a tool to be used.”


“The real maker of Devouring Spirit Virus, like Red World’s Follower, escaped from Heavenly Profound Continent to Gaia on Earth. It borrowed this tool to spread Devouring Spirit to the whole world.”

“It’s also dead?”

“Dead, like Red World’s Follower, committed suicide in front of me more than a hundred years ago.”


“Why? One hundred years ago, you probably did not force the seventh-order True Immortal to the ability to suicide.”

True immortal’s undying sex is obvious to all. If the other party really doesn’t want to die and wants to forcefully kill a True Immortal, it must have more than ten times the power, at least.

Bai Mo, who has been on the earth for a hundred years, do not think they can reach this point.

“Heavenly Profound Continent, there is an eighth level.” Bai Mo did not answer the words of chaos, but shifted the topic to Heavenly Profound Continent.

“We know this, but what does it have to do with them committing suicide in front of you?”

“I don’t know how many years of the lifeform of the eighth-order lifeform, if I am not wrong, it should be maintained by continuously consuming the seventh-order medicine man carefully raised by itself.”

“Keep alive, do you mean?”

“To combat the erosion of consciousness by the power of Taoism.”

When they heard the words Daohua Power, everyone felt a little bit of a heart.

They recalled Saturn’s earth-01.

Tu-01, eroded by the power of Daohua, they predicted that the opponent might not live for a hundred years.

If it weren’t for the information provided by Bai Mo for the construction of a true spirit barrier that can temporarily resist the erosion of the power of Taoism, they believe that they would probably follow in the footsteps of Tu-01.

Then they thought of Bai Mo, what did he rely on to fight against Daohua? Will the method of becoming immortal also treat them later as “medicine people”?

The more you think about it, the more chilling you get.

But then again, the method of becoming immortal provided by Bai Mo is not copied because of the distrust of in the bones. It is only used as a reference to design the method that suits you best.

After all, tailor-made is the best.

If this can be pitted, I really have nothing to say.


“There were three alien beings who escaped from Heavenly Profound Continent that year. They called themselves Red World’s Follower, Gaia, and Creator. They all became stronger by devouring a certain direction of emotional power.”

“Like Red World’s Follower, the emotional power he needs is resistance. As long as the surrounding creatures have the emotion of resistance, he can gain strength from it and repair the serious injuries on his body.”

“This is why it provoked the Red World chaos?”

“That’s right.”

“During that turmoil, the injuries it suffered healed close to one fifth. According to the original plan, it will detonate social conflicts every 20 years and keep human beings in a cycle of infighting-recovery.”

“This is planning to raise us as leeks.” When he heard this, Huolin couldn’t help but complain.


The turmoil that affected the world more than a hundred years ago, many people who have experienced the earth age and are still alive still remember it.

In less than a day, the humans who were pushed to kill each other by the mastermind behind the scenes suffered more losses than the damage caused by the Sea Race back then.


As for Gaia, it claims to be a mastermind rooted in genes and manipulating fate.

However, according to Bai Mo’s conjecture, what it really needs should be some kind of emotion similar to fate. As long as they obey the arrangements of fate, don’t struggle, don’t try to change their fate, Gaia can draw strength from this emotion.

“Didn’t expect that he could actually introduce the details of our cultivation technique…” At this time, the creator who was sitting on a certain battleship watching the battle, no, it was Farrell Miss of the Leon family, she was using it A special way of observation, watching the True Immortal meeting in the center.

After hundreds or so years of hard work, she gave up all the creators who restarted on the moon, and now she has returned to the rank of Rank 6, and this speed is still controlled by her, and she has played back and forth several times.

After all, she took the initiative to cast a good fetus and has a Rank 6 dad. Although this was the object of her body possession… but she finally gave up.

Who would have thought that his own daughter was a devil who wanted to kill her father before she was born.

Who would have thought that his daughter was the one who gave him cheat back then?

Farrell’s predecessor creator, the emotional power he needs to absorb is actually simpler and rude. It is the word surviving. It’s just that she is gilded and packaged into a lofty concept like creation.

However, essence is still only one of the most basic emotions of living beings, living.

So she didn’t mix anything back then. Because of the emotion of living, you don’t need to do anything at all. Everyone will have it. As long as you lie quietly, her injury can slowly recover.

As for the final choice to take the initiative to reincarnate, it was in turn dominated by the emotion of living. Only by giving up everything in the original can you survive, otherwise you will have to change into food in the end.

The cultivation technique of their cultivation essentially requires a large amount of certain emotions as energy to become stronger.

And this kind of special body that carries a lot of emotional power is the best medicine against the power of Taoism for the breeders behind them.

A person who cannibals will always eat.


After sending away the dead souls of hundreds of thousands in space, the corridor of bones suspended in space began to fold itself, like a tongue that was filled deep in the mouth, and kept reclaiming itself inside the door.

The huge door of white bones, after all the “tongues” returned to the door, it slowly faded and disappeared into the void, like nothing happened.

The wreckage, no more.

The corpse, no more.

Everything disappeared completely.

The traces of several hundreds of thousands of people they once existed were erased.

For hundreds of years, the Federation, which has always had an absolute advantage in foreign wars, has never lost so many people in a battle.

“This is the coordinates of the Nine Nether.” Bai Mo gave the coordinates of the Nine Nether Realm to each True Immortal, “It’s just that the life of the immortal, entering the Nine Nether will be suppressed below the immortal… “

“The Federation’s research and development of the Void Ship has entered the late stage. When the Void Ship is put into production, an exploration team can be sent to see…”

In the face of an unknown world, they will naturally not take risks with their lives. There are so many people in the Federation who are willing to bet their lives on their future. Let them go first and finish it.

The Void Ship is a special battleship designed by the Federation Immortal to simulate the power of True Immortal, which can allow life under the Immortal Stage to travel through different layers of space.

It has taken decades of time from the conception to the imminent formation of the template ship.

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