Original Seeker

Chapter 792


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To tell the truth, if there is a choice, they are not willing to talk about the Bai Mo tiger skin, but there is no doubt that the price they can get when negotiating with the mother of myriad insects is bound to be higher. it is good.

So the emotional people in the Empire are mostly resistant to Bai Mo, but rationally they stand in line very honestly.

“Let’s come and talk frankly.” Bai Mo not at all cared about these careful thoughts, but suddenly hit the void with a punch.

“clang dong!” People seemed to hear the cracking sound.

His fist seemed to hit some kind of glass.

With his fist as the center, a circle of space cracks spread out, and the world seemed to shatter, revealing the real form behind it.

The smell of blood assaults the senses, what magnificent palaces and tidy lobbies are all turned into masses of huge pieces of meat that are slowly creeping.

The ground they are standing on is actually made up of strips of slender muscle fibers, and it is a little bit slippery.

When Bai Mo came a few days ago, the naked sacrifice meat men he saw hanging upside down waiting to die were all gone, except for the tentacles that once skewered them.

If you look carefully, you can vaguely perceive the trace of dark red blood remaining on it.

A hell of flesh and blood.

As for the watermelon that Isis had originally intended to hand Kirkov, it turned into a split brain.

The bright red blood oozing out from it did indeed dye the half of the brain the color of a watermelon.

As for the fragrant and intoxicating grapes, they have become sections of intestines.

There are also a few oranges. At this time, their disguise is also removed, revealing their true identity-one after another still has a heart with weak muscle twitching.


Kirkov withdrew his hand that had originally planned to take the watermelon.

Although there are not many good people present, and there are many lives in their hands, it does not mean that they will like this dark environment full of flesh and blood.

Not to mention Isis, who actually wants to fool them into eating these disgusting ones raw, I don’t know what the internal organs come from.

“en? Don’t you like this?” The white-clothed girl took a big bite into the “watermelon” fiercely in her hand, and the red and white juice splashed around her teeth.

If it is not a brain flower, but a real watermelon, and there is no pink slime on the corners of the girl’s mouth, this cheerful scene must be quite pleasing to the eye.


No matter how lively people, when facing a monster who eats a suspected brain flower while chatting with them at random, they will be a little bit not knowing what to do.

If they weren’t aware of the gap between the two sides, they would have just swarmed, and frustrated this disgusting monster in human skin and cannibalism.

Of course, the fact is that even if they go together, there is still no chance of winning against the bug mother.

The calm expression can still be maintained at the scene, except for Isis who is “eating melons” with keen interest pleasure, and Bai Mo remains silent.

“Then let’s continue to talk about business.” Seeing his kind push, the other party didn’t seem to buy it for cultural reasons, so the insect mother swallowed the “melon” in a few bites, combed her flat belly and said.

She has always eaten raw foods since she can remember. To her, these organs are indeed like eating a fruit for an ordinary person.

“On business?”

After seeing the scene just now, everyone in the empire suddenly felt a little chill in their backs.

“The Violet Spirit, and the Violet Pill.” Isis took out a bottle gourd from his chest again, and then poured out a Violet Gourd in the bottle gourd.

Instinctively, they know this is treasure.

“Amethyst, a specialty of the Daochen world, can assist in cultivation…” Isis gave a big piece of background information about the Amethyst and Amethyst, before reluctantly convinced them that there is something in this world. Such treasures of heaven defying can not only increase cultivation base with almost no side effects, but also fight against the power of Taoism.

After entering the immortal stage, there are very few treasures that are still effective for True Immortal. At present, there are only a few Heavenly Grade spirit materials that can play a weak auxiliary role in the cultivation of True Immortal.

Without the aid of cultivation treasures, everyone feels that the accumulation of upgrades is slow as a snail, and there is an urgent need for some treasures that can be accelerated.

“For every 20 years I have participated in the war, I will get a purple green medicine as a reward…”

“One per person?”


Isis could vaguely perceive that Bai Mo and the people he had brought with him were somewhat indistinguishable, so she took the initiative to raise the price, trying to win over these high-level thugs who could really use them.

“This is a deposit.” After answering their questions, the girl gently breathed on her hand, blowing away the traces of the “melon” she had just eaten, and then put her finger on the bottle gourd A few taps.




More than twenty large purple medicines emerged from the bottle gourd and slowly flew to the crowd.

They each took their own point. Some people played with it carefully. Some people scanned the internal structure with an incarnation microscope. Some people didn’t even look at it, just put it in their pockets.

From the unknown substance given by strangers, they are not so stupid that they will absorb refining without even trying, but as a research material, the purple medicine is indeed an excellent target.

As the first generation of cultivation people, their curiosity and exploratory spirit are extremely full, because there is simply no way ahead. If you don’t go to find the way, they can only stay in place forever.

“This is a war summoning order. If it is necessary to go to the battlefield, the summoning order will become red and hot.” Isis still tapped his storage bottle gourd with his finger.

This time, from the bottle gourd, a lot of stream of light flew out, the streamer turned into one after another token, and flew just right to everyone’s hands.

The material of the token is not gold or wood, a little bit like the jade on Earth, but not exactly the same.

“The token made by insect.” Green Wizard King Yanhuo, who is quite familiar with biological materials, looked at the token in his hand with a smile on his face.

Under the observation of the microscopic divine sense, hundreds of millions of nano-sized insects interact with each other to form the whole token.

“Nano insects can also be insects.” It was through the retrieval of Hivemind Serres’ memories on Earth over a hundred years ago that Isis discovered this creative thing and opened the door to New World.

From then on, she seemed to be possessed by a demon. It took a whole ten years to make her Insect Army all increase the size of nano insect equipment.

“The Daochen World is extremely large. Normally, you can choose any place for your own cultivation. This is a partial map of the Daochen World drawn by our army in the past thousand years of exploration. If your cultivation technique has special needs, you can also consider Dao Chen Immortal World’s nether cultivation.

Only in the lower realm, the battle power of immortal spirit life will be greatly limited by the power of the plane, and the power that can be exerted does not exist. “

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