Original War

Chapter 489

Chapter 489

“How to do?”

“Attack again?”

“Why… wait a while and see what’s going on?”

Standing on the cracked ground, a group of people in the royal city’s team looked at the people standing on the other side. Although the flame giant had disappeared, there are still flames around Shao Xuan’s body. No one is sure. I will wait a moment. Will not repeat the scene just now.

The people in the team looked at Shao Xuan in amazement. The scene just now was too weird and shocking, but there was such a subversive scene in the moment of change. The flame giant just now really gave people. An unspeakable danger, even those who are far away, at the moment when the accident happened, felt that very dangerous and extremely oppressive aura.

“What the hell was that just now?” asked the girl in leather armor standing beside Yi Cong.

“I don’t know.” Although Yi Cong tried his best to keep calm on his face, there was already a storm in his heart. At that moment, he felt a very strong impact, not physically. They were a little far away and the injury was not serious, but Almost broke mentally! Don’t talk about divination, you can’t even concentrate!

There was no movement here for the time being, but Shao Xuan on the other side turned around after realizing that the opponent did not want to make a second attack immediately, and walked towards the place where they were.

Yanjiao’s migrating team had already gone a bit far, entering the semi-desert zone, and they had to catch up with the team.

“Go first!” Shao Xuan called the silly people there and ran towards the direction of the tribe’s migration.

“Hey, Shao Xuan, what happened to your… just now? That is the power of the ancestors? Can I do it again?” Zheng Cheng looked at Shao Xuan expectantly. If such power can be used forever, they don’t need it at all. People who are worried about the royal city.

Shao Xuan smiled bitterly at the longing eyes around him and shook his head, “No.”

The power that erupted just now was more successful than Shao Xuan imagined. However, because of the unprecedented power that erupted, Shao Xuan was under greater pressure and burst out with all his strength, even though he could still run and jump. , But the pain from the muscles was very clear. He was able to do what he had just done again, but only once. It was really difficult for him to run for the third time with the same power.

“Will the people of Wangcheng continue to chase?” Duokang asked.

“Yes, it’s just that they won’t leave immediately for a while. Let’s take advantage of this time to hurry, otherwise, the situation will be more serious. I guess there are reinforcements on the Wangcheng side.” Shao Xuan said.

“There are reinforcements?!” Not only Zhengcheng and Duokang, but other people don’t understand it. It is for their Yanjiao tribe. What is the purpose of the people in the city spending such a lot of effort to hunt down this time? If it was just for the salt stone and the fire crystal, they did not believe that they killed it, because until now, the people in the royal city have not mentioned salt stone and the fire crystal at all. .

“In short, let’s hurry up as soon as possible.” Shao Xuandao.

These people behind the palace have always kept a distance from the tribe team to prevent the people from the king city behind from chasing and killing them. Entering the semi-desert area, there are sparsely populated, and the threats they encounter will be much less. They only need to guard against the people in the king city. Well, those small tribes in the desert can be solved by the people in the front team.

Seeing the people in Yanjiao leave, Wang Cheng did not issue a chase order, but rested on the spot.

“How long will it take for the people from Chaoqiu City and Fengcheng to arrive?” Yi Cong asked the person next to him.

“It’s almost two days at most. If it’s quick, you can arrive before tomorrow night.” said a young man with the word “朝” embroidered on his clothes. Mysterious, such a person, it’s better to be slaughtered.”

“Indeed, if you let it go, I’m worried that they will become the second thorn.” Yi Cong muttered looking at the direction the Yanjiao Ren had left.

The young man from Chaojia had good ears. When his ears moved, he grasped the key words in Yi Cong’s words, “The second thorn?” They were the furthest away from the Wangcheng towards Qiucheng. He didn’t expect to be found this time. So he followed the big team first, and the others were behind. He wanted to get a share of the pie. To him, the salt stone and the fire crystal were still very attractive. He always thought that other people had the same idea as him. But now it seems that things are not that simple.

As one of the six major tribes of the same year, the Chaoqiu tribe did not care much about other things. Except for those who stayed in the royal city, the rest were in Chaoqiu city, guarding the own acre. Three points, from time to time, exploiting something from the nearby small tribes to enrich the own warehouse, Yanjiao tribe, they have also heard about it.

“So, there is still the first thorn? Who is the first thorn?” the young man at Chaojia asked.

Several other people, including the girl in leather armor from the Ji family, also walked over. They had never heard of this statement. Who did the “first thorn” refer to?

Yi Cong was silent. There are some things that he can’t let everyone know. If he hadn’t become one of the core children because of his talent and strength in the Yi family, he would not know the secrets.

The girl in leather armor looked around and pulled Yi Cong to the side.

“Hey, Ji Liao, where are you going to take Yi Cong?!” someone behind shouted.

Ji Liao, wearing leather armor, simply ignores the yelling people behind. As a descendant of the royal family Ji family, her grandfather is the current king, and her father is the eldest son of the king. In the future, she is likely to inherit the throne, so her status is relatively high. , She is qualified to know many things.

“Let’s go, just the two of us, what did you mean by the first thorn and the second thorn?” the girl in leather armor asked.

Yi Cong thought for a while, and said, “Do you know what happened in Wangcheng thousands of years ago?”

“A thousand years ago?” Obviously, Ji Liao did not expect that Yi Cong would suddenly mention something so long ago, but because she was going to deal with Yanjiao Ren this time, she had heard a lot, and she had read the notes of her ancestors. I know that the Yanjiao people did appear thousands of years ago.

“I only know that the Yanjiao tribe came from the sea thousands of years ago, and some people have left here,” Ji Liao asked.

“Then you know, who are the people who left?”

“I don’t know this. I asked my father before, but he didn’t say it.”

Yi Cong looked at the direction the Yanjiao tribe was leaving, and said, “Back then, most of the people who left were expelled from the city by the royal city. Among them were two very important people, one was Mu Han from the Mu family, and the other was Yi Xiang from our Yijia.”

Mu Han? Yi Xiang? These two names are extremely unfamiliar to Ji Liao.

Yi Cong continued: “If Mu Han succeeded in competing for the Patriarch, the Mu family would not be the same people now. It is said that Mu Han lost the competition and was driven out of the royal city.”

“What about Yi Xiang?”

“Yi Xiang, in the notes of our ancestors of the Yi family, he is called’ominous’. From the beginning of his birth, he has been called an ominous person by the ancestors of the Yi family, which will bring disaster to the Yi family. It is a pity that Mr. Yi Xiang He can avoid disasters and live all the time. On the contrary, people who have disputes with him have encountered various disasters.Later in the Wangcheng civil strife, the Yi family wanted to secretly execute Yi Xiang, but he suddenly disappeared. “When Yi Cong knew about Yi Xiang, he also sighed that such a genius would be regarded as “ominous.” Back then, Yi Xiang mastered many ancient techniques of divination. The lost rope divination, since then, no one has truly mastered the technique of rope divination.

Such a genius, it’s a pity.

“Many were executed in the civil strife in the Wangcheng, and many escaped. I heard that those people later left with Mu Han, and Yi Xiang is very likely to leave with him. When the civil strife in the Wangcheng finally subsides, When I reacted, the passage in the sea had already sunk, and at that time, the Yanhornians appeared, and the Imperial City had also targeted them. It was just that they had just experienced civil strife, and the inside of the Imperial City was unstable, and they did not immediately face off. The Yanjiao people started, but they also released rumors to let others target the Yanjiao people. Later, the Yanjiao people entered the forest and faded out of everyone’s sight. As time passed, they were gradually forgotten.”

“So that’s the case.” Ji Liao sighed. She said that because of the people of the fiery fox and the king’s gate, the six nobles attacked the Yanjiao tribe. It turned out that these were just two of the inducements.

“Then why don’t you start early?” Ji Liao asked.

“One is that they often hide in the mountains and forests, and rarely appear in the royal city. Second, people in the royal city are not willing to take it lightly.” If it were those royal nobles from thousands of years ago, they would have done it for thousands of years. The people within the six tribes are changing, and the hearts of the people are changing. No one wants to cause trouble. Just sit down and gather the interests in your hands. If it weren’t for the Yi family and the Mu family’s people, they often sounded alarm bells in the ears of others. People have probably forgotten the threat of slipping away. Every few decades, when Yanjiao people enter the royal city, most of the conflicts are related to the Yi family and the Mu family.

Ji Liao thought about the style of those people in the royal city today. It is indeed not quite right, but, “After so many years, the ominousness of Mu Han and your Yi family has been in the soil early? Unless they become king beasts.”

“This is what our Yi family is worried about. Mu Han may have died a long time ago, but who can be sure if he has any offspring? After all, Mu Han left with hatred back then, and he said he wanted to come back for revenge. Let the children and grandchildren report it. As for Yi Xiang… he may be, still, may be alive in some way secretly.”

Everyone in Wangcheng knew that the prophecy that “the world will unite for a long time will be divided for a long time”, but in fact it was only half, and the other half except for the Yi family, no one else knew at all.

The other half is specifically to remind the Yi family: “Ominous” is still there.

This time, it is said that the people of Wangcheng dealt with the Yanjiao tribe. It is better to say that the Yi family and the Mu family have to deal with them. After this, the people of the Yi family are the main driving force. It is rare to encounter such an opportunity. It is they who use the Lie In the case of the fox people and the city gate, persuading others to agree to send troops, even the methods of spreading rumors and killing people with the knife are similar to those thousands of years ago.

The young masters of the other kings in the same group came with playful thoughts, but Yi Cong came with a task: to find out whether Yanjiao people really have the ability to foresee, and what is this ability to foresee? Is it related to Yi Xiang? If so, the Yi family will wipe out Yan Jiao at all costs.

What happened to the people like Mu Han and Yi Xiang back then was a thorn in the hearts of the six nobles in the royal city, and now the Yanjiao people should become the second thorn in everyone’s hearts? If you don’t pull out this thorn, it’s really hard to sleep at night!

“However, the people of Yanjiao, what are they doing going over there? It’s not a good place to live.” Ji Liao took out a simple map suspiciously. Now, if we join forces with the people coming from behind, we can force them to jump into the sea! Shao Xuan is amazing, but I believe that kid can never maintain that kind of power!”

Hearing the word “jump into the sea”, Yi Cong’s eyelids jerked twice, always feeling that there was an ominous premonition.

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