Original War

Chapter 832

Chapter 832 Who Are You Helping? !

More and more people in Wangcheng flock to the street where the gambling shop is located. Although many people know about the opening of the gambling shop before, after all, not everyone has the time and interest to participate in the gambling, but now I heard about it. When there was a disturbance there, many people became interested. After all, there were also people who came from another continent in the incident, they were curious.

There is already chaos at the gambling house.

The burst of totem power, the appearance of various patterns, roars and screams, fists and swords intersecting, and the sound of destruction of artifacts, all mixed together.

The totem power of the members of the 咢 tribe rose rapidly, and their bodies had also undergone obvious changes. The thirty or so people who came here all rushed toward those who had water moon stones in their hands.

Others may be mistaken, but the people of the Mae tribe can’t be mistaken. They have a natural feeling for water moon stones. They can perceive water moon stones as long as they are nearby. Although there are water moon stones on the Wangcheng side, after all Not many, even if there were, the people of the city wouldn’t be able to bring them out and wander around, hiding them as gems.

When betting, there is no other person betting on spars such as water and moonstones except for the tribe. Therefore, the people with water and moonstones near the gambling house must have been snatched from the gambling table! They don’t have to be polite to those who steal.

Yanjiao hunting advance team deputy Weiwei, hunting team leader Mai, Cheng and others also rushed to the gambling shop with people. When Shao Xuan and people above Guihe, Ao, Ta and other big bosses were not there, They are leading the team.

After they received the news, they rushed there immediately. There were also people from other tribes in the team. If only one tribe received the news, that would be fine. It might be someone who clashed with someone and asked for help, but suddenly When the signals for support from all tribes were sent out at the same time, the matter was serious. At first they thought that the king city really wanted to surround them and kill them, but they learned the whole story on the way here.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, the leaders of the team looked at each other and then rushed to the battlefield at the same time.

They didn’t shout “Stop, speak slowly” or “Everyone calm down”, and didn’t even consider whether this fight on the most prosperous street in Wangcheng could be won. What should I do if I am robbed, bullied, or beaten?

As long as there is a trace of the blood of the Yanhorn tribe, there is only one choice——

Just the front! !

Weihe Mai, Cheng and the others rushed into the fiercest battle circle to face the people in the casino.

Mai sideways his head to avoid the fist that he swayed, stretched out his hand to grab it and shook it aside without even looking at it. The strong force of the Yanjiao man quickly threw the man onto the second floor of the gambling house, smashed the wooden window, and slammed it. Enter the house.

The soldiers who had just arrived at Yanjiao saw Wei that they had already rushed in, and they rushed directly without saying a word. And the other tribesmen in the Yanhe River Valley who heard the news rushed over, seeing Yanjiao all started to fight, they still hesitate to fart, let’s go!

The flame horns in the fighting state have hard bones and strong instantaneous explosive power. With their physical advantages, they directly use tyrannical impact to rush away the unknown people who are blocking the front battle circle. Anyway, in this battlefield, it is not their flames. The people in the river basin must be the right ones, so they didn’t show mercy when they rushed. When hit by the Yanjiao people, the thinner body flew out directly with the sword, and there were bursts of bone fracture sound.The Yanjiao people don’t mention that people from other tribes in the Yanhe River Basin have followed Yanjiao into the mountains and forests to hunt, and they even have some ferociousness.

Therefore, once it broke out and the number of people increased, the momentum was different, and the crowds onlookers in Wangcheng were stunned. As a result, their impression of the tribesmen over the sea also changed.


All fierce!

That’s really fierce! The momentum was as if a beast in the forest had been robbed of its prey.

However, within a short glass of water, the most prosperous neighborhood in the city of the past became a battlefield for groups, and as more and more people participated, the scale continued to expand.

The people who were kicked out hit the houses on both sides of the street, and the walls were knocked out one by one. The people who fell into the house cracked and broke the tables, chairs and shelves inside.

The shops on both sides of the war circle suffered, but the owners of those shops were not in a hurry. Those who didn’t want to enter the war circle began to calculate the compensation. When the fight was over, they would visit the organizations that smashed their stores one by one. They even hope that it is best to have many tribesmen who come in, so that he can blackmail many gems from those tribes and come back.

The owner of a liquor store is waving a pen quickly, writing about the losses in his store. He still doesn’t forget which organization, which tribe or caravan came in and hit it. Even if he wants to strike hard, he must be justified. .

Another person came in, and the only intact table in the corner of the shop broke. The wine shop owner regretted that this was not a tribe.

The person who smashed in screamed painfully. The sword in his hand was lost when he was kicked. After turning over, he looked around, took up two legs of the table, and rushed out again.

Boyi looked at the seriously damaged gambling house, and then at the densely populated battle circle in front of the gambling house. His face was green with anger. What’s more annoying was that there were some pudgy beards jumping around. He yelled: “If the gambling shop loses, don’t admit it, grab something!”

The pronunciation is a bit strange, but it still makes people understand the meaning.

Hearing that, Bo Yi was so angry that he couldn’t wait to vomit another blood. He wanted to say that the people who robbed things were from Changle, and if he couldn’t see who was making trouble, he would be the leader of the gambling house in vain.

But unfortunately, others don’t listen. Whether those tribes believe it or not, the gamblers don’t want to believe it, or they actually understand it in their hearts, but now they don’t want to believe it. It’s a great opportunity to take advantage of the chaos to pick up a bargain. They lost so much money in the past. For the gambling shop, you are a fool if you don’t make a profit now!

There were even some gamblers who helped shout “Don’t admit it if the gambling shop loses.” Boyi said bitterly, when this incident is over, their heads must be smashed!

Regardless of other things, Boyi looked at those big beards who were short, chubby and stubby, but flexed like a loach in the battle circle, and called to the men on the side, “Let those Fattys shut up first! ”

The sub-tribe’s land crawler used stubby hands to push away the people in front of him. After a while, he got up and yelled. This made some melon-eaters in the royal city hesitate. They thought they were all from the royal city, fighting in groups. Of course, to help this kind of thing is to help Wangcheng, but upon hearing this reason, some people stopped moving forward. Can’t they trickle this muddy water?

However, the greedy people intend to take the opportunity to blackmail and compare, and the people at the gambling house will help them only when they benefit from it. Bo Yi’s face became more gloomy with anger.

The ground crawling screamed vigorously, suddenly rushed out of a person and swung a sword at him, and ground crawled to flee quickly, but the people behind him still stared at him.

Afterwards, two more people crawled towards the ground. They were so excited just now that they had forgotten the leader’s instructions. He broke away from his crowded place, and among the few sub-tribes, he ran the most. Far away, when other people encountered the siege and had their own help, he couldn’t do it. Now it’s useless to ask for help. I regret it. The ground crawling can only run away. The ground of Wangcheng Street is too hard. If it were land, he would have dug a hole long ago.

The trio deliberately crawled out of the battle circle and forced it to climb on the ground inside the battle circle. The action of the three was blocked, but the situation would be reversed when they got out of the battle circle. Moreover, the gambling houses on this street are also familiar with and have a favorable geographical position. The advantages.

I stumbled under my feet for some unknown reason, and the whole person rolled up like a ball. When they stopped, the three of them had already caught up. Although he couldn’t see the surrounding situation clearly, he could still see the light reflected by the metal utensils. The sharp weapon’s killing intent caused the beard to explode in fright.

However, the next moment, the three people who crawled towards the ground, flew out one after another, and rolled several times after falling to the ground before stopping.

The people in the casino who had not been able to get up for a long time felt the pain spread all over the body along the nerves, spewing two mouthfuls of blood, and almost fainted. After seeing the person who shot them, they were shocked and angry.

“Bei Mi, you…”

Before I finished speaking, I was choked by the blood pouring up from my throat. The fingers pointing at Bei Mi trembled, and his eyes looked bitterly. It seemed that I didn’t understand why the people of the black bear caravan had to stand on the opposite side of them. Generally speaking, Wangcheng There will be no direct conflicts between several well-known organizational teams in the city. Fubo Gambling House is still well-known in the Royal City. After all, there is only one gambling house in the entire Royal City.

Although the relationship between the gambling house and the black bear caravan was not very good in the past, they have not directly torn their faces. I did not expect that the people of the black bear would help the Yanjiao people at this critical time!

“Who the hell do you black bear help?!” The other man in the casino insisted on shouting this sentence.

Bei Mi didn’t say a word, but Mao Da next to Bei Mi turned his big hand like a bear’s paw and walked forward. He just used this hand to pat the other person, he hehe smiled, “Is it necessary to ask?”

“Thanks!” Knowing that I was rescued, I crawled excitedly. I got ready to run to the crowded area of ​​Yanjiao. He walked a few steps and came back. He raised his head and squinted at Bei Mi, his beard moved. , “You are not from the Yanhe River Basin? Who are you?” His eyesight is too poor. Among the subtribes who come over, his eyesight is the worst. Even if he is close, he can’t see the other side clearly. I only saw a vague figure just now. I thought it was a strong tribe like Thunder Mountain or Water Tiger. But when he thought of what he had just heard, and the breath of fire power revealed in these people, he was not familiar with it. Anyone from the Yanhe Valley tribe was not the Changzhou or Mang tribe who joined the team later, but the other party was indeed helping him, so he ran back and asked.

“Black Bear Caravan, Bei Mi.” Bei Mi said aloud at this time.

“I know you guys, Shao Xuan Elder mentioned it!” After speaking, he crawled and ran away. It is not a good time to chat now. Their sub-tribes have never been good at fighting. They have realized that they are too far away from the group. They decided to go to the place where they have their own people as soon as possible. If they are hunted down, they can find someone to help. The people of the black bear are helping him, but by comparison, Di Crawl feels that he is more trustworthy.

When the people in the other royal city saw Bei Mi take action, they also brought other black bear people over, and they were immediately stunned. People with flexible minds begin to think about the reasons.Especially the people in the caravan know the urinary nature of Bei Mi. Even if Bei Mi knows the people in Yanjiao, he will not help so hard and decisively. The merchants make great profits. If they are not driven by enough profits, it is impossible to do so. Such performance. The caravan’s thinking always starts with the word “profit”.

Think about it again, yes! Yanjiao is about to sign a peace contract with Wangcheng. In this way, the caravan will definitely benefit, and it will benefit greatly!

I heard that there are a lot of gems on the sea side. It is too hard to grab and trade. It is a good choice to trade, but it is the territory of the tribes over there. Let’s look at these tribes who fought with the Wangcheng people. It’s really hard to come. Don’t please, don’t leave it without return.

If you help Yanjiao, maybe after the caravan passes by, you will be able to enjoy better treatment in Yanjiao’s territory.

Unfortunately, they are a step slower than Bei Mi!

Hey, the members of the Black Bear Caravan looked honest and honest, but they were actually very cunning!

Fortunately, it is not too late for them to see clearly.

As a result, some people who had helped the gambling house deal with Yanjiao changed their directions. Among them, most of them are people from caravans.

The gamblers are confused with the people in the casino, who are you helping? !

Those who changed direction temporarily laughed and said nothing. They help “profit”. In this matter, many factors need to be considered, but there are reasons why people in large caravans can develop to today’s scale. They know how to choose the path that benefits the most. They didn’t react at first. Seeing the behavior of the black bear caravan, they realized.

The rare thousands of crowds in the royal city also involved those tribal people who had come from another continent, and the patrol team that had arrived from the royal city looked at each other.

At the same time, the people in Changle who caused the chaos gathered in one place. They gloated about the battle over there. One of them jokingly threw a crystal with a thick arm, and when he showed the result of the battle, he didn’t forget to pierce it. Nesting beside him, there was no peace.

Wuhe also ignored the ridiculous words, yawned, and was about to tell Su Li that he would go back to bed and would not attend the celebration banquet, but after two steps towards the door, Wuhe’s face turned pale. The whole person seemed to be frozen.

Sitting in the first place, the face of the building did not have the smug smile just now, instead it was serious, and there was deep jealousy in his eyes.

The laughing crowd followed their eyes and looked at the door.

The person closest to the door dialed the door with his hand, and then quickly backed away. After a few steps, he looked outside the opened door. The person standing there silently.

There was no breathing, no heartbeat. When the person outside the door stood there quietly, there was no sense of existence, and he didn’t know how long he stood there.

Wuhe’s voice trembled a little, “Ganche!”

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