Original War

Chapter 843

Chapter 843

Just when Shao Xuan wondered and planned to take advantage of the victory to chase and eliminate this danger, a huge crack appeared in front of Yi Xiang. The only piece of ice remaining on the ice shelf was still intact. An ice cube broke away from the ice layer on which Yi Xiang was standing. The ice layer is getting smaller and thinner. It is rapidly cracking. In an instant, the ice layer that can stably bear the weight of a giant sea beast has changed. Even a thin person can’t be loaded.

The ice layer has shrunk to only one piece under Yi Xiang’s feet, and the buoyancy of the ice cube can no longer support him.

“That world is not just the world of consciousness, it connects the past…and the future. Have you ever seen it?”

When he said this, Yi Xiang had already begun to sink, and almost completely sank into the sea when he finished the last word.

When Yi Xiang sank into the sea, Shao Xuan could no longer feel his presence. There was no trace of fire power, and it was almost as if he had disappeared completely. Unless he dives into the sea to find him, no matter whether Yi Xiang is alive or dead, there will be no one.

There are puppets of sea beasts, but these sea beasts are just dead things after all, without own consciousness, no sense of sight and smell, and they cannot be used to find people.

I felt it again, but still no trace of Yi Xiang, nowhere to pursue it.

The ability to escape is amazing. Shao Xuan said in his heart.

However, Shao Xuan also felt that his own physical strength was severely overdrawn, and he was very tired mentally. Continuing to track Yi Xiang’s traces, I am afraid it will make his own situation worse. Shao Xuan is not as proficient in controlling a large number of puppets.

No longer wasting effort to control those giant beasts, Shao Xuan planned to rest for a while, however, he soon discovered that the giant beasts he no longer controlled were in trouble.

From the bones of the giant beasts under control, white flames burned outwards, animal skins and flesh that were difficult to pierce by tough ice crystals, bones that were difficult to cut with axe and axe, and so on, all disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The mountain-like behemoth was burnt to ashes in the white flame right in front of Shao Xuan’s eyes.

Coming from everywhere, a herd of beasts that were originally black and crushed were all burned to white ashes. Only the corpses of the beasts that Yi Xiang had enslaved were still lying on the ground, unchanged.

What was going on, Shao Xuan couldn’t understand for the time being, the only thing he could be sure of was that the dead beasts he had enslaved all spontaneously ignited and burned into white ash in the white flame.

There is no snow layer on the ground where the herd is fighting. There are only a few scattered ice parts everywhere, and the ground shows the original earth color in large chunks, but now, after the herd is burning, the ground is covered with a layer again. White.

The behemoth that Shao Xuan had stepped on was also turned into white ash, and even the hardest teeth and claws could not escape this.

Looking around, it’s all white.

Seeing what, Shao Xuan walked over step by step, stepping on the burnt white ash, making a creaking sound, which sounded somewhat similar to snow, but not as cold as that.

When he reached one place, Shao Xuan looked at the bulge on the ground and raised his hand to brush off the white ash covering it.

This is a piece of ice, which should have been split when the iceberg collapsed. Fortunately, this piece was not trampled on by the giant beast, and because of the cold temperature around it, it did not melt and was retained.

What attracted Shao Xuan’s attention was what was in this piece of ice.

A ball of grass.

I don’t know how long the grass has been frozen in here.

The grass ball is the size of a watermelon, and the whole body is golden yellow. Shao Xuan can even see through the ice, the tiny, disorderly protruding fibers on the straw rope.

Some fractures can be found on the grass. The fractures are not uniform, not cut by a sharp blade, but more like being bitten off.

Shao Xuan put his hand on the ice, and the ice gradually melted, exposing the ice-covered grass ball inside.

If it was an ordinary grass group, I am afraid it would have been damaged long ago, but this grass group still kept the way it was when it was frozen. When Shao Xuan was drafting the group, a strange touch came from his fingers, and he couldn’t pull it off even with a little force.

Shao Xuan had never seen this kind of grass, perhaps it still exists in some unknown place, or perhaps it has long since become extinct.

In this ball of grass, it is composed of a few grasses, and the group is a little tight. It took Shao Xuan some time to untie it, and then weave these grasses into a straw rope.

When Shao Xuan saw this straw rope, what Yi Xiang said before he disappeared, was constantly reverberating in his mind.

Is it not just a world of spiritual consciousness, but also a connection between the past and the future?

Where is the past? What is the future?

Although it is not clear what the intention of Bai Yixiang’s words was before disappearing, Shao Xuan still thought about it unconsciously. He always felt that if he could really see the past and the future, he should be able to discover something.

When he lowered his head, he saw the straw rope that had been woven in his hand, smiled silently, and sat directly on the ground, knotting the rope.

Everything around it seemed to be gradually moving away. The body around him was no longer white, but was replaced by darkness. After being completely dark, Shao Xuan saw many shining points of light, such as stars in the night sky. This is the world of spiritual consciousness.

Shao Xuan didn’t know what those light spots were. He just watched the star-like light spots surrounding him, like a Galaxy Cluster.

Those flashing and moving light spots seem to contain a vast artistic conception, mysterious and transcendent.

The darkness was replaced by light, the spots of light became blurred, and the surroundings gradually became clear from chaos.

It is not the world where only fire and darkness can be seen. What Shao Xuan saw before his eyes was a colorful world.

There are some golden grasses around, which are the same as the grass that Shao Xuan found out of the ice before. The difference is that there are too many grasses in front of him, and they have already been formed.

Looking at both sides, an egg about the same height as Shao Xuan lies quietly on the grass. Not far away is a grass wall surrounding it.

This is… the nest?

The next moment, Shao Xuan was convinced of Own’s guess, and the surrounding eggs were not mentioned. In front, a beast with a huge body like a bird was chasing and biting, not like fighting, more like fighting. When playing, they are different from ordinary birds. They look a bit similar to the fear crane in the tribe. The difference is that they have no wings and no feathers on their bodies.

After thinking about it, Shao Xuan discovered that his own field of vision was changing, as if rising into the air, gradually moving away from the ground, which also made Shao Xuan’s field of vision wider.

This is a forest, a forest of towering old trees everywhere.

Suddenly, those weird, featherless beasts all fled hurriedly, the ground was shaking, and the branches trembling.

A larger, ferocious behemoth stepped into this place, and in its big bloody mouth, it bit on a struggling beast that was less than one-third of its size.

Shao Xuan could recognize what this was. Let alone the ferocious behemoths in the prehistoric life that existed in his memory, Shao Xuan had seen one just now, and it was he who brought the prehistoric overlords out of the ice. Although it is not the same as the one in front of me, it is of the same kind.

Looking higher, and further away, there are other forms of giant beasts that should have disappeared, with huge bone plates on their backs, bone armor on their heads, tails like Meteor Hammer’s, and necks as long as snakes. …Wait for those, one by one appeared in front of Shao Xuan’s eyes.

Shao Xuan also saw some figures hiding in the woods and cautiously fleeing among the grass. Although he could not see clearly, Shao Xuan could be sure that they should be humans. However, in such an era, humans are just the predators of Life at the bottom of the food chain. Look. When they faced a not-so-big beast, they fled in a hurry and knew their difficult life situation at this time. If it were the Flame Horned Man, he would have hunted down the beasts he was chasing with his backhand.

Shao Xuan understood somewhat. This should be the past, the long past, the era when the fire has not yet appeared.

Even if he can’t really touch it, Shao Xuan can still feel the warm and humid climate in the pictures he sees before him. Huge tangled vines are climbing in the woods, the thick trunks are covered with moist moss, some unknown insects that Shao Xuan has never seen fly around, and there are also some huge mosquitoes that are similar to those of Shao Xuan back then. When the plane rides on the giant dragonfly is almost the same.

Through the dense woods and over the mountains, I saw a group of huge birds. No, that’s not a bird!

The huge wing membrane that unfolded when flying was different from the shape of ordinary birds, and was the same as the one Shao Xuan had seen from the ice! However, these giant beasts do not have long tails and belong to the short-tailed category.

The largest ones are almost the same as the largest giant eagles that Shao Xuan saw in Yingshan!

High in the sky, a figure with a crested crown flew over and called down. On land, some of the same kind crawling to hunt or eat, give up hunting prey, or dangling prey that has been hunted, spread out huge wings, streamlined bodies leave the land, fly into the air, follow the front figure, towards the distance Fly away.

More and more figures were flying, some from the mountains, some from the woods, and some from the sea, and finally all gathered in the air to cover the sky. A little further behind them, some smaller flying herds with different shapes also flew up.

This is not a flight of one genus, but a flight of many different genus groups together!

For example, a long dragon with no head and tail, the larger one is in front, and the smaller one falls at the end of the team. Some of them will be chased and chased by the front group quickly.

At the end of this team, Shao Xuan saw familiar figures. Those figures hanging from the end of the team were exactly the same as the pterosaur he picked up from the ice to resurrect!

This flight team of multiple species in series left the land and flew to the boundless ocean.

I don’t know how far it flew, the land disappeared, and the blue ocean was all around. The team in front lowered their flying height and maintained a low distance from the sea. Those flying beasts with crests spread their wings and glide. , Shook a somewhat stiff neck, and made a weird cry. At first, only the leading ones yelled. Soon, the flying beasts in front screamed. Not long after, this long team, all of them Follow along. The pronunciation is different, and you can’t hear anything if you mix them together, but if you distinguish them carefully, you will find that they all have the same rhythm.

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