Otaku Cultivator Exploring The Multiverse

Chapter 130 - Day Off At Beach

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[P.S Chapter edited by Itachi_Hyoudou76]


"You look quite stunning Xue'er," Raynor said with an affectionate tone.

His ȧssistant fiddled even more when she heard his tone. 

"T-Thank you, Master." She said with a shy mosquito-like voice.

The girl was quite happy internally and she doesn't quite know how to express that happiness.

"Great, then why don't we go and enjoy our day in this beach resort?" He offered his hand to her.

Mu Feixue took it with extreme embarrassment, she would rather face a Divine Beast than be in this situation, yet same time she wants her Master's attention.

So, she was fighting through the shame she was feeling, showing off this much body in public is something she doesn't want to do!

While Mu Feixue has her Master attention Serah quickly went to bring the other two girls as well.

Ruby and Weiss were both in very 'touristic mode', something which Serah appreciated, she loved her Homeland, and after living on Earth, she learned how unique her place as compared to other realities.

"That because you are in Cacoon, not outside world." Serah voice snapped the Heiress from her upcoming rant about how important Sun Cream are…

"The sun here doesn't emit harmful sun rays like in the outside world." 

The white-haired girl's eyes widened for a second, for a moment she forgot that she was in a floating paradise.

"So, the sun here is a… Fal'Cie too?" She asked with disbelieve, are they for real?

"Well, yes. What do you expect? We are inside of A Cacoon, it's a closed up construct." Sarah said with a slightly deadpan voice, how long does it take for people to realize that?

"I-I see so we don't need sun cream then…" The white-haired girl started to realize that but more questions started to pop up in her head, how in world this place is operating!

How are those people not falling from up there? How is this paradise still floating? What if the gravity controlling Fal'Cie rebels?

While Weiss was once again having paranoid ideas popping in her head, Ruby slowly started to wave her hand in front of her friend trying to pull her out from another deep thought.

Serah rolled her eyes seeing that, the pink head already saw this multiple times before, in a single day.

Weiss gaze quickly went to Serah, trying to figure out what did the pink head just do? What changes did she make?

"Glad that you are back with us Weiss, and no, it was regular finger's snap, no powers behind it."

The Heiress took a deep breath hearing that, she slowly developing PTSD, from all the fingers snap she hears.

"You should not worry about Cacoon, it's completely under Raynor control." The younger pink head reassured the Heiress.


"I know, but It's… weird when you realize that everything from air to gravity, to sun rays, is controlled by beings that have consciousness of their own!" Weiss said with a sigh, she knows that she is overthinking, sometimes it's better to know less…

"You think too much! Let's go! Ray already returned from Eden!" Serah grabbed Weiss hand and started to pull her towards the beach area.

The white-haired heiress could only smile and allow herself to be roped in by the positive aura from the younger Pinkhead.


This was a regular sight in recent days, as his blond maid constantly doing that.

Both Weiss and Serah sighed at the sight, he was turning into a lazy bum, and his maids use that to their advantage.

Their gaze then went to the beach chairs, one of them is in use by his sword spirit, the Darkness spirit is using this moment to relax as well, dressed in a black bikini she was basking in the sun.

"Well, you girls took your sweet time," Raynor spoke from his position.

Weiss rolled her eyes hearing that.

"I was looking sun cream, turns out they don't have in this place."

"Really? Figures, I didn't know that." He said lazily.

"People from Atlas are quite sėnsɨtɨvė to the sun, so it was an obvious thing to look for when we decided to stay in beach resort." She said that it's the most obvious thing.

"You should have just asked me or Serah to create one if you can't find it." He rolled his eyes, eating another grape fed by his ȧssistant.

"No, it's fine, apparently the sun here doesn't emit harmful sun rays…" She said that while finally relaxing on her beach chair.

"Really? Damn, that's convenient." He said from his side.

"You didn't know?" She asked him.

"Nope, It's the source of light, it would empower me instead." He shrugged at her.

"You know Weiss, if you care so much about this sun cream stuff you should just ask Ray to make the sun stop emitting those harmful rays." Ruby chipped in from the side, making Weiss just groan from frustration.

It's hard for the Heiress to get out of her old habits.

"Yes, you should just relax and enjoy the day on the beach, we will be busy for the next upcoming days…" Serah said with a small smile.

This reminded the Heiress that they have no idea where they will be going next!

"That reminds me, Ray, where we will be going next?" The white-haired girl tried to fish for information.

"You will see, I am not giving you guys much details, but know that there will be some immediate action, to get the blood pumping." He said with quite a giddy voice.

"How much action are we talking about?" Ruby asked curiously.

"Alien invasion kind of action…" 

Ruby eyes widened, now she was excited and same time afraid! After all, it's aliens!!!

While Serah hummed with interest at the perspective of looking at real aliens, only Weiss was thinking about what kind of tech they use instead of excitement…

"So, can you tell us where we will be going!?" Ruby quickly appeared at his side, her silver eyes were wide like she was a puppy.

Raynor could hear Est in his head telling him how weak her attempt was…

He could only roll his eyes from that comment.

[T/E/N (Temporary Editor's Note) : Est's puppy dog eyes or Ruby's puppy dogs….. damn! Choose one!]

"You will see when we are there…" He then slowly got up on his feet and noticed the swimming suits the two girls from Remnant had.

"Not bad ladies, but I think we should do some swimming before we get some snacks?" He said that while checking out Ruby's swimsuit which is more for sport activity as they looked like shorts, while Weiss had a blue two-piece swimsuit.

"Well, I suppose we should try out…" Weiss said while getting up from her chair.

Serah followed after only Ruby pouted even more realizing that she got ignored…

"You coming, Feixue?" Raynor asked his ȧssistant.

But, he received no answer.

Still, he waited more, and eventually, he got an answer…

"...I don't know how..to.." The ice beauty said with a very embarrassed voice, swimming is a very abstract thing from where she comes from, people there more often using their floating ability in water than swim!

Still, Raynor smiled at her, what a perfect opportunity to teach this beauty how to swim!

"Why don't I teach you how to do it?" He offered his hand to her.

The girl with a shy expression took it, other girls were quite impressed by Mu Feixue ability to capitalize on Raynor's attention.

For a second Weiss nearly swear under her breath, what a genius method the ȧssistant used!

Yet, Mu Feixue was absolutely clueless about how Weiss and even Ruby got jealous of her!

Only Serah with Restia found this amusing. As they simply know the fact that they will be together for a very long time, and there will be countless moments where they can spend a lot of time together.


Few hours later the pair of blonds returned from their shopping and joined Ray's group.

After spending most of the day on the beach, the whole group went to the beachside restaurant where they ordered a bunch of things…

Still, after tasting Erina's food, most of the group only ordered sweets, Serah had an embarrassing moment with familiar faces, as she knows the chef and owner of the place, and had to come with an excuse as to why they only eating deserts.

Even then, the deserts didn't taste as good as they were expecting, so Raynor decided to use his almighty powers to rewire the reality.

He doesn't want to eat bland food and same time he doesn't want to waste Erina's prepared food which he has stashed away…

So, he just made all food taste nice…

"That's... genius, Ray! Now I can order my favorite dish" Serah said after realizing what he just did.

The rest of them just started ordering things as well, quite baffling the staff of the place with their behavior.

After spending quite a bit of Gil(currency) on food the group returned to the city, more precisely to Raynor's penthouse which he bought before.

The rest of the day was spent lazing around in the Penthouse waiting for tomorrow.


Early next morning, the Ex-commander of PSICOM was quite baffled the moment she felt she was ready to leave, she heard the doorbell.

When she walked over to check who it was she was even more baffled to see her source of worship was there waiting for her!

"Your Excellency?" She asked with disbelieve.

"Are you ready?" He went straight to the point.

"Y-Yes whenever you are ready." She was out of her element, will all the things happening out of her control.

[T/E/N : That sounded very explicit, you know?]

"Good, then let's go…" 

Before she can say anything she was transported somewhere, it was quite a wide room, with all the necessities in its place.

It somewhat reminded her of military-style barracks meant for officers…

"I have prepared some books with information for you to learn, we going to place extremely different from Cacoon…"

"Technology-wise the most, still the things you do there will be same. So, this will help you to learn where we going…" Raynor pointed at the books, and then he pointed at TV like item on the table.

"There is holo TV over there where you can even watch videos about the world we going to." 

Jihl nodded at him, training and commanding soldiers are very similar in any world, or at least she thinks they are similar, if not she will learn it in record time…

"Great, don't worry about anything else, this room is fully equipped for anything you would need, I will see you soon." After saying his bit he disappeared.

The blonde zealot quickly dived into the books on the table.

Her eyes scanned the covers, the first thing she noticed that the letters are something she has not seen before, yet she can understand them!

'Fascinating…I suppose His Excellency gave me the ability to read this language? Or is it languages…' She curiously looked through other books, quickly realizing that they are written in different languages…

Quickly enough she realized why…, as the place she will be going have multiple nations, cultures, armies…

This realization made her quite excited as she will have multiple more ways to deal with her God's enemies, culture is a great thing, but it's something she can exploit…

More weapons for her to wield in her God's cause....

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