Otaku Cultivator Exploring The Multiverse

Chapter 135 - Back at Stark Tower

The third chapter of Otaku week is here!

My Discord:


P.S I hold weekly voting for fanfics on my Discord, the winner fic gets updated for a week.


With crimson flash Raynor recalled everyone to Stark's Tower.

The Avengers of course were cautions as they were just teleported.

But, the rest…

"Ray!!! Please! These powers driving me nuts!!!" Weiss rushed to his side. Before hugging him and looking at him with a pleading look.

The white-haired girl looked spooked, after all, she was exposed to Primordial Fire and is quite afraid to use any of her powers now!

Those flames were extremely scary, especially when Arno told her what they signify and what they can do!

"Don't worry, you will stop accessing these powers once we leave this reality." Raynor calmed her down while stroking her white hair.

She took a deep breath and calmed down, somewhat...


While Yang sounded disappointed, she was having blast having this much power!

Even Ruby pouted as she approached him while biting her lower lip.

"Just don't look at me like that! I had no clue this reality will have such effect."  The Primordial teen said with a sigh.

He then looked at his ȧssistant who was just standing there like a wallflower.

"Feixue I have not seen you around, where have you been?" Raynor curiously asked her.

"...This city is extremely fragile Master. I tried to use as little Profound energy as possible." The ice beauty said truthfully, as she felt like she is walking on thin glass in this place.

And unlike Remnant who doesn't have skyscrapers, most of Marvel action happens in New York. So, yeah it's quite a 'fragile' city.

"Well, as hard to believe as it is, I have to agree… New York is… fragile." The blonde friend of Raynor said with a twitchy smile of his own, he never thought he will see a day when he will be mindful of using a superpower in New York especially in Marvel one, but after today he sort of sees the difference.

Concrete was not created to take hits from Profound Energy.

The blonde's childhood dreams were like Spiderman and swinging through the streets with webs of his own… now he can fly faster than most jet fighters… quite a contrast.

Nonetheless, his eyes went to the Avengers which have grouped around and were staring either at Loki or Raynor's group.

That's until Thor walked to his kneeling brother.


"Well brother, look in what kind of position you have ended yourself in?" The blonde God of Thunder said with a grin as he approached his black-haired brother with a satisfying look.

The Asgardian was quite satisfied seeing his wayward brother in this kind of position.

But, nothing worked! Magic or physical force! He didn't budge at all!

Thor slightly frowned before grabbing Loki by the shoulder and trying to pull him up…

But his eyebrows furrowed even more as he simply could not pull his brother up!

"Well!? What are you waiting for?" Loki asked with a frustrated voice, the more he is in such a humiliating position the more snappy he is.

"I-I can't… what is this... sorcery?" Thor said with wide eyes, he used all of his force trying to move Loki up! But nothing worked! It's like he glued…no! more like part of the ground?

This doesn't make sense!

"What!?" Loki said with disbelief. What the hell is this?

"Oh? You want to move him up?" Raynor with his group finally approached the Avengers.

"Of course! I have been in this position for over half an hour!!!" Loki snapped once more.

The black-haired Asgardian quickly started to clean himself up, with a pissed-off expression.

"Who are you? You are the one who dealt with Chitauri and used that dark attack." Thor critically looked at Raynor he can sense… something unfathomable from this teen… but, the blond can't put his finger on what God of Thunder was sensing from this teen looking person.

"I am a travelling Primordial God, more specifically realities hoping one, my friends and I, have arrived here to hire Tony Stark for couple adventures," Raynor explained simply explained making the remaining Avengers instantly get on guard except for Tony and Clint who already heard that.

While Captain America and Black Widow instantly came to some sort of realisation that this guy is sorta stronger than Loki and maybe has better tricks up his sleeve than the trickster Deity…

And hulk well… he was ready to smash, which started to annoy Raynor who saw the green beast high on rage and quite close to losing it.

As the green giant was pacing back and forth.

"Now, now relax you all." The moment Raynor said that everyone stopped being on edge, even Loki started to be less pissed off about the humiliation.

And hulk? He instantly started to shift back… after all relax command was focused on the green beast specifically, while the rest only experienced a small dose of it.

Seeing how Hulk started to change back just from few words have freaked the Avengers out, especially knowing how dangerous is the green guy…

"Now, that everyone is relaxed we can start the discussion."

"Wait for a second! We need to deal with the aftermath of the Chitauri invasion!" The blonde hero and the poster boy said with a serious tone.

"Oh that… sure…" Raynor snapped his fingers and blinding light consumed everything for a second, Weiss and Clint that moment flinched hearing the snap.


"And there you go, all the Chitauri wreckage is stored in Stark's properties…"

"Thanks?" The billionaire said with a confused sort of voice, that was quick...

"And the city has been fixed just as I promised before," Raynor explained that to the First Avenger.

"Any more questions before we move on?"

[Sir, I would like to ask if you know what is happening to the planet?] The A.I asked the teen, the question made everyone look around with confusion until Hawkeye realised what Jarvis meant!

Weiss looked at her boyfriend with raised eyebrow what in world did this Otaku do this time?

"Right… sorry forgot about that…" Raynor sighed and the Solar system started to spin again.

Everyone noticed that by seeing how quickly the sun positioning has changed, several shadows cast by the sun have appeared.

"Oh and…"


Raynor snapped his fingers again, once more Weiss and Clint flinched from that.

"The world forgot about this weirdness and only knows about the alien invasion, only several important people remembered about the whole daytime incident." The Primordial Dragon explained to the rest.

Raynor was ignored when he said that, as everyone was looking at what has happened outside, seeing the world rapidly move like that was jaw opening experience.

It's like they just saw those fast forward videos, where they put the camera in one place and allow it to capture the world around them and then rewatch it with fast forward function.

They just experienced that...in flesh.

And it was surreal.

Their gazes went back to Raynor, who enjoyed this just as much as they did, he should do this more often, that moment he remembered why he used to love National Geographic commercials that much.

"Wow… can you do that more!?!" Ruby asked with stars in her eyes. As the red reaper looked at Raynor with hope.

"Sure thing, let's do it with nighttime this time!" The Primordial teen said with a smirk, Ruby just hyped him up and he needed another reason to do this!

And so, the world continues to spin quickly, evening arrived and soon enough it was nighttime and Ruby rushed close to a window to see the whole phenomenon better.

"...Is it truly okay to do that? Won't this going to affect the climate and all?" The red-haired Russian spy asked with a worried tone.

"I am pretty sure it's fine. I already stopped caring what he does after giving me that power." Clint said with a resigned voice.

"Wait! He gave you power?" Natasha asked fellow Shield agent.

"He is a Primordial God, isn't he? I am pretty sure he can make our little Earth spin however he wants." The Bowman man said with a casual shrug.

"Interesting. what kind of power did he give you?" Tony asked curiously as his gaze went around for a second, thinking that it's time to take off the iron man suit.

But, same time he wants to figure out more about the teenager Deity which want to hire him, it terrified and excited the inventor at the same time.

"He gave me some sort of ability based on Chinese myth about an archer who shot arrow and destroyed nine suns. All I could understand is that I have firepower depending on my intent, and let's just say that it's terrifying as hell…" Clint said while scratching the back of his head, the Bowman already tested some of it out.

Hawkeye didn't tried anything big. Yet, he ended up nearly blowing up a portion of a building and creating more craters in process of hunting down Chitauri.

"That sounds utterly ridiculous…" The red-haired spy said with an eye roll.

"Yes. Just, like how a Primordial God spins a planet faster for a girl because she asked nicely," Clint said with an eye roll making Natasha shut up instantly.

"You have a point…"

"I am more interested in what he had to offer to Tony." The human version of hulk asked. Banner finally got over the fact that he was reverted into his human form with a mere word.

Before anything can happen, special agents from Shield finally have arrived, they all rushed in followed by more familiar faces from the secret organisation.

"Right...we can discuss this later, first we need to deal with this…" Tony said with a sigh, it's starting to get frustrating to him how Shield hacks Jarvis and just enters into his building like that.

"So, can someone tell me what the fuċk is going?" Nick Fury asked as he walked in as well.

Raynor instantly turned towards the source of this infamous actor's voice.

'And Mace Windu is here!'

"First we have Alien invasion, then the planet stops spinning, followed by rapid spinning… yet, No one notice this!" The super Spy said with furrowed eyebrow as he looked towards Raynor specifically, knowing who did this.

"Well? Can I get some sort of explanation for this?"

"Hmm… I am sorry? I asked Ray to spin planet faster for me!" Ruby said with an innocent voice as she looked at her shoes.

The bald leader of Shield lost his fire that moment, as he didn't knew how to react to this…

The majority did not know what to say only Weiss and Yang sighed, this was not the first time Raynor does something crazy for Ruby who get him hyped for one or another reason…

"Okay… can someone explain this for real this time? Did Asgardians used another space magic? Or was it something else?" 

As one can expect Nick Fury did not believed what Ruby said…

"Sorry to say this Fury but what that girl said is true…" Clint said with a sigh.

"The fuċk…"

Those were the only words that came out from the super spy mouth.

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