Otaku Cultivator Exploring The Multiverse

Chapter 14 - Teaching and Metamorphosis

Qingyue slowly opens her eyes and looks at unknown sealing, for a second she is confused, but then she looked to the side and saw a window...

What intrigued her that it has crystal clear glass, inside of it.

'Where I am?' slowly she got into sitting position, and saw in front little bit to the side of her a table, on this table, there is a thin box-like thing with glass inside of it, next to this table, right in front of the bed there is a stand like thing there was another thin box with glass...

'What is this place?' Qingyue slowly got on her feet, and she noticed that she was already dressed in clothes similar from Raynor world, a simple t-shirt which says 'Otaku 4 life', and what Qingyue believes are called 'shorts' which show off much of her legs...

'Was I transported to Raynor world?' She slowly started to explore this room...

Walking towards wardrobe she touched the surface of it, it was like nothing she felt before, it looks like wood but the feeling she gets from it is nothing like she ever felt from a wood surface, it doesn't feel like wood at all!

"So...What do you think?" Qingyue looked at the source of her lover voice.

"Are we transported to your world?" Hearing that question Raynor shook his head.

"No...This is your dreamscape, instead of dreaming about something I decided to teach you about my world... my world is quite complicated, as it evolved differently than yours..." He motioned for her to take a seat on the bed.

"I am doing this so that once we here, you won't be ignorant to certain things..." She nodded at him, while the same he took a seat next to her.

"As I said before my world is very unique, it can be considered the centre of the multiverse..." Qingyue eyes widened... hearing that.

"While we don't have 'true' powers, we without knowing created something truly amazing..." I motioned with my hand and tablet appeared, I gently handed it to her...

"People of my universe have extremely vivid imaginations, We love creating things... more precisely we love dreaming about the thing we can't normally have, like it was with me when I for the first time was able to fly, while it's normal in your world, nothing like that ever would happen in my world, unless people of my universe invent something which will allow us to fly like that..."

Raynor gently took Qingyue and put her between his legs and started guiding her hand how to use the tablet.

"My world very easily shares their knowledge in a worldwide network, no matter where you are in the world you will have this access, only very few places in the world don't have this access.

Qingyue so far was intrigued by everything she saw, she very quickly realised that everything here is built with their own hands, they reached such high level in crafting that it's mind-boggling, the glass screen thingy reacts to her touch, and there are no runes or anything, like that!

Moments later Raynor entered into web search and entered a certain novels name on it...

Since he is using his own memories for this he can't search for things he hasn't seen so far...

Moments later he was showing to her a chapter where certain female was introduced.

While it's in English, Raynor made sure she understands it even if there is a language barrier.

Few moments later Qingyue realised what she was reading...

"T-T-this is!!!" She said with shaking voice...

"Xiao Che and Xia Qingyue marriage which happens around one year from now... in an alternative world where I never appeared..." Raynor explained very swiftly...

"Explain! what going? is this how you have access to my world? I don't understand!!!" Raynor sighed and started stroking her hair.

"I told you before my Universe is like the centre of the multiverse, where people without realising are creating more universes through all sorts of means, what you are reading right now is us having look at your universe through eyes of Xiao Che..." Raynor said smoothly...

"Does... that mean your universe created my one???" She said with wide eyes

"In a way, yes, but same time it didn't perfectly created it...it more like gave a form, I have absolutely no clue, what kind of people who lived in this world... let's say five thousand years ago..." She somewhat relaxed hearing that, same time Raynor took a deep breath...

"Does this mean you know much more about me then you let me believe?" He chuckled hearing that.

"Not anymore, what written here is literally story without my existence, in this story here you still are a disciple of Frozen Palace, which by now you are not..." She nodded hearing that.

"That what you meant by 'glimpses'..." Qingyue said to with understanding.

"Correct my Universe might 'kick start' creation of a universe, but we only have certain time periods recorder or 'created' it depends how you look at it..." Raynor explained that to her.

Internally he was satisfied with what she didn't have something like mental breakdown...

"I see...this only increases my curiosity about your universe..." For moment she puts down the tablet, and she starts looking around the room.

"This is your...room correct?" He slowly nods to her question.

"Can you...show me around?" He nodded at her, and they got up from the bed.

He started to show around his house from kitchen to terrace.

Explaining thing, like what is a fridge, the miracle which is TV...

In end, it was quite productive night of 'sleep'...

~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~

When Raynor opened his eyes and looked at somewhat familiar sealing of this temporary home, he sensed two hear sourced to both of his sides...

Both of them were hugging his hands with their twin peaks.

But it didn't last as Qingyue was slowly waking up, since they both left Dreamscape same time...

She lifted her head and looked at him.

"It was not a dream..." Raynor quickly said that, Qingyue sighed and dropped her head on his ċhėst.

"I guess nothing is impossible..." She said to him.

"Qingyue we live in a world where a human can reach godhood and create and destroy life forms with the whim of their hands..." Raynor chuckled a little bit.

"Is it really hard to believe what you saw in your 'dream'?" To my question Qingyue herself giggled for second.

"Not it's not... only that I never thought with that kind of angle..."Qingyue said after thinking for a second.

But a few moments later another voice, from Raynor other side spoke.

"Is this what first thing you two talk in the morning..." Chu Yueli was awake the whole time, that she didn't know how to join their conversation.

Raynor chuckled hearing that.

"We usually talk about how much we progressed in cultivation or what we going to eat..." He said that with a growing smirk..."Or we talk naughty things my little frozen cloud fairy..." Raynor hand like a snake went around her waist, right to her firm bum.

Her eyes widened for a second, as she felt his hand, that moment she didn't know what to do as this kind of things are new to her...

But that moment her 'disciple' decided to help her by going on top of him.

"Master we should double team him... he only has two hands after all..." Qingyue said smugly,

Chu Yueli somewhat understood what she meant, as she already has some sort of understanding about dual cultivation via the method she is cultivating now.

Hearing how Qingyue is so smug now, Raynor very quickly understood why she actually wants him to have a harem...

"Sorry to disappoint you Yue'er dear but even with Li'er help you will... fail..." That moment his free hand stroked Qingyue leg...

A massive mȯȧn followed after...

Raynor never told Qingyue why he truly was afraid of Medical God...

He had a different name as well...

The basis of Dual Cultivation came from him after all...

~~~~~~Half Day Later~~~~~~

Raynor was looking at Dark Blue Cacoon in middle of guest pavilion, next to him was very intrigued Chu Yueli who was looking at this with fascination and interest.

"So this is how Qingyue will transition to Primordial Yin body? I mean I have the manual you transferred to me..." She said with disbelieve as she was looking at how girl which is considerate her disciple just like that will transcend from human to Primordial God...

"It may look like it's nothing incredible, but this helps her skip many unnecessary steps... these steps would mean more time is wasted, neither me or Qingyue are interest wasting time taking them, so instead we take shortcuts, and this is that shortcut, I turned off her body pain receptors, so she could refine her body into Primordial Yin, this way she will be literally immortal as long it's night time..." Raynor said with shrug, but then he starts to smirk as he came up with something incredible, An idea started to form in his mind.

"What are you thinking that smirk sends shivers down my spine." He chuckled hearing that.

"I came up with the idea...more like Primordial art... how to have that proper immortally in battle..." Chu Yueli raised her delicate eyebrow at him.

"It's something incredible crazy isn't?" Chu Yueli said that with sight, she been only here for one day but she can already see how utterly insane things Raynor does, Like the formation around the city, she can already see Sacred Ground coming to investigate this place as the amount of Profound energy inside this city is enormous, and it still continues to grow, she can already sense people overall Cultivation level increasing constantly...

But, they were brought back from their minds when they heard a crack, Raynor quickly moved in front of it...

Moments later the cacoon broke and, and Blue statue of Qingyue can be seen for second as it's started to break as well...

Not long after Qingyue opened her eyes and saw the blushing look of her lover...

Qingyue purred seeing that...

"Well Darling...something wrong? did you seen sweets for the first time?" Few seconds later Raynor shook himself out of his daze...

As Qingyue new looks were on a new level...

Her hair is now pitch dark like Night sky, while her skin looks whiter it doesn't have that sickly look, no instead it helps her hair to stand out even more...

But what changed the most is the way she behaves and holds herself...

The Yin laws are much more stronger in her now...

Thus she is turning into what is considerate 'Dark Beauty'

Qingyue slowly got up on her feet, and she started to walk towards him, her hɨps sway little bit extra on purpose...

"Darling...how do I look now?" She wrapped her hands around his neck and pushed her ċhėst into him.

Raynor looked into her blue dragon slitted eyes, her draconic aspect is more prominent as well now...

"Beautiful... should I start calling you my moon goddess?" She seductively smiled hearing that...

"Not yet...darling..." She purred that, but then she looked at her old Master who was looking at Qingyue with pure shock... as the transformation was...insane from her perspective.

"Master this is Primordial Yin Goddess body...I feel invincible now..." she said with absolute certainty.

Raynor hummed hearing that.

"Yes... but now you should breakthrough..." Raynor said that to Qingyue as she was still in his arms.

Qingyue instantly remembered that happened to Raynor yesterday, she quickly and seriously nodded to him.

But before that Raynor drew few runes which fused with Qingyue.

"I just added the Primordial Energy rune... you should now go and do your breakthrough, this Pavilion formations are powerful enough to handle your transition into divine..." Qingyue nodded with a beautiful and seductive smile at the same time...

She released me from her hug and took a few steps back and got back into the lotus position, while Raynor returned back to Yueli side, just in case Qingyue unleash too much of pressure...

Moments later Qingyue started channelling her Primordial energy, which soon reacted to the changes to her body and exploded with power...

Jumping through realms which shocked the Frozen Cloud Fairy, as she finally saw how someone enters into realms of divine!!!

"When Qingyue finished her Transformation she opened her eyes and looked at Raynor, there was something there...

" Darling, why don't we go and end Sun and Moon Divine Hall?" Raynor was taken back for a second... but then he remembered what kind of trash they are...

"Very well I suppose... we should 'flex' our new muscles on something..." Raynor grinned back at her...

Only Chu Yueli shook her head...

"I know I am losing my sanity, because I am agreeing with you two..." The Fairy of Frozen Grass said that with twitching lip, while both Profound Gods chuckled hearing that....

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