Next morning when Raynor woke up he was greeted by the beautiful sight of two beautiful ladies sleeping next to him, both of them were using his hands like some teddy bear.

What shocked Raynor to a decree is that Mu Xuanyin transformation...

Her hair has turned white with ice blue like shade...

To satisfy his curiosity he did a proper scan of her and found that she posses the soul of Divine Beast the Ice Phoenix, and it linked with Phoenix...which is still living in Snow Song Realm...

'So that's how she gets influenced...' He hummed with realisation, he then focused on other influence...

what he saw was another earth-shattering beauty with an incredible body, she is Peak Divine master as posses soul of Demon Emperor...

Raynor decided to pay her a visit, now that Xuanyin is his, no one is going to influence his ladies...

He slowly extracted himself from their grip and got dressed.

'Interesting it's that Phoenix soul thingy which allowed her to Enter Realm Of Divine Extinction'

But for now Raynor decided to fix that influence thing happening to his Xuanyin...

He focused on that connection and used 'Dragon Leaping'.

Appearing in throne room he spotted a Seductress sitting on the throne in deep thought...

Raynor narrowed his eyes at her...

~~~~~~Chi Wuyao~~~~~~

Chi Wuyao was trying to understand the technique she recently saw through the connection she had with Mu Xuanyin...

A technique which allows her to reach godhood is something she couldn't control herself and made Mu Xuanyin ŀust ten times more after that Creation God...

But before she can make head or tails about this technique she sensed Space laws being used in her Throne Room...

Then very next moment she felt incredible pain in back...

Then she felt like she was flying...

She could feel the world moving around her, and more and more pain started to spread through her body as she could tell that she smashed through several mountains and trees and even seas...


Eventually wind caught up to her as she imprinted herself into a mountain...

The only thing in this situation she can do is cough up lots of blood...

As most of her bones and organs have turned into paste...

Then she sensed the same hand back on her face...

Her eyes widened even further as she sensed that this being invaded her mind and started going through her memories at insane speed...

"Chi Wuyao... You have ten seconds to plead for your life before I erase you into dust..." She heard that It was the voice of a young ȧduŀt...

She very quickly put two things together that its The Creation God about to end her...

"W-W-wait!" she could bȧrėly speak as most of her organs is nothing but paste...the only reason she is alive is that her Cultivation is extremely high... to a normal cultivator...

"Speak up..." He healed her up to the point that she can speak.

"I-I only helped her to seduce you! she needed my help! I can't influence her if she is not allowing me!" He slowly released his hand from her face.

She can finally see his face, she was somewhat taken aback because of how young he is yet he already reached far higher than she ever could...

"What you said is the truth... I checked your memories as well as I heard through your lips..." The Devil Queen sighed in relief, she never expected to be found out In a single day...

But very next moment adrenaline wore out and she started to feel pain exploding through her body...

"I will sever this connection, woman...Mu Xuanyin mind belongs to her alone..." Very next moment she felt like someone ripped her head in half...


Then it was over... she couldn't sense her connection to Mu Xuanyin anymore...

"W-W-Wait!" She spoke through haggard breathing...

She could feel that he is about to leave...

"What do you want?" He asked with disinterred tone...

"C-can I join you?" Hearing that he laughed for a second.

"And why should I have a woman who married four times and each time killed her own husbands?" Internally she grimaced hearing that, he probably knows her better than anyone in whole Primal Chaos...

But that moment another nine power sources quickly surrounded them...

Chi Wuyao started to panic as her shadows arrived and it doesn't bode well for them!

"W-Wait!!! Don't engage him!!!" all nine of them stopped what they are about to do...

"Woman... I don't have time to play your games, tell me why should agree to anything, as I have read your mind... I know your techniques, your secrets... I know literally everything about you." He said that with a simple shake of his head.

"T-then you know what I want... in my perfect husband material..." She said that while a trail of blood was going down from the corner of her lip...

He sighed, realising that he already achievement that when he beat her with a single move...he basically dominated her... and that what she wanted...

"Hmm... maybe so... but...our first meeting put you in a bad light in my eyes... if you wish to prove yourself to me then you will have to find me on your own... Devil Queen..." After saying that he turned around.

"Oh, and don't cultivate that art you glimpsed through Mu Xuanyin...unless you wish to **** the whole Star realm in endless ŀust for yang that is..." She paled hearing that, that moment she sensed that her body started to heal, and that Creation God was already gone...

This time she didn't sense any use of space laws...or she missed?

"Mistress!!!" Her Shadows rushed to her side...

She grimaces sensing pain running through her body...

Chi Wuyao couldn't believe how easily he manhandled her, she was utterly powerless against him...

~~~~~~Snow Song Realm~~~~~~

Raynor appeared inside a unique Lake, and went directly to bottom...

" are the Ice Phoenix... I was expected more bird-like being, not a nȧkėd girl with white hair...

To Raynor words, the girl who was hugging her knees, could only raise her head and look at him.

" It's... you... I sensed your breakthrough...I even sensed the technique you imparted to Mu Xuanyin...what heavens defying thing you created..." Raynor nodded at her, same time, his heartstring got pulled when she saw her state...

She is poisoned and still helping her bloodline users for millions of years...

He simply could not allow such a cute girl to suffer like that...

Even if she is influencing Mu Xuanyin it's only to counter Chi Wuyao and not allow her fully take over...

Raynor walked towards Ice Phoenix, and got on one knee in front of her...

"I am going to do something selfish..." The girl only raised her eyebrow didn't understand what he meant by that...

She only saw him put a hand on her head, then she sensed his energy washing her up...

But what shocked her is that he is healing her!

'How!? he doesn't have the pearl! and I was infected by Myriad Tribulation Poison!!!' Her eyes continued to grow as she sensed her lifespan returning...

'I-Impossible...even Original Fourth Creation Gods didn't have such understanding over laws!!!'

Half an hour later he removed his hand from the top of her head.

"W-why?" The Ice Phoenix slowly got on her feet for the first time in millions of years...

"Because I want to... from now on you belong to me..." She raised her eyebrow.

"Don't look like that at me, if I leave you like this you will go to the surface and continue to help everyone there, so I am taking you with me, your mission helping them ends today..." The ice Phoenix sighed hearing that.

"Very well...I can't fight you, I doubt anyone can truly can... your laws over death and life are far too terrifying to do that..." Raynor chuckled and wrapped her in a hug.

'She is like cool hugging pillow!' with that he returned back into his house...

The whole thing only lasted less than an hour...

Mu sisters were still sleeping by time he was back...

~~~~~~Xing Tong~~~~~~

Heavenly Slaughter Star God, never thought her life would change so quick, at one time she was living a happy life with her mother and little sister and big brother.

But then her mother was taken away, thanks to Moon God realm plot...

Then next moment her big brother got killed because of some blond bimbo.

And Finally, her father wanted to sacrifice her to some ritual...

But then out of nowhere A Creation God realm Cultivator appears and takes her away, and proclaims her as his little sister...

The whole thing happened so fast she needed a few days to get over it...

Obviously, it didn't help that her new elder brother figure out of nowhere brought a True God back which is an Ice Phoenix... It took her around ten minutes to get over the fact that One of True gods from ancient era is still alive...

Not only that but she got another contender to her big brother ŀȧp, as her elder brother figure actually enjoys hugging that emotionless girl...

In fact Xing Tong can guarantee that ice girl was actually smirking at her when she was sitting on his ŀȧp!

Xing Tong with pout walked back to her room, but first, she went to see her servant...

For the past few days, she ignored her after seeing that the blond bimbo had something like a mental breakdown, she couldn't believe that Godhood was so important to her...

It only solidified her opinion about Brahma Monarch Realm being full of lunatics...

She entered into small room provided by her elder brother figure to the Blond bimbo.

"You still can't get over it?" Xing Tong walked over to her, she looked at the blond who was laying in the bed with a blank look, if she is going to be like this she won't be able to order her around to do things...

"What do you want little girl..." The blonde bimbo finally answered back to her after laying around for three days...

"You obviously forgot your place, you are this Princess property!" The redhead girl said with an angry voice.

"I don't really care little girl..." hearing that the redhead little girl wanted to pull out her daggers and carve her up... but knowing her new big brother he would be disappointed that she so easily got infuriated by this blonde bimbo woman...

But then she smirked for a second...she wants her godhood? well she then just going to use 'carrot and stick' tactics...

"You do realise that this princess is considered little sister figure to Raynor no?" Blonde woman just looked blankly at her.

"You still don't understand, do you? This Princess only needs to have a word with Big Brother and he...maybe is going to help you, no?" Hearing that some light returned to the blonde eyes...

"And why should you help me?" Xing Tong snorted hearing that.

"This Princess is not helping you... you are this Princess servant, and you will remain so... for eternity, just like my big brother said...but you are not useful to me if you laying on the bed like some dead bimbo..." Redhead said with prim proper Princess voice...

Qianye Ying'er eyebrow twitched when she heard that little princess called her 'bimbo'...

Moments later Blonde slowly got up from her simple bed, her hair was a total mess but by this point she really didn't care...

"Well... what do you want me to do?" Xing Tong smirked, The blonde stopped calling herself 'Goddess'... at least she is going somewhere...


Raynor call finally relax, everyone settled down, his new little sister is having fun ordering her new servant around, it's quite amusing sight, he is having the idea to bring in a maid uniform for the girls who 'committed crimes'.

Like Qianye Ying'er and that Chi Wuyao...

The funny thing about the Demon Queen...

He can sense the woman's movement... she already somewhat recovered using some expensive medicines, after all, he only used the simple healing technique on her, the rest was on her own.

She is quite driven to actually enter the Eastern Divine Region...

Well, we shall see how far she will go...

After checking the progress of the driven Devil Queen Raynor focused on Fairy in front of him.

"Well, Yuechan... what a surprise..." Raynor sensed her cultivation, she was already at [Second of Emperor Profound]

She 'humph' at him.

"I realised that you on purpose ignoring me so I am coming to you, personally..." she said that as she closed doors behind her...

Raynor only raised his eyebrow at her as she then started to disrobe...

'Yes... Jealousy is a strong weapon....'

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