Raynor was having a blast going through the history of Primal Chaos he witnesses several wars which would make star wars look like a kindergartner fight in the sandbox.

Seeing thousands of Gods going into fistfight with Devils is something else...

Especially if Divine Beasts size of planets or solar systems joining the fray...

Each punch can shatter planets... but seeing thousands of them doing just that?

He even create popcorn to watch this show!

As he was surfing through the Primal Chaos he finally found what he was looking for...

His last sect branch master... For Vermilion Bird, the ultimate support master, and probably greatest healer in Primal Chaos, it will be even better when he get Poison pearl for her later.

Raynor gaze fell on Celestial beauty with blonde borderline platinum-haired woman, who looks no older than twenty, she dressed in Chinese Empress like robes, her aura screams Holy, she little bit smaller then Raynor in height, and her body proportions are perfect...

'She is like Qianye Ying'er...only there is not a single drop of arrogance or that empty pride...'

Raynor looked with interest at her...

The funny thing was the celestial beauty can somewhat actually sense him.

'Impressive... no wonder she is one of eight Creation Gods...' Raynor then did small-time skip and witnesses her dead...

He was somewhat frustrated seeing how merciless are these Devils, even the celestial beauty is Creation God Realm, sending thousands of True Gods realm fighters to kill one support fighter?

Once these Devils were gone, Raynor turned visible and with hands in his pockets leisurely floated towards the mutilated body of Li Suo...

"Impressive... even after all that damage you are still alive...Creation Gods are something else..." Raynor floated closer to her and scooped her up, in princess carry, next moment he was gone... more precisely he was gone from this era...

Moments later he appeared on the moon of Blue Polar Star, with celestial beauty in his hands, her wounds already healed, by now she looks like nothing has happened to her.

He now only waits for her to regain consciousness.

He gently touched her cheek, she was a real goddess in looks and in power.

'No wonder Ni Xuan was chasing you for over a million years...' Raynor chuckled imagining A Creation God behaving like some third rate romance movie protagonist trying to picking up a girl.

Few moments later Raynor sensed movement in his hands, he looked at her, he was greeted by blue eyes looking back at him.

"Finally awake..." The woman didn't answer, he sensed she used her Divine Sense on him...

Raynor leaned forwards towards her.

"Satisfied what you sensed?" She slowly nodded with her head.

She obviously realised who Raynor is.

"A-Ancestral God...." Raynor hearing her voice was quite enthralled by her.

"Yes, Li Suo, you have 'died' in the war, the Era of Gods and Devils have ended with Devils unleashing Myriad Tribulation Wheel, the poison killed pretty much every single God or Devil..." The Goddess of Life simply sighed hearing that.

"So much life has been lost because of greed...tell me..." She is waiting for Raynor to introduce himself.

"Raynor Valeron, and from today you shall be joining my sect as my Vermilion bird branch master... you will responsible for healing and support." Raynor quickly said in a single breath.

Li Suo looked at him, for a moment, she was at loss...seriously...

"Well for now let's go to meet your two students..." Raynor took a step and appeared next to his house.

And for the first time she properly spread her senses, what she sensed blew her mind away...

She could sense more Ancestral Gods in this house, not only that there no gods or Devils In whole Primal Chaos apart from this small Star realm...

Li Suo realised that he said was the truth.

"Follow me..." The Goddess slowly nodded and followed him inside...

When they walked into the living room, Bing'er was one of the first to notice who Raynor was with.

"M-Master Li Suo!?!" Bing'er appeared in front of her.

"Feng'er what are you wearing?" Raynor stroked his chin hearing that.

'Feng' stand for Phoenix as well... interesting, so her full name should be then Feng Bing'er? 'Ice Phoenix'?'

"T-This is something Master wanted for me to wear!" Li Suo looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What? she looks beautiful in that uniform." Raynor comment made Bing'er blush, to which Li Suo looked at her with interest.

"Someone has a crush~" Li Suo pulled Bing'er cheek, the Ice Phoenix blush increased several times.

"Master Li Suo please stop!" The Light Goddess released Bing'er cheek with her own giggle.

"More importantly how are you alive!?" hearing that Li Suo looked at Raynor.

"Well I decided I need the best possible support healer, and why not the 'original Healer', the only thing I need is to find for you is the pearl and with that you should be all set." Hearing that the Goddess of light could only sight she never met anyone like this individual in front of her, not that she could do anything to him, in fact, she doesn't usually fight, people respect her as it is.

"I will agree, under one condition!" Li Suo said seriously.

"I wish to re-create the worlds destroyed by the war." Raynor stroked his chin hearing that.

He did explore the Ancient Era of Gods, the Primal Chaos nowadays is quite empty compared to that era.

"That's a lot of work, and you will be busy, very busy, for centuries probably, that of course, would be different if I am to help you..." Li Suo narrowed her eyes at him.

"At least you are better at courting then Ni Xuan." She sighed saying that."Then I shall agree to it." Bing'er eyes grew big hearing that coming from her original master, she started to blush even more as she started to imagining something.

But then outside doors opened and another person came in, her hair was a mess as she was rushing here."M-Master Li Suo! heavens I could not believe this!!!" Shen Xi rushed in or tried to rush in.

"No shoes, Shen Xi..." Dragon Princess blushed hearing that she quickly took her shoes off, and rushed inside.

Li Suo was somewhat shocked that both of her students are actually alive after such a long period of time has passed, she can sense age of Primal Chaos, and it's pretty much ruins from her times.

"Xi'er you here as well..." The Dragon Princess nodded with teary eyes.

Li Suo was quite uncomfortable, she did saw her not long ago, but then again it was not long ago for her...

~~~~~~Several Hours later~~~~~~

Xing Tong once again was blown away what she was seeing in front of her...

Her big brother harem has gathered in the living room, as the final master of the Holy Grounds was revealed...

And it was one of the original Creation Gods, when her elder brother said he went 'time surfing' Xing Tong thought that maybe he went to observe past... maybe few years into past or maybe a decade or a thousand years... but not hundreds of millions of years!!!

So her first question was if he can bring her mother and brother back, which is possible and same time very difficult, since messing with time is very dangerous.

He didn't change anything with the history...

But in the end, Xing Tong was...able to make him promise to bring her brother and mother back!

In end, she relaxed and listened to stories from a Goddess of Life, in fact, Mu Xuanyin and Chu Yueli continuously asking how Ni Xuan messed up at courting her, Xing Tong can't believe that both of these women are asking love stories instead about her Profound arts or how she created so many species like the Wood spirit race or Sword Spirit God Clan...

~~~~~~Few Days Later~~~~~~

Raynor was napping outside enjoying the sun, he is using his wolfs fur as a pillow, the massive beast, Actually is more than happy allowing him to be used as a pillow, as Raynor is a beacon of Primordial energy, the more he is around the Wolf the faster the beast will grow to the status of Divine beast.

But then Raynor felt someone strangling on his ŀȧp.

Moments later he opened his eyes and saw Ravenhead sitting on him...

But what he felt made him raise his eyebrow, since this ravenhead has no undėrġȧrmėnts.

"Well, aren't you bold princess..." The Princess with Azure eyes leaned forward with seductive smirk...

"I think it's about time I reward you..." Raynor could only smirk, pass few days he saw how Shen Xi was looking at him, he doesn't need his divinity to see what she was planning, not when he has a harem of women, with very different personalities.

It seems when he brought Li Suo back to this era was last straw for this Princess and she is ready to jump on him.

"Oh really, and what are you planning?" Raynor hands went to her waist, Shen Xi only had her simple blue dress nothing else on her.

'She really knows how to seduce...' Raynor though, as he felt her starting to grind herself on him.

Seeing where this is going, Raynor used his space laws to transport himself and the naughty Dragon Princess to Bedroom...



[I hope you liked your tutorial world experience!]

[Your Travelling Powers are now fully unlocked]

Raynors was laying in bed as the first thing he noticed when woke up in the morning was the notifications.

'Finally... about bloody time...' First thing he did was activate it and then the whole reality just stopped...

Even with his Ancestral God Cultivation, he couldn't make head or tales how these time laws are working.

'Even with all this power I acquired, I can't make sense of this...' Taking a deep breath he opened window where he can choose the world, and there was only one world, his home verse.

He smiled seeing that, oh god how he missed TV and internet...

For now he cancelled all the windows and world time started to flow...

He looked around his bed where all his girls are sleeping...

He sighed and slowly got off from his bed, with single-step he was in the bathroom, taking a quick shower, and brushing his teeth he was ready.

Reappearing back into the bedroom he slowly started waking up his ladies...

Half an hour later he was in the living room and everyone are waiting for him to talk.

"Right so, one year period is over this morning, and my power is fully unlocked..." Raynor said while crossing his arms.

By this point, everyone in the household knows about Raynor origins, No one was that shocked, even Li Suo only said three words...

'I knew it'

She knew that Raynor existence is 'alien' to Primal Chaos, she IS Goddess of life after all...

"So what's the plan?" Mu Xuanyin is quite excited.

"For now I am bringing Qingyue only, her age is the same as mine, my original world is obsessed with all that micro stuff, like age, looks, and everything..." Raynor waved his hand in small annoyance.

"And your mother and father will be extremely shocked if they see your harem without any proper preparations beforehand..." Qingyue said with a joking smile, while she was joking, internally she was panicking!

She did get those small lessons about his world, she does know how TV works, or stuff in the kitchen since it's built the same way as in his world!

She did listen to how his world operates, but even so she super afraid what his mother will thing!

No amount of Godhood will help her here!!!

"Yue'er dear, please relax..." The Primordial Goddess of Yin snapped out, she looked around... the room was in mess...

"Oops..." She quickly cleaned up with her powers...

The other girls could only shake their heads how nervous she is...

Raynor then pulled a pair of pendants, he threw one to his first girl.

Without waiting for anything he put one on himself.

Next moment his looks changed somewhat, he looked more like a 'mortal' human, the girls in the room could even tell that he is a 'mortal'.

"T-That's impressive, a very powerful item..." Li Suo said as she inspected this pendant in Qingyue hands, the girl in question did the same thing what Raynor did she put it on around her neck.

Her looks changed or more like returned to original looks, Qingyue tried to use her powers but she couldn't, she looked at Raynor with a raised eyebrow.

"You need a 'switch' remember?" Raynor voice got the newer girls to raise an eyebrow for a sec but, Qingyue simply nodded she knows it's his 'mortal' voice, then she created a mental image of a light switch going up, very next moment she was able to create a mirror in her hand, and looked at her self.

What she was her pre-divinity look, even so, she will be a headache to Raynor in his homeworld...

"Right then don't worry about time... it will feel like a flash to you girls... " When Raynor said that, he appeared next to Qingyue and touched her hand, the next thing she knew the world was Grey.

And Where one of door leading to corridor turned into a white glowing one...

"Well let's go...." Qingyue nodded and gulped down nerviously.

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