Otaku Cultivator Exploring The Multiverse

Chapter 84 - Heavenly Dragon Empress

After freeing the Black Dragon, Raynor went to pick up Primordius stuff.

As he walked over there he noticed a very fancy looking sarcophagus, so he started to walk toward it, instead of pickup up his stuff.

Once he was there he was able to see who it was inside of it, it was not like Egyptian sarcophagus, this was more like a capsule which one can see what is inside of it.

Raynor for second suċkėd a little bit of cold air, what he saw was earth-shattering beauty.

He has seen many of them by now, and even has a harem of ethereal beauties, but this one was at the same level as Qianye Ying'er, whose beauty was natural-born with, not godly rebirth when he turns his girls into Primordial Goddess look alike.

Not only that but she was a Spear user!

'Heh, so that's the 'something even better left behind' thing? so, greater thing you cared about was another woman?' Hei'er asked with deadpan voice.

"Yeah, since we getting the cube, and main character Lin Ming will be 'incapacitated', Mo Eversnow won't be getting Xuanqing body, that means I can resurrect MY version of Xuanqing," Raynor said to her.

'You going to resurrect Heavenly Empress Xuanqing who was Primordius lover?' Hei'er asked him with slightly widened eyes.

"No of course not, that Xuanqing is dead, and Primordius is dead since he died with Dark Abyss I believe, or not, I don't care." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Her body is still warm and her brain hold most of her memories with little bit of alterations, she will be a great addition to Azure Dragon branch, and besides I always wanted beautiful and sėxy Dragooness."

Moments later he opened the sarcophagus, and put his left hand's fingers on her forehead, he then started to operate his laws, fixing whatever damage there was on her body.

Then using time laws to make her eighteen physically, that means he improved her martial talent even further, followed by adding profound veins, and changing her energy into Primordial Energy.

The hardest part was taking out memories and altering some, adding some, he added a full set of Azure Dragon arts, his Primordial Arts, it's maybe his pride speaking but there are no greater arts than his one.

Following a Dragon God Bloodline as well, Xuanqing now has Dragon God Bloodline, making her not only God Race, but Dragon God to, of course, that was not all, as he added something extra on top of it, since he is giving bloodlines, he gave her pair of 'fancy' eyes as well.

Once everything was done, he lifted his right hand and created an orb of soul energy, since he can't just add weak soul into her, which will be a stupid thing to do, he charged her new soul up to rival Creation Gods spiritually.

When he finished with powering up he inserted the new soul into the Heavenly... Dragon...Empress.

Seconds later her eyes fluttered and slowly opened.

Raynor noticed distinct Draconic slits in her eyes, soon enough she started to look around and notice him.

"How are you feeling? I triple checked everything, you should be much more powerful than before?" Raynor asked her since he checked all the memories he knows her better than anyone.

She took a deep breath.

"I am... I don't know if I should be flattered or extremely terrified that someone of your level went this far." The Raven-haired beauty slowly got up from her sarcophagus.

Raynor chuckled hearing that, he already expected to hear her say that.

"Maybe... Who knows?" He just shrugged when he said that.

The half God and half Dragon God girl looked at her hand, she knows who she is and that there was another Xuanqing who is dead, and now she inhabits her body... a heavily altered body, she has most of her memories, but there are many added ones and removed, her master is a greedy person who does hide that fact, most of her memories related to Primordius are gone and she only knows minimum needed information on him, yet she has full information on who her new master is, where he came from, she even knows several different languages, medicine, runes, swordsmanship, hand-to-hand combat, even how to uses guns... and uses of modern house appliances...

In other words she is much more powerful than original Xuanqing ever was...

'Should I change my name? Using her old name feel like I am her, and she was weak, and my master made my talent higher than anything this universe can rival, destiny and karma included.' She thought with distaste towards the previous owner of her body.

After thinking for a moment she looked back at her master.

"Your name is Long Qing'er from now," Raynor said that before she can even open her mouth and ask.

Her mouth opened then closed eventually she sighted.

"No, only you can call me Qing'er, I will be Long Qing from now on." She said that firmly, Long Qing doesn't want to argue on that!

'Oh, I already like her! she actually, said no to you!' Hei'er giggled for a moment, Raynor just rolled her eyes at her, he already knows Xuanqing was arrogant and now Long Qing has inherited her God Race arrogance with Dragon God's pride, so he has a quite handful woman on him, not that he mind that.

"Very well Qing'er, I will collect Primordius stuff then we can leave." He said that to her as he went over to collect the three items Primordius left behind.

Long Qing nodded at him and turned around back to the sarcophagus and with hand wave she called forth her spear.

Once it was in her hand she did a simple swirl, her eyebrows furrowed for a second, the spear was good for a mere God Race expert but her Dragon God bloodline gives ten if not twenty times more physical prowess, she can crush Saint race Divinities now with her bȧrė hands, this spear will not going to work for her in long run.

For now, she created storage dimension and stored the spear inside of it and waited for her master to return.

That moment the caretaker spirit which was left behind by Primordius finally was able to manifest but it was to later for that.


"Master I will need better spear in future if I am to serve you properly," Qing'er said with a slight huff, she dislikes the fact that her weapon is not to her standards.

"Of course Qing'er I make one just for you personally." He said that with a smile and the beautiful girl in turn gave him a galaxies destroying smile.

The girl quickly hugged his arm happily, she knows that her master is godly expert of anything related to Blacksmithing, Runemancy and Medicine, he even made her master of medicine just for the simple reason that she could help any of fellow members of Azure Dragon branch if they are wounded and such, as the current Master is just master of battle!

Not long after the left the cave they arrived where the Black Dragon was still standing guard.

The Black Dragon literally, gasped... when he saw Long Qing.

"H-H-Heavenly Empress you are back?" He shuttered the words out.

Long Qing who was hugging Raynor arm released him for a second then released her new Dragon God Bloodline, which suppressed the Black Dragon's one.

"It's Heavenly Dragon Empress! and my name is Long Qing now, Old Black!" She said that pride.

And Black Dragon's eyes bulged out when he felt his blood being suppressed!

The Heavenly Empress became a Dragon!? when? how? more importantly, she was brought back to life!?

"Anyway we have to go Qing'er, I have a spear for you to make, and locate the kid." Raynor motioned for her to follow him as he started to fly.


Raynor returned to his temporary house and created another set of doors in the corridor which leads to a room dedicated blacksmithing.

"Well what colour spear you want?" He asked her as he changed his clothes for this.

Both Asura spirits were out for this as well, they quickly introduced themselves to the reborn Heavenly Dragon Goddess, while Long Qing'er already knew who they were thanks to information she was given.

"White and Gold would be nice." She said that after thinking for a second.

Raynor nodded hearing that and with hand wave created a several ingots of metal which none of the girls ever seen before has manifested.

"Now select a mould, how your spear will look like." He said that without even looked at them, as with hand motion several divine looking spear pictures appear for her on side of the room.

Qing'er went over and looked at them with wide eyes, she knew her master is a literal monster when it comes to blacksmith, but choosing ONE? from all of them!? She bit her lower lip from frustration, it was a hard pick!

Raynor who was focusing on the forge, got tired of waiting and turned back to look what Qing'er was doing.

His eyes slightly widened in disbelieve as he saw her pacing back and forth and looking at the pictures.

He ġrȯȧnėd for second, he realised that he made her feel like he brought her to jewellery store...

"Qing'er just pick one, as will be able to make more for you later." He said that with a tired sigh.

She stopped pacing and looked at him with big bright eyes.

"Really? promise?" She asked hopefully.

"Yes, promise."

"Dear, they are practically identical why you just close your eyes and just select one," Raynor said that with resigned voice, he was already watching this for some time now.

She huffed at him, she doesn't like being hurried like this!

"Fine! I take this one! but you have to make the other ones to! OK?" She almost pleaded the last part.

"Sure thing..." He nodded at her, he fears the day when she will meet Bing'er and Tong'er and learns the puppy eye technique just for sake of it!

After getting the picture Raynor created the mould and started to work.

While the girls just looked at him working at the forge.

Soon, enough the girls felt world laws trying to affect him, but he just cancelled them...

Then Heavenly Tribulation clouds started to form in Raynor's Pocket Dimension, but he just clicked his tongue and it disappeared.

"Did he just..." Hei'er asked Xue Ji

"He did..." The taller Asura spirit said with not bothered shrug.

"Well, he is my master after all," Qing'er said with a proud look, both Asura Spirits just looked at her, they both realised that their master didn't need to do anything to make this half Dragon girl to fall for him, just being a half-dragon is an automatic ticket to worshipping title, combined with Cultivation world society thinking and he has a woman who has undying loyalty towards him...

They continued to look at him working for a few more hours before he was done.

"I need one drop of your blood." He motioned for her to come over to his side.

The eager Long Qing quickly strolled over to his side, Raynor then handed over a ritualistic looking knife.

She then picked her finger with the knife and drop of blood has fallen on the golden white spear.

The blood got absorbed into it and then glowed.

He then handed over the spear to her.

"Another Heavenly Treasure." He simply said that to her.

"It has the same level of destruction capacity as the Ancestral Sword I have in my house, but this one is bound to you, it can't hurt you, it has several concept weaved into it." He started to explain about the spear.

Long Qing quickly did several swirls with it, and went through several stances.

She was nearly on cloud nine when she felt how good it felt in her hands!

"Concepts? what kind of concepts?" She asked curiously when she finished testing the spear.

"It will pierce ANYTHING, It can't be parried or deflected, and it's incredibly destructive when you use Azure Dragon arts," Raynor explained seriously, and her eyes widened to max when she heard how broken the spear is!

She nearly squealed from that excitement, but instead she grabbed his collar and pulled him for a hot kiss.

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