Looking out of the window, he opened his hands, his left leg was still raised backward, and she was looking at abemia, who was selling cute on the glass. MEG was stunned for a moment, and immediately couldn't help laughing.

Don't say it. It looks lovely.

Today's abemia changed into the black-and-white maid's dress. The customized maid's dress fits her very well. Her limbs are thin and her chest is not small. The waist closing effect of the small waistcoat is perfect to set off her figure.

He wore a white hair band on his head. His long golden hair was still tied with a ponytail on his side and hung on his right side. He wore black knee hose on his leg and small black shoes below. Now, with the smile on his face, he looked like a young girl.

Yabei Miya was stunned for a while. She quickly took back her hands and feet and made a stand at attention posture. Her face was red and her expression was a little embarrassed. She looked up at the sky: "what can I do... How can I suddenly become transparent and be seen by the boss? How embarrassing!!"

"Mia, why are you here so early? Come in." MEG opened the door and said with a smile. I didn't expect that abelmia would come so early. He didn't ask her to come yesterday.

"Good morning, Mr. Mai. When I left yesterday, I saw that it was written on the door that it would be open at 7:30 in the morning, so I think you should get up very early to prepare. That's why you came to help earlier." Abelmia came over, her face was still a little red, but when she spoke to Meg, her expression and attitude were quite serious, and then she added, "I've had breakfast on the way."

"Well, you don't have to come so early next time. You don't need to help with the kitchen. Just arrive at the restaurant before business hours." MEG shook his head with a smile and turned to let abelmia in. The girl was very careful and satisfied with her work attitude.

"I've been helping in the back kitchen for many years. If I need to prepare the ingredients, I can do a lot of things, such as washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, cleaning up the kitchen... All these I can do." Abemia said positively that she was more skilled in these things than in reception.

"Your work doesn't include these, and you may not be able to handle my cooking. I will tell you when I need your help in the future." MEG smiles and shakes his head. The food supply system has been arranged, and there are no ingredients that he can't handle. As for cutting vegetables, she can't take over. However, this girl is very enthusiastic about her work.

"You sit and have a rest. Amy hasn't woken up yet. I'll go to prepare the ingredients. On the first day of work, you should get used to the rhythm of your work. If something goes wrong, don't be depressed. Just try to do it. It's very busy after the business starts. Enjoy the leisurely time." MEG poured a glass of water for abelmia, said with a smile, and turned to the kitchen.

"Oh." Abelmia was holding a warm cup, and her heart was warm. Her former boss wanted to treat her as a donkey, so she could hardly get any rest from day to night.

But boss Mai didn't let her do the work beyond the agreement. Her attitude and tone of voice could feel the equal attitude towards her. After hesitating for a moment, she sat down on the chair and looked at the beautiful restaurant, thinking in her heart: "the delicious food with 600 copper coins, from the preparation of food materials to cooking, must be very delicate, I'd better not make trouble for boss Mai. "

McGonagall kneaded noodles and cooked meat skillfully. He looked back at abemia, who was sitting quietly in the restaurant. He nodded with satisfaction. He had a good face, was obedient, didn't talk much, worked actively and had a good attitude. It was hard to find such an employee. This time, he found a treasure.

At about seven o'clock, Amy changed her clothes, washed and came downstairs with the ugly duckling in her arms. She stood at the kitchen door, looked at MEG, rubbed her eyes and said, "good morning, father."

"Good morning, millet." McGonagall said with a smile, looking at the flour on his hands, went to kiss her hair on the forehead, pointed to the outside and said, "MIA is here too. Let's play with her for a while. I'll make breakfast."

"All right." Amy nodded and said, "but my father, I'll have my Yangzhou fried rice this morning when my half bearded grandfather comes. He said that if he wants to treat me to delicious food, I just need to eat a rougamo first."

"Good." McGonagall nodded with a smile. Crassus didn't come to the restaurant the day before yesterday, but the little guy told him several times that he wanted him to keep his promise.

"Good morning, sister MIA." Amy turned around with the duckling and looked at abelmia. Her eyes suddenly brightened. "Wow, sister MIA is so beautiful today. Her new clothes are so beautiful."

Abelmia listened to Amy's praise, her face also showed a smile, but also a little shy. Looking at Amy, she said: "Amy is also very beautiful, more beautiful than me."

"Well, I think so, too." Amy thought for a moment, nodded carefully, climbed into the chair and sat down opposite abelmia.

"Meow, meow," the ugly duckling looked at abelmia, with a bit of caution and curiosity. He was a little unhappy when he was touched on the head by this guy yesterday, but today he looks very pleasant.

"Is this a kitten?" She looks at the ugly duckling and asks curiously. It's the first time she's seen a cat of this color.

"No, it's actually a duckling. Because it's so ugly, I call it ugly duckling. When it grows up, it will become a white swan." Amy shook her head and explained seriously.

"Will the duckling grow into a white swan?" Abemia looked at the kitten in Amy's arms and felt that her brain couldn't turn around for a while.

"Yes, I'm waiting for it to grow up." Amy nodded, thinking of what MIA said yesterday when she was in a coma, "I think you'll like it, too."

"Well, it's a lovely little thing." Abelmia looked at the duckling and hesitated, "can I hold him?"

"Of course, but we also have to ask if the ugly duckling agrees." Amy nodded and looked down at the ugly duckling.

Ugly duckling a small paw block eyes, the other paw raised in front of the body, made the ugly refuse posture.

"It doesn't want you to hold it now." Amy shrugged helplessly.

"This is an interesting little guy." Abelmia drew back her hand, not depressed. The smell of marinated meat floated out of the kitchen, and she couldn't help taking a deep breath of it. It's not the same style as Yangzhou fried rice. It should be the 300 copper coin rougamo on the menu, which made her curious and expectant.

"Eat it." MEG came out with a plate of Yangzhou fried rice and two rougamos in wax sauce, handed one of them to Amy, sat down beside her and began to eat breakfast.

When you get up in the morning, eat Yangzhou fried rice first. The rice planted in the spring of life can make your body recover to its best state. At this time, you can have a rougamo with wax sauce to boil your blood. The fatigue of getting up early will disappear completely, and the whole person will become extremely energetic.

Abelmia looked at the rougamo in Amy's hand. The rich meat flavor made her swallow her saliva.

"Sister mia, do you want to know the flavor of rougamo with wax sauce?" Amy looked at the rougamo in her hand and then at abelmia.

Abemia nodded her head subconsciously. She was very honest, but was Amy going to give her a taste? Would you like some? All of a sudden, it's a little tangled.

"Then I can eat it for you." Amy said with a smile. Then she took a bite of the rougamo in her hands, nodded happily and said, "the rougamo in wax sauce is really delicious!"

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