"Severe gastric ulcer, bleeding point has appeared, there is a tendency to gastric cancer." In the kitchen, McGonagall took a surprise look at Hadro.

This young man, who seems to be only in his early 30s, should have such a serious stomach disease. If he is not treated properly, it will be a tragedy in a short time.

McGonagall sighed in his heart, young people still have to keep healthy, otherwise their health is not as good as some centenarians.


"All right, what would you like for madam and cute?" Abelmia asked, smiling at Doris and Cathy.

"I'll have a set meal of fried dough sticks and soybean milk, too." Doris said with an elegant smile, and then put the menu in the direction of Kathy. "Kathy, you can order what you want."

"I want an ice cream." Casey said without thinking.

Mia shook her head slightly and said, "ice cream is ice-cream. It's not legal to eat it when you get up. It will hurt your stomach. If you want to eat, you can eat something else first and then pad your stomach."

"Hurt the stomach!" Feeling his nerves stirred, he looked at Kathy and said, "Kathy, let's have something else first."

"Then... I'll be like my father and mother." Kathy thought about it, then added, "and a strawberry ice cream!"

"All right." Mia nodded and asked, "soymilk has sweet and salty flavors. I don't know what flavor you choose?"

"Sweet and salty?" There was a hint of speculation in hadrow.

"Sweet bean curd is king, so sweet soybean milk must be super delicious, right?"

"Salty bean curd is the orthodoxy! I choose salted soybean milk

The guests nearby have been arguing about the taste of soybean milk. Although they have lowered their voices, they are not giving up.

"I'll have a sweet soybean milk with less sugar." Hadro said, looking at Doris again. "Do you want salt?"

"Yes, I'd like a salty soy milk." Doris nodded with a smile in her eyes. Although she hadn't eaten together for a long time, Hadro still remembered her preference.

"I'll have the sweet one with the super polysaccharide." Casey's got her hands up.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abelmia nodded slightly and looked again at Harrison, who was at the table with the hadrow family.

"Miss mia, is there no restriction on the purchase of soybean milk?" Before Yabei Miya spoke, Harrison was the first to look at the soya bean milk on the menu. It looked like tofu brain.

"Yes, there is no restriction on the purchase of soybean milk. You can order as many as you want."

"OK, I'll have two sets of fried dough sticks and soybean milk, one sweet, one salty and one sweet bean curd. Although I'm a sweet bean curd party, I still have to be brave to try." Harrison said with a smile.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abelmia smiles and turns away.

Hadrow looked around quietly. As a salesman, he had to socialize. He knew something about the restaurants in Aden square. He didn't expect that there was such a unique one.

Elves and demons come together to a table, and goblins and dwarfs can also sit peacefully, which is not seen in other places.

"I came to line up early in the morning just for breakfast? These people are really idle. " Hadro thought to himself that he had already held an early meeting in the company at this point.

"Your soybean milk fried dough sticks set meal." Not long after that, abelmia put the soybean milk and fried dough sticks of their family in front of them.

"Is this soybean milk fried dough sticks?" Hadro looked at the two golden and oily things on the plate in front of him. A crisp smell came to his face. Although he looked a little oily, he didn't feel too greasy.

The steaming rice white soup in the white porcelain bowl next to it should be the so-called soybean milk. It looks similar to rice soup, with a hint of bean flavor, which is not surprising.

"A set meal of 300 copper coins doesn't look good either." Hadrow thought to himself that there was no noodle shop next door where he could eat a bowl of ox head noodles with thirty copper coins.

"Wow, fat, this fried dough sticks looks so cute." Cathy had already reached out and grabbed a stick of dough sticks, put it in front of her eyes, then opened her mouth and bit it.


A crisp voice came out.

Kathy's eyes suddenly brightened, and she was chewing. The more she chewed, the more fragrant she was. Her face showed a happy expression.

"The fried dough sticks are crispy. It's delicious." One swallow, Kathy said with a surprised face, and then quickly took a big bite of fried dough sticks, which was much better than the bread she ate every morning.

"Eat slowly." Doris said with a smile. He picked up the spoon.

In front of this salty soya bean milk and sweet soya bean milk, it seems to add some sauce. There are some green scallions floating on it. Stir it gently with a spoon, and there are some laver and shrimp inside.

The smell of salty fragrance curls a bean fragrance, accompanied by hot air, which makes her eyes bright. She scoops up a spoonful of soybean milk and feeds it to her mouth gracefully.

Soy sauce flavor, salty flavor and shrimp flavor are perfectly integrated by soybean milk, and then bloom in the mouth at the same time.

All of a sudden will not have much appetite in the morning to mobilize the taste buds.

Bean flavor is so rich, salty just right, along the throat row down, warm soymilk into a warm current, has been flowing to the stomach, warm, feel the whole person is warm to.

"Incredible taste." Doris couldn't help admiring. He looked up at Hadro and urged, "try it, too."

"It's so delicious?" Hardrow, a little incredulous, picked up a spoon and scooped out a spoonful of soybean milk. The heat rose, put it to his mouth, blew it, and then fed it to his mouth.

The warm soybean milk is just like the rain after a long drought, moistening the dry lips. The slightly sour mouth is soaked, and the sweet bean fragrance begins to send out, washing the sour.

Tired taste buds, like grass moistened by spring rain, begin to wake up gradually.

The sweet taste is not sweet and greasy, and the bean fragrance is refreshing and pleasant.

The warm soya bean milk slowly glides down the throat. Last night's hangover and vomiting caused a dry sore throat, which seemed to be gently soothed and moistened by a gentle hand. The feeling of dry pain magically disappeared.

Warm slide into the stomach, the sour feeling of all expelled.

The warm feeling roams in the stomach, the stomach discomfort actually obviously reduced many.

"What a wonderful feeling!"

With a mouthful of soymilk, hadrow felt that the whole person had penetrated a lot, as if he had come to life all at once.

He couldn't help but scoop another spoonful of soymilk into his mouth. He closed his eyes and felt the wonderful feeling of being moistened. Then he opened his eyes and took a bite with chopsticks.

"How fragrant

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